Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2605 Don’t let him hang up there alone

What, what do you mean?

Is this guy crazy?

Didn’t you see that the people up and down here are all our people? There are only a few of you, and you still want to fight us?

It turns out that his guess was right, this guy is really crazy!

He actually made a move first and broke the jaw of a Sakura Club killer with one punch!

People around him yelled and cursed and rushed towards Luo Xiaoman.

This is what Luo Xiaoman was waiting for. He laughed and waved, opened his mouth and said: "I want to give ten..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an scolded with a dark face: "If you want to fight, then fight, there is so much nonsense!"

Luo Xiaoman closed his mouth angrily and kicked the two killers away!

pay close attention! "

Immediately afterwards the ground shook!

It was like an earthquake, and the whole Yingjing Tower was shaking.

The person standing next to the stairs bravely took a look and saw that it was actually a ladder truck, using its telescopic arm and platform to break off a section of the stairs!

At the tenth floor, an entire section of the steel staircase had been deformed, and there was even a gap of about five or six meters.

Many Sakura Club killers have already fallen from this gap, and some people were injured when they were hit by the ladder and were unable to dodge. They were lying on the ladder covered in blood, crying and wailing!

Everyone around looked shocked.

They have never seen such a desperate lunatic driving a ladder truck into the Yingjing Tower!

If the ladder falls, or the telescopic arm breaks, or even more frighteningly, if the Yingjing Tower is damaged, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Even if there are no consequences, the guy driving the ladder truck will definitely be severely punished by the police. Does he want to die?

However, for Xiao Zhang, he has now tested the performance of the ladder truck, as well as the sturdiness of the ladder and telescopic arm.

Now, he wants to take down his brother before the killers of Sakura Club and the police arrive!

"Old Chen, leave quickly!" I saw

Chen Xin'an kicked down the Sakura Club killer who was blocking him, and shouted to him: "Take everyone away and leave me alone!"

Luo Xiaoman became anxious and scolded him: "Are you crazy? What are you doing here by yourself? Let's go together!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head, pointed to the body of the Ghost Ninja King on the ground, and said with a smile:

"I have to hang him up, otherwise Kurayama Shinobi would be so lonely there alone!

And I have to make sure that you all go up without being harassed. One person has to stay here, otherwise you won’t be able to leave! "

Just when Luo Xiaoman was about to say something, Li Qi slit the throat of a Cherry Blossom Club killer and shouted to him: "Brother Man, let's go, these trash can't trap the boss!"

After hearing what Li Qi said, Luo Xiaoman stopped talking, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and shouted to everyone: "Let's go up the ladder!"

"Stop them!" Fujino Keiji shouted, directing everyone to rush forward.

But at this moment, a group of black shadows climbed and jumped on the steel frame like an ape, and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Fujino Keiji felt horrified.

That Chen Xin'an's strength is too exaggerated, and everyone is not an opponent on the same level at all!

Fujino Keiji turned around and wanted to run away, but when his neck tightened, Chen Xin'an had already grabbed him by the back of the neck!

"Go to hell!" Fujino Keiji suddenly drew a knife from his waist and slashed Chen Xin'an's wrist.

Chen Xin'an didn't dodge at all, and pinched hard with two fingers. Fujino Keiji's eyesight went dark, his whole body went limp, and he instantly lost his strength!

Just like this, holding a person in one hand, Chen Xin'an strode forward, picked up Fujino Keiji's body as a weapon, and smashed the people around him.

A group of killers have fought against all kinds of opponents and seen many strange and evil weapons.

But this is the first time I have seen this kind of person using a living person as a weapon.

The key thing is that the guy who serves as a weapon is still their immediate boss, and he is the person the new president relies on the most.

Therefore, no one dares to hand over the weapon in their hand, otherwise they will suffer the consequences of walking around in a pinch even if they hurt a hair on their head!

He easily opened a path and asked Luo Xiaoman to escort everyone over and jump onto the ladder platform.

Chen Xin'an stood at the entrance of the passage with Keiji Fujino, who had a bruised nose, face and swollen face, and broken hands and legs, looking expressionlessly at the group of Sakura Club killers who wanted to rush over to stop him.

Everyone watched helplessly as the Chinese people climbed up the ladder and then slowly descended.

Chen Xin'an mentioned Fujino Keiji, looked at his expression that he would rather die, grinned and said: "Let's go, I will take you to a good place!"

One hand was holding Fujino Keiji, and the other hand was holding the body of the Ghost Ninja King. The two of them together weighed almost three hundred kilograms, but in Chen Xin'an's hands, they were as light as nothing.

A group of killers from the Sakura Club were following closely behind. The boss was in their hands, so they couldn't let them ignore him.

But the higher you go, the fewer people follow you.

The space at the top of the tower will become smaller and smaller, and it will be completely leaky. There will be no other shelter except the steel frame.

The top of the tower is swaying.

Fear of heights is not exclusive to Chen Xinan.

In fact, most people have this problem, and some are even more serious than Chen Xin'an.

I couldn't walk at all. I grabbed the handrail of the stairs with both hands and collapsed on the ground. I was sweating profusely and didn't dare to open my eyes to look around.

When they arrived at the duel between Chen Xin'an and Zangshan Ninja, none of the killers came up, and the bolder ones just stood there.

Chen Xin'an raised her chin and said to Fujino Keiji: "Did you see that? That's the Kurayama Shinobi over there, the top master of your Sakura Club, the guardian of the club!

Let's go and hang the Ghost Ninja King next to him later. I'll prepare first!

highest spire

The Hidden Mountain Ninja hangs on one of the petals

Chen Xin'an now wants to hang the Ghost Ninja King on the other side

This place is very slippery and you will fall down if you are not careful.

This is the reason why no one has come to collect the body of the Zangshan nin for such a long time.

Not everyone can have the skills of Chen Xin'an, who can fly over walls and walk on flat ground.

Fujino Keiji now even wants to die.

He wanted to scold his mother, but he didn't even have the courage to open his mouth.

That bastard Chen Xin'an actually placed him next to the lightning rod on the top of the tower.

This is the top of the lotus petals.

It was from this place that Chen Xin'an walked down and hung the body.

The key is to do whatever you want, why do you put me here?

Now if Fujino Keiji turns over, he will fall hundreds of meters high into the Yingjing Tower.

Depressingly, there is no place around that can be used as a handrail.

In other words, if his body fell, he wanted to stabilize his body but there was no place to hold on!

Now he could only lie on the top of the lotus petals like a dead dog, not daring to move.

The terrain slopes downward, and it is easy to slide down even if you don't move!

Now that he had broken one arm and one leg, he couldn't stand firmly and couldn't move while lying here.

The key is, he is afraid of heights!

This situation made him feel that it would be better for him to die, so that he wouldn't have to bear such fear!

He watched helplessly as Chen Xin'an hung the body of the Ghost Ninja King on his body!

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