Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2588 Your brother is not actually dead

It is not easy to kill Yamasuke Kazuo.

You don't have a chance just by lurking next to him.

There are a large number of society killers around him protecting him day and night, and this is just the beginning.

In the darkness, there is a team of ghost ninjas trained by the temple.

If you want to kill Yamasuke Kazuo and hide it from the club killer, but before you get close to Yamasuke Kazuo, you will be secretly killed by the ghost ninja group!

But now, Chen Xin'an and his gang have attracted all the protective forces around Yamasuke Kazuo.

Yamasuke Kazuo wants to prevent Chen Xin'an from taking away the USB flash drive and protect the laboratory from being discovered.

So beside him now, besides this nephew, he is Yan Chunhua, who has just been seconded from his daughter!

This opportunity can be said to be once in a lifetime!

Yan Chunhua first eliminated Yamasuke Takashi, and then stabbed Yamasuke Kazuo with a dagger!

The moment the dagger pierced Shansuke Kazuo's heart, the opponent hit Yan Chunhua's wrist with a palm!

Let the tip of the knife draw a bloody mark on his chest, and then punch Yan Chunhua in the chest!

Yamasuke Kazuo is a karate master, and Yan Chunhua knows that.

Otherwise, he would not be qualified to go to the martial arts exchange competition that year.

So Yan Chunhua is not surprised that she is now counterattacking!

She turned sideways to avoid Yamasuke Kazuo's punch, then swiped her left foot and hit Yamasuke Kazuo hard on the back!

Yamasuke Kazuo took two staggering steps forward, turned around, and put his hands into position to block Yan Chunhua from facing her.


Yamasuke Kazuo's back hit the fence and there was no way out.

Seeing Yan Chunhua kicking in the air again, Yamasuke Kazuo couldn't avoid it, gritted his teeth and shrugged upwards!

But Yan Chunhua made a false move, tapped his shoulder with her toes, rolled her body in the air, and with a thud, she stabbed the dagger into Kazuo Yamasuke's right shoulder!

"Ah!" Kazuo Yamasuke let out a shrill scream.

After all, he is old, and his body is not as flexible or strong as that of young people.

This is why boxing is afraid of young people.

In addition, over the years, he has been pampered, increasingly afraid of death, relying more and more on the protection of others, and neglecting his own kung fu training.

This also resulted in his combat prowess being simply inferior to Yan Chunhua!

Yamasuke Kazuo staggered back with his hands on his shoulders.

Yan Chunhua pressed forward step by step, looking at him coldly.

Suddenly, Yan Chunhua quickened her pace and hit Kazuo Yamasuke on the head with a heavy punch.

Yamasuke Kazuo hurriedly shook his head and raised his left arm to protect his head.

Unexpectedly, this was another feint from Yan Chunhua. She pressed down her right fist, grabbed the dagger inserted into Kazuo Yamasuke's shoulder, and pulled it out with a thud!

A pool of blood spurted out from Yamasuke Kazuo's shoulder, and he screamed again in pain.

Seeing Yan Chunhua rushing over with a dagger, Yamasuke Kazuo shouted: "I remember, Yan Kaishun, Yan Chunqiao, I remember them!"

Yan Chunhua's offensive slowed down, she gritted her teeth and looked at Yamasuke Kazuo and cursed: "Do you think of them now?

Did you kill them yourself?

You bastard! "

Yamasuke Kazuo said with a helpless look: "I am also forced to be helpless!

At that time, as the defeated party, morale was low.

If we lose again in the competition, the whole country will be in chaos!

And that was an official order, how could I disobey it?

The poisonous needles are all provided by the government and have nothing to do with me! "

"You fart!" Yan Chunhua glared at Yamasuke Kazuo with red eyes and cursed:

“This poison is a chemical developed by Sakura Club’s factory, and it’s what I’m giving you!

But I didn't expect that you would take the antidote in advance!

How do you know I want to kill you? "

The poisonous needle was clearly inserted into his neck, but at first it was effective, and now it seems to be fine. This is the strangest thing about Yan Chunhua.

Yamasuke Kazuo gasped and said: "I didn't use the antidote, but my body already had anti-toxicity.

I've been injected with drugs developed in a laboratory! "

"You lunatic!" Yan Chunhua looked at Yamasuke Kazuo in disbelief.

Even Yamasuke Kazuo's daughter, Yamasuke Haruko, didn't know much about the laboratory, so Yan Chunhua also knew only a limited amount.

All she knew was that it seemed to be a place where some genotype drugs were produced.

It’s just that after so many years, I haven’t heard of a bottle of medicine being produced.

Even without a proven product, Yamasuke Kazuo dared to inject this kind of drug. What is he other than a lunatic?

Kazuo Yamasuke covered the wound with his hand and said pitifully: "I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer six years ago.

He is already about to die, so how can he care about that! "

Yan Chunhua clenched her dagger and gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, since you have admitted what happened back then, then you will admit that you are the murderer of my father and my brother!

Yamasuke Kazuo, you bastard!

If you die in my hands today, it will be your retribution. Come and accept your fate! "

With a sharp shout, Yan Chunhua rushed forward again with her dagger in hand, aimed at Kazuo Yamasuke's heart and stabbed him!

Yamasuke Kazuo hid in a hurry and kept saying: "Stop first, I told you that I was forced to do nothing!

Wait a minute, your brother is not dead! "

Seeing that the opponent's dagger was about to pierce his heart, Yamasuke Kazuo hurriedly shouted.

The tip of the sword hovered less than half an inch from his heart. Yan Chunhua's eyes widened, she looked at him without blinking, and asked in a trembling voice: "What did you say?"

Yamasuke Kazuo looked at the tip of the sword that was emitting cold light, swallowed his saliva, and said with lingering fear: "Take this away first!"


Yan Chunhua sheathed her dagger, stared at Yamasuke Kazuo and said, "Tell me, what did you mean by that sentence just now? My brother is not dead yet? Is it true?"

Yamasuke Kazuo was panting heavily. The struggle just now was like running a marathon to him. He was so tired that he couldn't even breathe!

Yan Chunhua kicked Yamasuke Kazuo in the stomach and shouted sternly: "Speak quickly!"

Yamasuke Kazuo was kicked and rolled back twice like a ball, then he got up, turned around and ran away without saying a word!

I didn’t expect this guy to use this trick!

As soon as Yan Chunhua got angry, she started to chase him!

Once this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is missed, there will no longer be any hope of killing Yamasuke Kazuo!

Yamasuke Kazuo ran desperately towards the elevator entrance, with Yan Chunhua pressing behind him step by step.

Seeing that Yamasuke Kazuo had arrived at the elevator entrance and kept tapping the button, Yan Chunhua, who had already rushed forward, stabbed Yamasuke Kazuo in the back with a sword!

Yamasuke Kazuo fell to the ground in embarrassment, avoiding the sword.

Seeing Yan Chunhua chasing after her with another sword, he was so frightened that he immediately shouted: "That Yan Chunqiao was only seriously injured back then.

Later, I sent someone to take him to the hospital and saved his life! "

Yan Chunhua was stunned for a moment, then scolded with a sullen face: "You old liar, you want to lie to me again? Go to hell!"

She held a dagger, pointed it at Yamasuke Kazuo, and was about to stab him!

Yamasuke Kazuo said hurriedly: "Is your brother the young man with half of his left ear missing?"

Yan Chunhua's body froze, and then tears welled up!

When I was a child, I was naughty. I climbed a mountain with my brother and accidentally rolled down the mountain.

The mountain is not high, but it is full of thorns.

Her brother kept hugging her tightly and didn't let her get hurt at all.

But half of his ears were hung off by thorns, he bled a lot, and half of his body was stained red.

So now that Yamasuke Kazuo accurately mentioned this characteristic, Yan Chunhua knew that he was undoubtedly talking about his brother Yan Chunqiao!

But just when she wanted to ask clearly, the elevator door suddenly opened, and a group of Sakura Club killers rushed out!

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