Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2606 If you want to enter, you must kneel down

Fujino Keiji, lying on the lotus petals, was alone and messy in the wind.

What's going on?

Just leave people here and ignore them?

What does Chen Xin'an mean?

Committed suicide by jumping off a tower?

Intuition told Fujino Keiji that Chen Xin'an was definitely not a fool who would commit suicide.

The clothes he was wearing before jumping down seemed to be called a wing suit.

Some young people who like to play extreme sports like to wear this kind of clothes, jump from high places and enjoy the thrill of flying.

In the past, Fujino Keiji despised these people.

Now he wished he could wear such a suit of clothes so that he wouldn't have to worry about falling off!

He wanted to ask the people below to come up and pull him back, but those damn gangs didn't even dare to go up to the top of the tower, let alone run up to the lotus petals to save him!

Fujino Keiji felt desperate. He already regretted receiving this mission.

I didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would be such an unreliable person!

Fujino Keiji will admit that he is not as strong as others, and he will kill or chop you up as he pleases.

But now you bring people up and leave them in such a horrible place and leave them alone. What does this mean?

Chen Xin'an didn't care about Fujino Keiji's life or death.

The threat from Yamasuke Haruko is even more ignored!

You were originally at the bottom of the feud with Sakura Club. You, a woman, took over Sakura Club, and you still want to use this as a threat?

What's more, Yan Chunhua is Chen Xin'an's friend. No matter how tempting your conditions are, Chen Xin'an will never betray his friends!

This is the first time a wingsuit has been flown unaccompanied.

Chen Xin'an felt like she had been led astray by that guy Aman, and she actually started to like this thing a little bit!

I have to say that the thrill of flying freely in the sky can really make any man addicted!

No wonder this guy Luo Xiaoman would rather be blocked by the Sovereign Hotel than sneak up there to go skydiving.

It's just that he didn't check the spot in advance, so he didn't know where he could land.

Using the essentials of movements taught to him by Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi before, Chen Xin'an carefully felt the fluctuations of the airflow in the air and kept circling.

Finally, he chose a good place, the backyard of the temple!

This is a vegetable field, very empty.

Moreover, I have discussed with my brothers before that the first place to go after coming down is the temple!

Abbot Matsumoto Satoru is very unhappy now!

Today is the third day of the Brazier Festival, and it is also the busiest day.

There were more than 30,000 tourists on site alone.

Originally, today's incense was enough to cover the temple's expenses for three years.

But starting from the morning, people kept falling from the Yingjing Tower. Even Yamasuke Kazuo and the demon ninja experimental products landed at the door of the temple!

If this wasn't intentional, he wouldn't believe it even if he were beaten to death!

Now there are already bad rumors about the temple.

There are even some people who secretly add fuel to the flames, making the temple very passive.

You know, the temple has never stopped being controversial in terms of international influence since the day it was built.

Although the people enshrined here are heroes of Great Britain, to the Chinese or Dongchao people, they are outright sinners.

Because they all participated in that war and killed many people.

Therefore, most of the foreigners who come here every year are to satisfy their curiosity and see this controversial place.

There are also some people who just come to cause trouble and destroy things.

In the past, I dared to break in directly to hurt people and cause destruction.

Since the Zhenguo Guards were stationed here, this group of people did not dare to break in openly. They just held banners to protest, or held a parade and shouted slogans, which was ineffective.

But today, several corpses appeared one after another, which had a great impact on the temple and gave those guys an opportunity to spread some rumors secretly.

There was a sneer on Matsumoto's face, and he had no intention of clarifying it.

They are just fleas that are out of place, and the temple does not need to pay attention to them at all.

By the way, it is also possible to use this opportunity to add a group of loyal believers to the temple.

A huge crowd of tourists crowded outside the temple.

The corpses have been cleaned up, and people outside want to go in even more, because there has been news just now that two people who jumped from the tower will be buried in the temple!

This kind of thing happens only once in a thousand years, because the people who can be buried here are the great heroes of Great Britain.

Therefore, the burial standards are also the highest level in Da Ying, and a series of burial ceremonies are difficult for ordinary people to see.

But not everyone can watch this process with their own eyes.

A message came from inside the temple that everyone must be sincere enough to enter the temple and visit the entire burial process.

To maintain enough sincerity, you have to go through the three doors!

In large-scale sacrificial ceremonies, the family members of the deceased enshrined in the temple must go through three doors by bowing three times and knocking nine times before they can reach the memorial tablet hall.

Normally tourists don’t need to do this, but today, anyone who doesn’t bow and kowtow will be driven away directly!

Not all tourists are loyal believers in the temple.

A large part of the people came here to watch the excitement, and some people were even more opponents of the temple.

Letting them enter the temple with three bows and nine kowtows is simply the greatest insult to them!

However, there are so many people at the scene that it is difficult to divert or expel them. Therefore, the temple stipulates that all tourists, those within the yellow line, must enter the temple within five minutes.

Otherwise, you will be violently driven away and let the tourists behind you come in as soon as possible!

"Kneel down!" A group of Zhenguo guards pulled out rubber sticks and made a gesture of beating people, forcing the tourists closest to the temple gate to kneel down and worship before entering the temple.

Everyone was very resistant, even those who didn't hate the temple, and they didn't want to kneel down to get the qualification to enter.

What's more, there are many people who are opposed to the temple. Among them, a few Dongchao people reacted the most violently and started pushing and shoving the Zhenguo Guards!

"Axiba! Have you all forgotten what Daying did to the Eastern Dynasty back then?

Let us kneel down and worship these murderers?

You are simply dreaming! "

"I want to reveal the current face of your temple and let the whole world know your face!

It is against the law of heaven for you to do this! "

“Some murderers are worshiped as heroes and large-scale ceremonies are held to commemorate them.

Damn the Ying people, you are simply hopeless!

It is simply impossible for us to kneel down with murderers and big enemies! "

At this moment, several Zhenguo guards rushed over, raised their rubber sticks and slapped them hard on their heads and faces!

Some people even took away the mobile phones they were holding to take pictures, threw them on the ground, and then stomped on them, crushing them to pieces!

"You bastards..." A Dongchao man was anxious and rushed towards his mobile phone desperately.

But his arms were suddenly held up, and then a Zhenguo guard stood in front of him, raised the rubber stick in his hand and slapped him hard on the mouth!

After a few swipes, the guy's mouth was full of blood, and he didn't know how many teeth were knocked out. He couldn't say a word, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted!

The surrounding Zhenguo guards stood together, blocking the sight of those outside with their bodies.

By the time they dispersed, all the Dongchao people had been dragged away.

Only some blood stains remained on the ground, which were quickly wiped away by countless people with their shoes.

No one knows what happened here just now!

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