Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2586 Demon Ninja Plan

Seeing Chen Xin'an taking pictures of all four corners of the solid wood desk, Luo Xiaoman finally understood what he was going to do!

Seeing that the entire tabletop of the desk was tilted up, Luo Xiaoman gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up, and then pushed it upward.

Chen Xin'an nodded and shouted to him: "Three, two, one!"

The two of them stood on both sides of the desk, kicked out their right feet at the same time, and kicked the table of the desk!

The solid wood tabletop, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, was kicked upwards by the two of them, and the nails and wedges became useless.

"This table costs more than 30,000 yuan..." Takeo Murakami covered his heart in distress.

He is also planning to sit behind this desk and give orders after becoming the president!

When he saw Luo Xiaoman looking at him with raised eyebrows, he shivered in fright. He gave a thumbs up and said, "You can dismantle such a heavy desk. What a strong foot!"

Chen Xin'an ignored it, just walked forward and looked in the direction of the drawer.

Sure enough, it was just as he suspected.

This drawer is made of metal on three sides, and only the top is open.

I originally thought that the desktop was the best protection, but I didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would directly dismantle the desktop.

It's just that this controller seems a bit complicated, with a lot of buttons on it, which is a bit strange.

Isn't it just a door switch?

Why is the design so complicated?

"Mr. Murakami, come and see which one is the access control switch!" Chen Xin'an waved to Murakami Takeo to come over.

Takeo Murakami walked to Chen Xin'an and looked at

At first, his expression was a little curious, but as he watched, his expression gradually darkened and became more and more solemn.

"This bastard is simply crazy!

How could he do this?

How can he decide our life or death!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I might not even know when I lost my life!

This bastard is simply a devil! "

Luo Xiaoman scolded impatiently: "Stop being so nagging here and quickly tell me if this is the access control switch?"

"Yes and no!" Takeo Murakami said with a dark face.

Seeing Luo Xiaoman's serious face as if he was about to beat someone up, he quickly explained: "This is not just an access switch, it is also a switch that controls the life and death of the entire society.

The buttons on this are not only for unlocking doors, but also for controlling windows and security doors.

Look at these, once I press them all, the rooms here will be closed, the windows will be sealed, and everyone will be trapped in the office or corridor.

These buttons release poisonous gas or anesthetic gas.

If Yamasuke Kazuo wants everyone to die, all he has to do is press these buttons!

At that time, this place will become a huge coffin, and no one inside can escape!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

No wonder Yamasuke Kazuo paid so much attention to an access switch and built a metal box to protect it.

It turns out that this is not only an access control switch, but also a life switch for everyone in Sakura Club!

Why did Yamasuke Kazuo do this?

How insane does he have to be to have the entire society buried with him?

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, isn't this just right? Let's press these buttons and let the people of Sakura Club die!"

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "This is a setup to die together. Do you want your brothers to die here with you?"

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Murakami Takeo: "Do you know which switch is the access control?"

Takeo Murakami looked at the buttons on the controller, pointed at one of the red buttons and said, "That's it, that's right!"

"Okay, open it!" Chen Xin'an said to him: "Aqi, after the access control is opened, destroy the circuit of this controller and cause the entire controller to malfunction!"

"Got it!" Li Dian nodded.

Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, where are we going now?"

Chen Xin'an looked out the window and said in a deep voice: "Go up to the observation deck!"

Under the Yingjing Tower, a group of tourists and reporters were blocked outside the door. They were noisy and about to start a fight!

"Today is the Brazier Festival, why aren't we allowed to climb the tower? We paid for the tickets!"

"I just called and asked that the Yingjing Tower is open today. Who are you and why don't you let us go up?"

"I am a reporter from the Yingjing Times. What happened above? Can you reveal some information? Who were the people taken away by the ambulance just now?"

The guard captain was so annoyed that he almost exploded. He drew out his stick, pointed at everyone and cursed: "Get out of here!

I told you, no one can climb the tower today!

It doesn’t matter who I am, if I say you can’t go, you can’t go, even if the police come, it’s useless! "

At this moment, the iron gate behind him suddenly rose upwards, and all the gates were opened!

The guard captain's eyes widened, and the surrounding guards also looked at him in surprise.

Just now he said that no one was allowed to enter, but then the senior management above opened the access control.

How is this going?

Someone suddenly shouted: "The door is open, we can climb the tower!"

With a burst of cheers, a large number of tourists and reporters poured into the Yingjing Tower.

The guards wanted to stop them, but it was too late, so they had to hide aside and watch the people go up.

At the observation deck one hundred and fifty meters away, Kazuo Yamasuke, dressed in white, looked gloomy and said to the people beside him:

"Go down and guard the laboratory for me. Anyone who comes close will be killed without mercy!"

A man wearing a grimace mask nodded, turned and left.

Yamasuke Kazuo was still angry and threw the Buddhist beads bracelet in his hand to the ground!

“Twenty years of painstaking efforts and nearly three years of transformation and cleansing were all destroyed in one go just because the door was opened this time!

Chen Xin'an, if I don't kill you, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart! "

There are too many shady things in the Sakura Club headquarters. Once exposed, the Sakura Club will be catastrophic!

What's more, the USB flash drive that resembled an account book was also obtained by Chen Xin'an.

This is what Yamasuke Kazuo cares about most.

There are transaction records between him and some big figures in Da Ying officialdom.

So Yamasuke Kazuo personally returned to Yingjing Tower just to get back the USB flash drive.

It's just that he won't be stupid enough to go to the tenth floor to challenge Chen Xin'an.

He knew very well that even ten Yamasuke Kazuo could not defeat one Chen Xin'an!

The purpose of coming here is to lure Chen Xin'an here and use the ghost ninja team to kill him!

That good-for-nothing Kurayama Shinobi was useless, his body was still hanging on the top of the tower.

But the Oni Ninja Team is different. When they work for Yamasuke Kazuo, they never fail!

In a battle with Chen Xin'an just now, the ghost ninja team did not fully perform and suffered a small loss.

But the Ghost Ninja King said that if he fights Chen Xin'an and his gang in the environment here at the observation tower, the other party will definitely die!

But I never expected that Chen Xin'an would use such a trick to open the door!

In order to prevent some things from being exposed, Yamasuke Kazuo had to make new plans and ask the ghost ninja group to go down and protect some places to prevent outsiders from intruding.

The most important thing is that the laboratory cannot be exposed!

Tsukio Murakami saw the button on the console and thought that Kazuo Yamasuke was crazy and wanted to perish with the entire Sakura Club.

In fact, that is not a button for the entire Sakura Club headquarters, but for the laboratory!

Sakura Club has been committed to the research and development of ninja genes since ten years ago, hoping to mass-produce a group of ninja soldiers with powerful combat capabilities.

This project is called the Demon Ninja Project!

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