Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2587 I have been waiting for this opportunity for eight years

Even Takeo Murakami doesn't know that the biggest secret on the tenth floor is not in the president's office, but in the last door of the bathroom!

Many staff on the tenth floor were wondering why the last toilet in the men's public restroom was always broken but never repaired.

Only Yamasuke Kazuo and a few confidants knew that that was the entrance to the laboratory.

He would only go in and take a look after everyone got off work.

This place is highly confidential. Once it is exposed, not only Yamasuke Kazuo will not be able to bear it, but also many high-level officials in Japan will be implicated!

Once the access control is opened, the disguise of the toilet will be completely lost.

What blocks the laboratory is just a simple isolation door.

It's possible to trap ordinary people, but it's impossible to stop those half-finished lunatics in the laboratory!

So in desperation, Yamasuke Kazuo didn't care about anything else and asked the ghost ninja team to protect the laboratory first.

Beside him were a man and a woman.

The man was wearing a suit and a pair of sunglasses on his face. His exposed skin was covered with tattoos.

Yamasuke Kazuo said to the man: "Takashi, don't get excited after Chen Xin'an comes up later.

I will use myself as bait to attract Chen Xin'an to be surrounded by the ghost ninja group.

As long as the encirclement is closed, Chen Xin'an will definitely die!

I, my brother, can avenge your father, Yamasuke Kotaro.

do you understand? "

The man raised his head, looked at Yamasuke Kazuo and said, "Uncle, I have only one request: cut off Chen Xin'an's head with my own hands!"

Yamasuke Kazuo nodded and said to him: "Okay, I will satisfy you!"

He turned around, walked to the fence, and looked at Yingjing City in the distance.

Then he lowered his head and said, "It's the Brazier Festival! Hanako, where did Haruko go?"

The woman lowered her head and said respectfully: "Miss Haruko was chosen to be the Goddess of Fire and went to participate in the sacrifice!"

Yamasuke Kazuo smiled this time, nodded and said, "I know she can do it.

When the people from the ghost ninja group come back, you can go to Haruko's side. I don't need so many people here! "

Hanako shook his head and said: "Miss Haruko asked me to follow Mr. Yamasuke to protect your safety!"

"This girl just likes to act nervous!" Kazuo Yamasuke shook his head with a look of love on his face and said:

"With so many people around me, it's enough to deal with one Chen Xin'an! Why do we need so many people!"

Yamasuke Takashi gently pulled the arm of the woman next to him with his hand, and said with a smile: "Actually, Ms. Hanako just wants to stay with me for a while, right?"

Hanako's face was expressionless, but her eyes were full of disgust. She shook her arms fiercely and took a step to the side.

However, Yamasuke Takashi laughed, turned around, walked to her side, and said with a smile:

"Stop pretending! I know you have been deliberately approaching me, don't you just want me to fall in love with you?

There is no future in being a bodyguard. Only by using your own conditions to make young men like us like you and favor you can you change your destiny!

I know what you mean, and you should know what I want.

Wouldn't it be best if we each get what we need? "

He burst out laughing, stretched out his hand and pinched Hanako's cheek.

Hanako hid aside again and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yamasuke Takashi, please respect yourself! The big boss is here..."

"So you're just shy to let the big boss look at you!" Yamasuke Takashi laughed loudly, and stretched his arms wildly to hug Hanako,

“Don’t worry, my uncle won’t object.

Isn't this exactly what you want?

I can tell Haruko tomorrow and ask her to terminate the contract with you, and you will be with me from now on! "

Yamasuke Kazuo by the fence just looked back and said to Hanako calmly:

"Hanako, Takashi just wants to play with you.

You've been with Haruko for so many years, didn't she tell you?

This is how the women of our Shansuke family are. Men can play with whomever they want, and play with them however they want.

Just get used to it, Takashi won't treat you badly, and neither will I! "

After hearing what Yamasuke Kazuo said, Yamasuke Takashi laughed evilly and opened his arms to hug Hanako.

I originally thought that the big boss would be fair, but I didn't expect this to be the result.

Hanako had a dull look on her face, as if she had resigned herself to her fate, and closed her eyes.

Yamasuke Takashi grinned, put his arm around Hanako's shoulders, and put one hand through the placket of her kimono.

It's not like he really fell in love with Hanako.

This woman does have the charm of a mature woman, and she is not ugly either.

But he, Yamasuke Takashi, only plays with star-level women, and he generally doesn't like such things.

It’s just that the enemy who killed my father is here

Idleness is idleness, it's better to take advantage and vent this evil fire!

He didn't have to worry about his uncle stopping him at all. After all, this kind of thing was so common to the men of the Shansuke family that it wasn't even a big deal!

At this moment, Hanako suddenly raised her hand, and with lightning speed, a one-foot-long dagger pierced Yamasuke Takashi's chin three times in a row!

The blade of the sword pierced Yamasuke Takashi's chin and stabbed into his head. Before Yamasuke Takashi could react, a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth and nose!

He looked at Hanako in disbelief, pointed at him, and before saying anything, his legs went weak and he collapsed on the ground.

Hanako looked at him with disgust and wiped the blood stains on his dagger on his shoulder.

Yamasuke Kazuo was stunned, pointed at Hanako and yelled: "Hanako, what are you doing! Are you crazy? Do you know that he is my only nephew! He is also the only male in the Yamasuke family!"

Hanako raised his head, looked at Yamasuke Kazuo and said: "I am not called Hanako, my real name is Yan Chunhua!

My father's name is Yan Kaishun, and my brother's name is Yan Chunqiao! "

"Yan Kaishun, Yan Chunqiao?" Yamasuke Kazuo frowned and recited these two names silently, gritted his teeth and said:

"I don't know you! No matter what your identity is, if you dare to kill my nephew, you are seeking death!"

With a sharp shout, Yamasuke Kazuo pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Yan Chunhua!

But before he could shoot, Yan Chunhua threw the dagger over and stabbed him in the shoulder with a thud!

Yamasuke Kazuo screamed and took two steps back.

He immediately gritted his teeth and handed the pistol to his left hand.

Before he could raise the muzzle of the gun, Yan Chunhua had already rushed over, and with a snap, pierced a steel needle into Kazuo Yamasuke's neck!

Yamasuke Kazuo's left hand dropped and his pistol hung on the ground. His eyes looking at Yan Chunhua were full of fear.

Yan Chunhua looked at him coldly and said

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