Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2604 The tower will be hung with corpses of Japanese masters

A large number of Sakura Club killers came up and were shocked when they saw the corpses on the ground.

It's hard to imagine what kind of battle happened just now. Most of the people in the ghost ninja group died without even leaving their bodies intact!

The horrific blood on the ground made everyone who came up feel nauseous, and some of the timid ones had already turned around and vomited!

The leader of the team was the captain of the Sakura Club Killer Corps, who said to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face:

"Chen Xin'an, I am Fujino Keiji, the defense section chief of Sakura Club, and I am asking you to come down on the order of the president.

And as long as you agree to her one request, she can let all of you go! "

"President?" Chen Xin'an looked at him funny and said, "If I'm not mistaken, your president has died just now, right?"

Fujino Keiji's face showed a hint of hatred, and he said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Yamasuke has passed away, and now Miss Haruko Yamasuke has succeeded as the president of Sakura Club, fully managing the club's affairs!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at the brothers beside her and said, "Miss Qingzi's movements are really fast. She has been waiting for her for a long time, right?"

Yan Chunhua said softly: "Actually, as early as half a year ago, Yamasuke Kazuo had intended to hand over the club affairs to Haruko!

He has also been cultivating Miss Haruko as his successor, so even if he dies, Sakura Club will not be in chaos. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said thoughtfully: "In fact, it is just right for him to die so that Sakura Club can go ashore more smoothly!"

The traces of the underworld on Yamasuke Kazuo's body are too heavy.

Even if he runs for parliament, he will have many difficulties because of his background, and it will be easy for him to follow the facts.

As for Yamasuke Haruko, she has no such worries at all, and only she can bring the Sakura Club completely ashore.

Is it precisely because of this that Yamasuke Kazuo died so easily?

If it is really because of this that his daughter is blessed, I can only say that the Shansuke family is really cruel.

Chen Xin'an looked at Fujino Keiji coldly and asked, "What does Yamasuke Haruko want me to promise her?"

Fujino Keiji turned his head, looked at Yan Chunhua and said, "The president only hopes that Mr. Chen Xin'an can take this woman down and hand it over to her!"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Impossible!"

Fujino Keiji seemed to have expected it, and said to Chen Xin'an: "The president said, if Mr. Chen does not agree, please stand aside.

We will deal with this woman ourselves. As long as Mr. Chen does not interfere, Sakura Club will not fight with Mr. Chen again. "

"Mr. Chen, I will handle my own affairs!" Yan Chunhua took a deep breath, turned around, looked at Fujino Keiji and said:

"Haruko and I really need to give each other an explanation!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand to signal Yan Chunhua to calm down.

He looked at Fujino Keiji with a joking face and said to him: "I'm very surprised. Even I can't count the number of people from the Sakura Club who died in my hands.

It can be said that we are irresolvable life-and-death enemies.

Even though Yamasuke Haruko's biological father did not die directly in my hands, it can be said that I killed him indirectly.

As soon as this Miss Haruko took office as the president, she told me to wipe out all the grudges. Isn't she too ambitious?

Do you think I would believe such nonsense? "

Fujino Keiji looked directly at Chen Xin'an, with unconcealable hatred in his eyes.

He took a breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "To be honest with Mr. Chen, I have also asked the president such a question.

The answer she gave me was that she knew Mr. Chen better than her father.

She knew very well that it was much better to cooperate with Mr. Chen than to be his enemy.

The most important thing is that Sakura Club is no longer the Sakura Club it used to be.

The old president once had a last wish, which was to lead everyone to become legal businessmen who could make money openly without being targeted by the police.

In order to achieve this goal, Sakura Club needs to make some important investments to gain official favor.

And the only person who can help Sakura Club get this investment and make a lot of money and get official praise is Mr. Chen! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and said, "Old Chen, you are actually so capable!"

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said: "This is the first time I know this today! What kind of business do you want to do?"

Fujino Keiji shrugged and said: "These specific matters need to be discussed by Mr. Chen personally with the president. I don't know about it!"

Yan Chunhua on the side said: "It should be the sale of rare metals! With Mr. Chen's connections and strength, it is not difficult to get a sales license in China!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized it, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yamasuke Haruko really made a good plan!

This kind of thing can indeed please the Japanese officials, but in China, it is a very controversial business.

The profits are huge, but most people dare not touch it.

If you don't have any strength, you will be charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason!

This strength is not as simple as whether you have money or not. The most important thing is personal connections.

It's not difficult for Chen Xin'an to do this, but he won't touch it.

These things are all used in modern high-end weapons.

Such as fighter jets, or aircraft carriers and submarines.

Chen Xin'an would not be stupid enough to sell raw materials to the enemy to produce weapons to deal with China, especially in a place like Da Ying, he would not agree to it no matter how much money he gave.

"Go back and tell Yamasuke Haruko!" Chen Xin'an looked at Fujino Keiji expressionlessly and said:

“I won’t do this business with her, and it’s impossible for her to cooperate with any Chinese!

There is another thing, I will not leave it to this woman.

You can say that she is my sister, Chen Xin'an. Anyone who dares to deal with her is tantamount to dealing with me! "

Fujino Keiji shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's a shame!

The president said that if Mr. Chen does not agree to such conditions, he will be the enemy of Sakura Club!

She will use the strength of the whole society to hunt down everyone until she kills all of you! "

"I've been waiting for your words!" Luo Xiaoman, who was impatient next to him, jumped over, kicked the body on the ground, and cursed with a cruel smile:

"We are enemies in the first place, but you still want to imitate other people's business and start a ghost business!

How wonderful this is, it is normal for everyone to live life and death!

If you want to kill all of us here, it depends on whether you have such ability! "

Fujino Keiji dodged to avoid the corpse, but the younger brother behind him suffered a disaster and was hit by the corpse, and then let out a cry of surprise!

"It's Mr. Ghost Ninja King, and you actually killed him!" Fujino Keiji had a horrified expression on his face, as if he had seen an impossible scene.

Luo Xiaoman said with a sinister smile: "What's wrong, your old friend? Old Chen said that the Yingjing Tower should be filled with the corpses of your Ying masters!

Hidden Mountain Ninja, Ghost Ninja King, how many people are there?

There will only be more and more in the future.

If you are qualified enough, you may be lucky enough to be hanged up! "

Fujino Keiji was so angry that he yelled at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman: "The Ghost Ninja King is a master trained by the temple. If you kill him now, you will be fighting with the temple until death!"

There is no need for Sakura Club to take action, the temple will take action against you!

Since you are so ignorant, let's wait and see your good show. We can't afford to compete with the temple for heads! "

While speaking, Fujino Keiji waved to everyone to retreat.

The person the temple wants to kill doesn't like other people's interference.

Report this matter back to the president, Sakura Club can just sit back and enjoy its achievements!

Luo Xiaoman stopped in front of him, looked at him sideways and said, "Did I let you go?"

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