Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2585: Indestructible Metal Box

This is the office of the president of the largest society in Daying.

Even Chen Xin'an had to admit that it was really luxurious.

The carpet is very thick and soft, and is embroidered with all the gods of Japan.

Since the gods are being used as a carpet under their feet, I wonder if the gods will kill this turtle grandson with a thunderbolt if they find out!

"Come on, Lao Chen, come and sit! This sofa is so comfortable!" Luo Xiaoman sat on the sofa, straightening his body and shaking a few times.

Takeo Murakami on the side said with a face full of jealousy: "This is designed by the world's most famous sofa design master, Mr. Decela himself.

From the selection of materials to the styling, everything is done by him himself.

Not to mention the Sakura Club, even the whole of Da Ying is the same.

This set of sofas was airlifted back from the Eagle Flag Country by chartered flight, and each one is worth more than one million!

But this old bastard only uses this sofa to play with women!

Even if I come over, I can only sit on a chair, not on the sofa! "

Chen Xin'an came over and held his shoulders, pushed him down on the sofa, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Murakami, as long as you are obedient, you can sit on this sofa as long as you want, because it belongs to you!"

A greedy look appeared on Murakami Takeo's face, and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I will definitely obey your orders!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked him, "You should have the right to open all the door controls in this headquarters, right?"

Takeo Murakami's expression changed and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, what do you want to do?

I advise you not to do that, otherwise, even if Sakura Club falls into my hands, it will have no value! "

Opening all door locks is equivalent to completely opening Sakura Club to the outside world.

By then the guards will be useless.

But Sakura Club is the largest black club in Japan after all, and there will definitely be a lot of underground business.

At that time, he will be forcibly carried from the dark place to the open place!

Neither the media nor the Japanese society will let Sakura Club go.

When the time comes, it will be seized and confiscated, and the entire Sakura Club will be dismantled and cannibalized.

Even if Takeo Murakami steps up to take over Sakura Club, all that will be left to him is just a shell!

"Open it if you are told. There is so much nonsense!" Luo Xiaoman stared at Murakami and stood up.

Takeo Murakami's face turned pale, he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

That's right, you can obviously do it hard, why do you still pretend to discuss it with me?

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Takeo Murakami and asked: "Mr. Murakami, do you want to accept the Sakura Club to turn white or continue to be black?"

Takeo Murakami was stunned, looked into Chen Xin'an's eyes, and said honestly:

“In today’s environment, if you want to rely on the protection of black clothing to do business, you are out of step with the times!

Under environmental restrictions, the living space of associations is getting smaller and smaller.

In addition, now that living conditions are better, no one wants to come out and hang out.

Those who come out to hang out are only focused on making money, not fighting and killing for the sake of brotherly loyalty.

So I have never objected to Kazuo Yamasuke's whitewashing, I just hate his face of clearing himself while supporting the strength of the underworld.

By doing this, it seems that both sides are not offended, and it takes both right and wrong, but he is just using others as his stepping stones.

Sooner or later, there will be backlash from others, and when the time comes, it will still be Sakura Club who suffers the loss!

Chen Xin'an looked directly at Tsukio Murakami. She really didn't expect that this guy had such a clear mind.

He looked at Takeo Murakami and said with a smile: "In that case, why do you keep Yamasuke Kazuo's family fortune to lay the foundation for your own trouble?"

Tsukio Murakami's heart moved.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and continued: "If you want to bring down Kazuo Yamasuke, you must do one thing and kill him while he is sick!

Since the Oni Ninja Team is here, it means that Yamasuke Kazuo is back!

What is the purpose of his return?

It's just to cover up the evidence of one's own crimes and smooth over some things that are about to be exposed.

If he has done these things, unless we kill him with our own hands, the centipede will remain dead.

No matter how big his losses are, he can still make a comeback.

Only by nailing him to death and preventing him from turning over can you completely defeat him and take his place.

Besides, when you come to power and use Yamasuke Kazuo's family background, why are you talking about clearing your name?

For the rest of your life, you can only live in the shadow of Yamasuke Kazuo! "

Takeo Murakami gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "The access control switch of the entire building is on Yamasuke Kazuo's desk.

It's better to have a key. I can't open it without the key. "

Li Qi walked behind the desk and opened the drawers one by one. But when he reached the first drawer on the side, it was not opened. It seemed to be locked.

This should be the location of the access switch.

Chen Xin'an looked at the code disk outside and shook her head. It would be great if Du Yunyan was here. Cracking this kind of thing would be easy for her, right?

Li Qi grabbed the handle and pulled it out hard, trying to force the lock to open.

But with a snap, the handle was pulled out, but the drawer didn't move at all!

"Get out of the way, look at me!" Luo Xiaoman came over, asked Li Qi to get out of the way, and punched the drawer.

With a click, the solid wood on the outside of the drawer was cracked, revealing the metal compartment inside.

Luo Xiaoman punched the metal box again, and there was a bang. The metal box didn't move, not even a punch mark was left.

Takeo Murakami on the side said: "It's useless! This is made of titanium steel, which is the same material as the safe.

Even if you blow it up with dynamite, it may not explode! "

Luo Xiaoman clasped his hands behind his back, looked gloomy, and said with a snort: "I really don't believe in this evil!"

"Okay, don't believe it! Just scream out if it hurts. Why are you pretending to be in front of us!" Chen Xin'an glared at him angrily.

Luo Xiaoman immediately took out his hand, shook it several times, and cursed with pain on his face:

"Old Chen, do you think that old bastard Yamasuke Kazuo is sick?

Isn't it just a button to control the access control?

Did he use it to make it so strong? "

Chen Xin'an frowned. He was also a little surprised. Is Yamasuke Kazuo a little redundant?

A drawer was directly replaced with a titanium steel compartment, and an access control switch was installed inside. Could there be something good hidden inside?

Waving his hand to let Luo Xiaoman go away, he squatted down and looked at the metal box in front of him.

Luo Xiaoman on the side said to him: "Don't bother, Old Chen, it's impossible to force it open by force.

If not, just use tools? "

"What tools do you have?" Chen Xin'an glared at him.

Luo Xiaoman pointed out the window and said, "We don't have it, but there should be one up there!"

In the past two days, the Yingjing Tower caught fire and exploded again, making headlines several times.

Officials have promised to repair it as soon as possible, and even brought in a thirty-story ladder truck and parked it outside the Yingjing Tower.

Chen Xin'an looked at him as if he were a fool, shook his head and cursed: "Let's not talk about whether there are tools over there.

You are at least eight meters away from the cockpit, and there are ten floors in between. How can you ask for tools from others?

Do you want someone to send it to you, or do you go and get it yourself? "

Luo Xiao blushed and said helplessly to Chen Xin'an: "What should we do? Give up?"

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, turned around, and slapped the corner of the table from bottom to top!

There was a bang, which startled everyone.

Chen Xin'an ignored everyone's reaction, walked to the other corner of the table, and slapped it hard in the same way!

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