Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2596 Don’t meet Chinese warriors in your next life

Seeing Xiao Zhang being held hostage, Luo Xiaoman stopped attacking.

He looked at the Ghost Ninja King, shook his head and said: "Let him go, fight me, don't let me look down on you!

I had a good impression of you just now. Your kung fu is not weak. I had a great time fighting with you.

This is the opponent I want to find. The warrior of Daying is indeed quite capable.

But what you are doing now has insulted the honor of being a warrior. Your opponent should be me, not him! "

The Ghost Ninja King sneered coldly, looked at Luo Xiaoman with contempt and said: "Don't educate me with your pedantic Confucian theories of Chinese warriors!

Only stupid people would pursue the so-called warrior way of fighting between gentlemen.

Kung Fu is a killing skill. As long as it can kill your enemy, anyone can become a weapon and tool for you to use against your enemy! "

Xiao Zhang grabbed the steel frame and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, ignore me, kill him!

There is no need to reason with the Ying people, they are not a reasonable nation at all! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at Xiao Zhang, and the two exchanged glances very quickly.

Turning his head, Luo Xiaoman looked at the Ghost Ninja King and said, "Listen, if my brother hurts a hair, I will make you die in an ugly way!"

The Ghost Ninja King thrust the half-cut knife forward, and the jagged cut pierced Xiao Zhang's skin, and blood flowed out.

He looked at Luo Xiaoman provocatively and turned his wrist to rotate the broken knife, widening the wound!

"Stop!" Luo Xiaoman was angry. He stared at the Ghost Ninja King with wide eyes. He turned his right hand, put the short knife into his waist, and said to the Ghost Ninja King:

"Tell me, how can I let him go? Or just arrest me, let him go, and I'll be your hostage!"

The Ghost Ninja King looked at him as if he were a fool. Is this guy sick?

Do you think I'm a bank robber trying to escape and negotiating with the police?

I'm going to take you as a hostage. How can I beat you and still hold you hostage?

Seeing that the Ghost Ninja King just sneered and remained unmoved, Luo Xiaoman understood that his clever plan was in vain.

He was not discouraged and said to the Ghost Ninja King: "Then since you don't want to exchange hostages, let's change one.

You let him go, I will stand here and let you go.

How about we just pretend we don’t know each other, pretend this incident never happened, and go our separate ways? "

The Ghost Ninja King scolded him impatiently: "Please respect my profession!

I am the Ghost Ninja King, not the Idiot King!

I came here to catch him, and you asked me to let him go? "

Luo Xiaoman also said with an angry face: "Why the hell are you arresting him? He's not as handsome as me and I can't beat him.

If you want to catch me, catch me!

I'm much more useful than him! "

The Ghost Ninja King sneered coldly and said to him: "I don't need to catch you, if I catch him, I will catch you all!

Now I order you to jump down!

If you don't jump, I'll kill him! "

"Okay, I'll jump!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, loosened his hands, and fell down!

The Ghost Ninja King was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to agree so readily.

And I just jumped without any hesitation!

Could it be that there is more than just friends between these two people?

That guy actually died for this person without hesitation. What is this if not true love?

The moment Luo Xiaoman's body fell, Xiao Zhang pulled out his sword and slashed the Ghost Ninja King's arm!

The Ghost Ninja King screamed, retracted the arm holding the knife, and gritted his teeth to stab him again, but Xiao Zhang took this opportunity to move to the side and avoid the opponent's knife!

At this moment, the Ghost Ninja King also realized that he had been fooled!

He saw that the guy who said to jump had loosened his hands, but his feet were still firmly hooked on the steel frame!

The fallen body just turned half a circle like a pendulum, and then turned into a head and feet.

Luo Xiaoman's hands were firmly supported on the steel frame, then he climbed down, turned over, and stood not far from him. With a shake of his left hand, he punched his waist!

The Ghost Ninja King spat out a mouthful of blood, and this punch broke at least two of his ribs!

He wanted to run, but it was difficult to move under the severe pain, and his movement was far less flexible than before.

He just moved a little, but the opponent caught up with him, and then kicked him in the armpit where his ribs were broken!

One wrong step, one wrong step!

He shouldn't believe that this guy would really jump!

How could there be such a stupid person in the world, someone who could make him jump off a building with just one word?

Then the moment of being stunned gave the hostages an opportunity to take advantage of.

I didn't expect that the hostage, who I thought was weak and incompetent at all, would be so fast once he took action!

He was injured before he could dodge.

This terrible opponent took this opportunity to entangle him and hit him hard as soon as he came up!

At this time, the Oni Ninja King realized how strong his opponent was. He was so lucky that he was not killed just now!

If the environment hadn't restricted the opponent's moves, he might have been killed instantly!

Such boxing strength and body skills can only be possessed by top masters who have mastered the legendary inner strength!

If he is not injured and takes advantage of the current environment, the Ghost Ninja King estimates that he can still struggle with this person for a while.

Even if the odds of winning are slim, as long as you can catch a small oversight by the opponent, there is still a chance of a comeback.

But now, he was seriously injured, his ribs were probably broken at least two times, and his whole body was unable to gather energy. In front of such a master, there was only one way to die!

After being kicked, before he could catch his breath, Luo Xiaoman chased after him again and whipped his leg towards him. The Ghost Ninja King endured the pain and dodged his body to the side.


Luo Xiaoman's left leg hit the steel frame hard, making a deafening sound.

The ghost ninja king's even turned white!

Are this guy's legs made of iron?

Since he had hurt the other party, Luo Xiaoman had no intention of letting him breathe.

The brother was right next to him. His negligence just now almost led to a big mistake. Luo Xiaoman did not allow himself to make such a mistake again.

So now he is facing the Ghost Ninja King with a devastating bombardment, giving him no chance to escape or change his target!

Without the cover of Huang Yan, he could not climb neatly. After being injured, the Ghost Ninja King was simply unable to withstand a blow like Luo Xiaoman's.

When Luo Xiaoman stopped, he had been beaten to death, his head was swollen like a pig's head, only a slit was left for his eyes, and blood was dripping from his mouth and nose.

His arms were backwards, hanging on the steel frame, and his legs were shaking, almost unsteady.

Luo Xiaoman stood beside him, shook his head and said, "Is this all your strength?

I'm so disappointed!

The world of martial arts in Japan is nothing more than that, no one can fight! "

The Ghost Ninja King was already unconscious and unable to refute.

In fact, Luo Xiaoman also knew that if the Ghost Ninja King could use all his weapons and give him a suitable venue to display them, his strength would increase a lot.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaoman is not here to compete.

He wouldn't be stupid enough to give him such a chance. Since he is an opponent, the only end result is death if his skills are not as good as his own!

"In the next life, don't meet any Chinese warriors. You can't beat them!" Luo Xiaoman grinned, then grabbed the steel frame with both hands and swayed.

A powerful and heavy flying kick hit the Ghost Ninja King hard in the stomach!

The Ghost Ninja King was kicked out like a kite with its string broken.

The person is in mid-air, blood is still spurting out from his mouth!

Turning his head, Luo Xiaoman said to Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, hurry up! I'll go down with you!"

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