Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2598 He no longer recognizes you

Seeing that the monster was about to disembowel Yan Chunhua with its hands with long nails, Li Qibu rushed over desperately!


He flew up and kicked the monster's shoulders hard with both feet!

The monster tilted its body, moved two steps to the side, roared, and rushed towards Yan Chunhua again.

Li Qi jumped forward, stood in front of Yan Chunhua, hugged the monster, and rolled to the ground with him.

He held the sword and stabbed the monster's body fiercely while rolling.

It's just that such an attack will only cause some blood loss to the monster.

He can't feel pain, and it won't affect his movements. It won't affect him much.

Li Qi kicked away the monster that grabbed his arm, held the sword behind his back, and slashed the opponent's neck!

But at this moment, Yan Chunhua screamed sadly: "Brother Aqi, no!"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment, and when he slowed down his movements, the monster grabbed his arm and threw him out!

Before his body hit the ground, another monster rushed up and knocked him away in the air!


Li Qi's body hit the steel frame heavily and he almost flew out of the tower!

Yan Chunhua was also frightened when she saw this scene. Seeing the two monsters rushing towards Li Qi again, Yan Chunhua ran over and stopped in front of Li Qi, opened her arms and shouted to the monster:

"No! Do you recognize me? Open your eyes and look at me carefully! Can you recognize who I am?"

Li Qi propped up his body and shouted to Yan Chunhua: "Sister Hua, what are you doing? Be careful!"

He rushed over, hugged Yan Chunhua, and fell to the ground!

A cloud of diamonds hit the steel frame, sparks erupting.

Those ghost ninjas took advantage of the situation and wanted to attack Yan Chunhua, but Li Qi had quick eyes and quick hands, holding Yan Chunhua in his arms to avoid the harassment of the hidden weapon.

Several salings pierced the monster's body, causing the monster to roar, turn around and rush towards the sneak attack ghost ninja!

Yamasuke Kazuo climbed to a high point and watched this scene from a high position.

Seeing Yan Chunhua's lost look, Yamasuke Kazuo burst out laughing!

"Did you recognize him? It's a pity that he doesn't recognize you at all!

He is now a human machine that only knows how to kill, but he can live a hundred years, and his body will always stay at this age!

You say, should you thank me?

It turns out that the experiment 009 that is most compatible with the drug in the laboratory is your brother!

It's a pity that all he can think about now is venting. Even if he stands in front of you, he doesn't recognize you as my sister! "

Li Qi was stunned when he heard this. He stared at the monster with an injured throat and asked Yan Chunhua: "Sister Hua, could he be..."

Yan Chunhua burst into tears and shouted at the monster: "Brother! I am Chunhua!"

The monster that was tearing the ghost ninja's body turned around, looked at Yan Chunhua with its blood-red eyes, roared, turned around and pounced!

"Sister Hua, be careful!" Li Qi pulled away Yan Chunhua who was still in a daze.

The monster's hands grasped the steel frame, and its hard nails were like steel thorns, leaving several marks on the steel frame and spattering a row of sparks.

Another monster also rushed over and blocked Yan Chunhua and Li Qi from behind.

The two monsters came one behind the other, sandwiching Yan Chunhua and Li Qi between them. They breathed heavily from their mouths and slowly approached them with two pairs of blood-red eyes.

The ghost ninja group next to them breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took up a favorable position to avoid the two monsters. They then surrounded Yan Chunhua and Li Qi to prevent them from escaping.

A ghost ninja took out a hidden weapon and wanted to take action against Li Qi and Yan Chunhua.

The companion next to him immediately held down his arm and looked at the two monsters not far away with fearful expressions.

Monsters are always more sensitive to moving targets, or targets with obvious attack intentions, and will attack first regardless.

So those two people haven't moved yet. If he wants to throw a hidden weapon, he will immediately become the target of the monster!

With two roars, the two monsters pounced on Yan Chunhua and Li Qi.

"Sister Hua, no matter who he is, he has lost his mind now and cannot recognize you at all!

If you don't do it, we will die here today! "

Li Qi has understood the current situation. Although it is a bit unbelievable, he cannot argue between the truth and the lies now.

Strong enemies are everywhere, so we should save our lives first.

The biggest weak link is Yan Chunhua.

They were already in a disadvantageous position. If they thought they recognized their brother and didn't dare to take action, then both of them would definitely die today!

Yan Chunhua took a deep breath and said to Li Qi: "Brother Aqi, I'm fine!"

The two of them stood back to back and rushed towards the monster in front of them at the same time.

In order to prevent Yan Chunhua from taking action, Li Qi deliberately left the monster that might be Yan Chunqiao to himself and let Yan Chunhua deal with the other one!

Yamasuke Kazuo had a ferocious smile on his face and ordered the ghost ninja team: "Keep an eye on them all, and kill them when you seize the opportunity!

A group of ghost ninjas all had hidden weapons in their hands, waiting for the opportunity to move.

At this moment, a ping-ping-pong-pong sound suddenly came from above.

Each round glass ball rolled down from the steel frame, and then was smashed to pieces.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at a vague figure above.

"Catch him!" the ghost ninja captain shouted, and a ghost ninja stood up, climbed up the steel frame, and rushed towards the figure above.

But just after he climbed a few times, his body suddenly swayed, as if he had lost his footing, his feet slipped, and he fell directly from the steel frame!


The ghost ninja's body hit the monster in front of Yan Chunhua on the head, and then bounced to the ground.

The monster roared angrily, jumped up and stomped on the ghost ninja's chest!

With the sound of the ghost ninja's sternum breaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Before he could resist, the monster jumped up and stepped on him a few times. The ghost ninja spurted blood from his mouth and nose and passed out!

The monster was still upset, so he pulled the ghost ninja's feet, lifted his whole body up, and slapped him hard on the iron frame next to him!

Before the poor guy could react, his head burst open and he died!

The other ghost ninja were frightened and took a few steps back subconsciously.

But they also suddenly felt their bodies shaking, and their brains felt dizzy!

"Poisoned!" Yamasuke Kazuo screamed and hugged the steel frame next to him with both hands to maintain the stability of his body.

His eyes saw the glass shards on the ground emitting a blue smoke visible to the naked eye.

A disgusting stench spread, making everyone who smelled it open their mouths and want to vomit. Along with a burst of dizziness, everyone staggered, as if they were about to fall down!

Li Qi and Yan Chunhua were not affected because Luo Qianhe had already given them the antidote before.

The two monsters are not affected either. Their current physiques are not only invulnerable;

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