Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2584 These little tricks

For a moment, everything inside and outside the office was filled with smoke, and the pungent smell made it difficult to open one's eyes!

Chen Xin'an rushed out with everyone. No one could be seen in the corridor, and there was yellow smoke everywhere.

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Aqi and I will open the way together, and Aman will be in the rear. Lao Xiao and Ge Ge, protect our Mr. Murakami, and charge at me!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

Takeo Murakami's face was full of panic and he murmured: "It's over, we can't get out!

The ghost ninja group is the most terrifying killer in Japan!

Once they take action, we will definitely die!

Generally speaking, as long as Yamasuke Kazuo's life is not in danger, the Oni Ninja Team will not be dispatched.

You haven't seen him yet, why did he send the ghost ninja group?

There is only one possibility, the temple is starting to kill you!

I have been dragged down by you! "

Before he finished speaking, a big mouth slapped him hard on the face!

Xiao Zhang cursed impatiently: "Stop chirping and shouting here! Are you really reporting points to the enemy?

If you don’t want to leave, I’ll leave you here right now. Carrying you around is a burden anyway! "

Takeo Murakami immediately shut his mouth. There was only one outcome for leaving him here alone, death!

It may be more dangerous to follow Chen Xin'an and the others, but at least there is some hope, which is much better than staying here alone and waiting to die in confusion.

For Takeo Murakami, there was no need to be so worried about dealing with Kazuo Yamasuke.

He just wanted the position of president, and it didn't matter whether he wanted Yamasuke Kazuo's life or not.

So no matter what method he uses, he will not provoke the ghost ninja team to dispatch.

Unexpectedly, even before Yamasuke Kazuo showed up, Chen Xinan and his gang had already recruited the Ghost Ninja Team!

The ghost ninja group kills people, and the whole process is filled with smoke.

A group of people wearing masks with ghost faces are like evil spirits in the smoke, and they will kill people if they attack.

When the smoke dissipated, leaving corpses on the ground, the ghost ninja group successfully retreated, disappearing without a trace as the smoke disappeared.

Therefore, no one knows how many people there are in the ghost ninja group, and no one knows what their weapons are.

Everyone who saw this died.

But today's situation is a bit strange. The smoke has been spreading for so long. Why hasn't the assassination of the ghost ninja group come yet?

Could it be that I had guessed wrong and it was not the ghost ninja group that came?

At this moment, the person in front let out a loud shout, Chen Xin'an's people had already fought with the enemy!

Li Qi held the sword in his right hand, holding the handle backwards and holding the blade against his forearm, blocking it in front of him.

The figure in front of me was shaking, but it was difficult to see clearly in the smoke.

"Left!" Chen Xin'an's voice came.

At the same time, Li Qi turned around to lay down the cloth, and with the power of turning his body, he stabbed back with the sword in his hand!


The blade of the knife pierced the opponent's chest, and the long knife in the man's hand passed through Li Qi's waist.

The man screamed and fell to the ground limply.

At this moment, Li Qi's body was hit, and a knife grazed his chest and cut his clothes.

But before the sneak attack could hide again, a hand grabbed the back of the neck.

Without thinking, he turned the long knife upside down and stabbed hard behind him.

But the tip of the knife was less than two centimeters away from the opponent's chest, and he heard a crisp click from the back of his neck.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was surrounded by severe pain and numbness, his vision also turned black, and his whole body went as soft as noodles!

Chen Xin'an dragged the body in his hand forward. When he saw the figure shaking, he threw the body over with a strong right hand!

The people in the smoke had no idea what was coming towards them, except that they might have seen a black shadow.

Several people drew their knives at the same time and stabbed into the black shadow's body.

It's just that the other party didn't stop even though he had been hit by the knife. He still rushed towards the blade and hit them.

Following an embarrassing falling sound, several people finally discovered that the person who knocked them down could actually be the body of their companion!

Then two people appeared in front of them, and before these ghost ninjas could react, the opponent's knife pierced their hearts or throats!

"Retreat!" An order came, and the remaining ghost ninja breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to leave.

This battle was short of time, but for the invincible ghost ninja, it was a pretty useless fight.

When he came up, he was going to use smoke to pave the way. Unexpectedly, the opponent counterattacked and threw a few poison bottles!

The smell inside is simply worse than pouring durian water into a manure pit!

There was a ghost ninja brother who was fainted by the smell before anyone could see him!

The key is that the smell lasts very long. The smoke has almost dissipated, but the smell has not yet dissipated.

Who can bear this?

The ghost ninja team has been deployed so many times, but they have never encountered such an opponent.

Those smells stick to the body, like leaving a mark on the body.

As soon as you get close to the target, you will be quickly noticed by the opponent!

The ghost ninja group's assassination relies on their elusiveness, making the enemy confused about their true location.

Now that someone has smelled him from a distance and there is no way to become invisible, how can he still fight?

All the skills of these ghost ninja killers can be brought into full play when they are invisible through smoke.

Once this barrier is lost, their level is just that of ordinary warriors, and they can deal with some opponents of average strength.

Facing masters like Chen Xin'an and Li Qi who are better at disguise and concealment than them, they are simply throwing themselves into a dead end!

Therefore, the Oni Ninja King immediately ordered a retreat. Anyway, once the Oni Ninja team is dispatched, they will fight the enemy to the death.

This wave of battles has been lost. There will still be opportunities in the future. Slowly waste them with them. As long as they don't leave Yingjing Tower, there will be a lot of opportunities!

As his ears gradually became quieter, and the yellow smoke that filled the entire corridor slowly dissipated, Takeo Murakami breathed a long sigh of relief and sat down on the ground!

"Chen Xin'an, I'm convinced by you!" Takeo Murakami ignored the sweat on his forehead and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Being able to survive the assassination of the Oni Ninja Group, just because of this, you can walk away in the Great Japan!"

Li Qi snorted coldly, walked to the corpse of a ghost ninja, and took off the ghost face mask on his face, revealing an ordinary face.

"What a bullshit ghost ninja group, they just rely on smoke and some otherworldly deceptions to hide the opponent's perception, so as to achieve the purpose of assassination.

This kind of shameful little trick is not worth mentioning in front of a real master! "

Takeo Murakami smiled. His strength was here, and the body of the ghost ninja killer was also here. He couldn't help but not believe it.


Chen Xin'an kicked open a door next to her and asked Murakami Takeo, "Is this the office of Yamasuke Kazuo?"

"Yes, it's right here!" Takeo Murakami nodded vigorously and said, "He doesn't actually sit here very often.

His favorite place to stay is the Zen room of the temple, and he only comes here a few times throughout the year! "

Chen Xin'an patted his pocket and asked him, "In that case, where did you get this account book?"

Takeo Murakami pointed to the wall behind the desk and said: "Although he rarely stays here, he has locked many valuable items in that safe!

He installed surveillance cameras for all the senior executives of the company, but I also installed a few for him.

The USB flash drive containing the ledger is placed in the safe inside the cupboard, and I also know the password.

I really don’t know how these guys can stay together and work together every day if they are so infighting!

It is difficult to guard against domestic thieves day and night. If people who plot against each other become colleagues, no matter how big the company is, the final result will be bad!

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