Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2597 The monster with only half a slap

The space becomes narrower as you go up.

The observation deck one hundred and fifty meters away is only about thirty square meters in total.

The top of the tower where Chen Xin'an and Zangshan Shinobu battled was only four or five square meters.

This is about a hundred meters away now.

The main elevator is gone, leaving only a sightseeing elevator and this open-air steel-frame staircase.

Chen Xin'an stopped and looked up. It was blocked by the stairs and couldn't see anything.

But the sound of fighting came from above, mixed with roars like wild beasts!

Those two monsters are up there, but I don’t know if the one fighting them is my brother or one of Yamasuke Kazuo’s men!

There are no rooms here, not even exterior walls, and are surrounded by steel structures.

However, a platform will be left at a height of twenty meters above and below.

In the middle is the hole that the sightseeing elevator passes through, and there are footholds around it for the workers who usually maintain the tower.

At this moment, the elevator has stopped operating, and everyone is relying on the artificial stairs where Chen Xin'an is now to go up and down.

Yamasuke Kazuo is very depressed now!

This kind of environment is simply specially prepared for the ghost ninja group.

Under the cover of camouflage clothes and yellow smoke, the ghost ninja team set up a killing array here to attract Chen Xin'an, who would definitely die!

He knew very well that if it were on the ground, it would be really difficult for the ghost ninja team to kill Chen Xin'an.

Yamasuke Kazuo knows Chen Xin'an's strength very well.

My brother died at the hands of this man, and my daughter suffered a great loss at the hands of this man.

Countless killers sent out by Sakura Club died at the hands of this guy.

In the early days, he even killed the community worshippers, and their bodies are still hanging on the top of the tower!

It's not that he didn't want to put the body down for a proper burial, it was just because the position where Chen Xin'an hung the body was very tricky and he couldn't use tools, so few people dared to go there and untie the body.

Moreover, Yingjing Tower has not been idle these days. Chen Xin'an came and left, and came and went, driving the people of Sakura Club almost crazy!

Yamasuke Kazuo never showed up, he was planning this ambush with the Oni Ninja Group.

Through analysis, he felt that this was the only chance to kill Chen Xin'an!

Such an environment, combined with the unexpected ninjutsu of the ghost ninja group, would definitely make it impossible for Chen Xin'an to dodge and have nowhere to escape.

Of course, everyone will pay a lot, but as long as we can kill this guy, it's all worth it!

But he never expected that after setting up this ghost ninja killing array here and waiting for Chen Xin'an to throw himself into the trap, it was not Chen Xin'an who broke in, but two experimental subjects who ran out of the laboratory!

Without the confinement of the laboratory, these experimental products were out of control.

Because they are still semi-finished products and have not yet implanted chips in their brains, no one can control them, not even Yamasuke Kazuo!

And as one of the leaders of the Demon Ninja Project, Yamasuke Kazuo is very aware of how terrifying these semi-finished products can be if they get out of control.

In the laboratory, there are ways to deal with them once they get out of control. If it doesn't work, just destroy them directly.

But after running out of the laboratory, it is difficult to kill these semi-finished products!

What's more, out of thousands of experimental products, these three semi-finished products came out. You can imagine how precious they are!

Therefore, he cannot be defeated or killed, but now he has entered the formation faster than Chen Xin'an. Yamasuke Kazuo even wants to die!

The killing moves originally used to deal with Chen Xin'an were now used on these two semi-finished products.

Sadly, it’s of no use at all!

Chen Xin'an is a living person. He knows pain, can feel danger, can hide and retreat, and can dodge and avoid.

But these two guys don’t know!

When they see people, it's like they see the world. They rush up and kill them indiscriminately. Even if your weapons stab them, they don't notice at all and rush towards them without any hesitation!

Those poison-quenched shurikens and salings were all wasted on these two semi-finished products, but they did not cause any harm to them.

On the contrary, the ninja who threw the hidden weapon became their target, and two of them were torn into pieces on the spot.

There was another whose whole face was chewed to pieces, and he was lying on the ground crying and rolling. It was more uncomfortable to be alive than to be dead!

But at this moment, Li Qi and Yan Chunhua arrived!

Hearing Yamasuke Kazuo's voice, Yan Chunhua, who had already run up, came down again regardless of the risk!

She was only one step away from killing Yamasuke Kazuo today, so she is still not reconciled.

I know Kazuo Yamasuke is here

Fearing that something might happen to her, Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman also came down together.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

As soon as Yan Chunhua saw Kazuo Yamasuke, she drew her dagger and rushed towards him.

The ghost ninja around him was entangled with two half-finished products, and it was difficult to protect him.

Yamasuke Kazuo dodged the sword in embarrassment and shouted: "Hurry up and save me! Kill her!"

A ghost ninja was about to turn around and run over, but his shoulder was grabbed by a monster!

With a howl and a sting from the monster, his entire right arm was torn off from the shoulder by the monster!

The ghost ninja let out a shrill scream, but the monster rushed over and put two hands into his mouth!

Hold the upper jaw with one hand, pull the chin with the other hand, and pull hard to both sides with both hands!


Blood spurted and splashed, and the ghost ninja's head seemed to be torn in half. He died instantly and fell to the ground in a horrifying and exaggerated manner.

Yan Chunhua was frightened when she saw this scene. She wanted to stab him with a sword, but Yamasuke Kazuo had already run away!

The ghost ninja next to him finally ran over and attacked Yan Chunhua!

Li Qi drew his sword and went forward, fighting with those demon ninjas!

At this moment, Yan Chunhua only has her enemy, Yamasuke Kazuo, in her eyes!

Seeing that old guy trying to escape, she chased after him, pressing on him step by step!

The strange thing is that Yamasuke Kazuo did not run towards the stairs, but ran into the battlefield.

With a roar, a monster threw away the body in his hand and grabbed Kazuo Yamasuke, who was running over!

Yamasuke Kazuo, who had already rushed forward, suddenly stopped and turned around, hiding to the side.

Yan Chunhua, who was following behind, didn't have time to turn, and she threw herself straight into the monster's arms!

At the same time, the dagger in Yan Chunhua's hand stabbed into the monster's chest with a thud!

But the monster didn't pay attention to his injuries at all. He stretched forward with one hand and grabbed Yan Chunhua's neck!

Yan Chunhua's expression changed greatly, and she wanted to break free from the monster's clutches.

But no matter whether she hit the monster with her hands or kicks, it was like hitting a wooden stake, and the other party was completely unconscious!

Instead, the hand gripping her neck began to tighten and became stronger and stronger, lifting her up from the ground!

The next step is to directly break her neck and pull her head off!

Yan Chunhua's face turned purple from holding it back. She grabbed the tip of the dagger inserted into the monster's chest, pulled it out with a swipe, and stabbed it into the monster's neck with a swish!

Before it penetrated the other person's throat, the monster felt discomfort, threw her to the ground, and covered his throat with his hands.

Yan Chunhua, whose whole body was so sore that she could hardly stand up, dared to lie down all the time. She endured the pain and got up from the ground. She held the dagger and stabbed the monster fiercely!

The monster also roared and slapped her face, sending her flying away!

Before she could stand up, Yamasuke Kazuo suddenly rushed over and kicked her in the heart!

Yan Chunhua almost lost her breath. She wanted to stand up and fight Yamasuke Kazuo, but the monster rushed over. Yamasuke Kazuo turned around and ran away, laughing loudly.

The monster seemed to have identified Yan Chunhua, who stabbed him in the throat, and grabbed her chest with both hands!

Yan Chunhua gritted her teeth, picked up the dagger and wanted to hit him in the throat, because this should be the monster's weak point.

But at this moment, her eyes fell on the monster's left ear.

At such a distance, she could clearly see that only half of the monster's left ear was left!

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