Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2607 Your temple is really too bullying

Everyone's focus was on the gate, which gave Chen Xin'an a good opportunity to land.

The parachute landed in the backyard. Chen Xin'an ran forward for more than ten meters in the vegetable field and rolled a few times before standing up in embarrassment.

The final landing was a bit uncontrollable, and there was a slight flaw. Fortunately, nothing serious happened, but the vegetable field was trampled by him, which was really terrible!

But is this something Chen Xin'an would feel guilty about?

Obviously it doesn’t exist!

After looking around and seeing no one around, Chen Xin'an rolled up his equipment and hid it in a remote corner.

Now is not the time to pack these things. Come and pick them up when you have time, and fold them up when you get back.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sound of voices next to him.

It sounded like an argument.

Not far away was a row of small wooden houses, exuding a stench, and the sound came from behind the wooden houses.

Several bald men wearing masks gathered around a man wearing dark blue for work and yelled at him.

The working man lowered his head and said nothing, with a reluctant look on his face.

A bald man said impatiently and slapped the man in work clothes on the face.

The man in overalls became anxious and argued loudly with the bald man who took action.

What Chen Xinan didn't expect was that this guy actually spoke Chinese.

Although the accent is very unauthentic, Chen Xin'an can actually understand it!

"You bastards, don't bully others too much!

I told you, this kind of work is not within the scope of my business!

You should hire a professional to clear your pipes, I am not one!

Even during the Brazier Festival, it has nothing to do with me!

I am Chinese, you cannot let me do such a thing, it is tantamount to insulting me! "

But these words made all the bald heads angry, and they all started attacking him!

A group of people surrounded the man in work clothes, punching and kicking him, and they started beating him very viciously. They soon beat him to the head with blood, and his whole face was swollen!

The man in overalls screamed loudly, then knelt on the ground, kowtowed and hugged his head, constantly begging for mercy.

The bald man who was the first to take action grabbed the man in work clothes by the hair, pointed at an open manhole cover nearby, and said something to him.

The man in overalls had desperate eyes, looked at the menacing bald heads around him, and finally nodded.

The stench comes from the place where the manhole cover is opened.

That should be a sewage well.

The man in overalls stood at the mouth of the sewage well, as if he wanted to say something else. He grabbed his bald arm by his hair, pulled him to the side, and then kicked him down!

After a full five minutes, the man in work clothes emerged from the well and wanted to reach out for someone to pull him up, but no one was willing to help.

A bald man yelled at him, and then the group left.

The man in overalls soaked in the sewage well in despair. It took a lot of effort to climb up, and lay down by the well, vomiting profusely.

After a while, he seemed to have regained his composure. He stood up from his stomach and walked towards Chen Xin'an, covered in filth.

Before anyone arrived, Chen Xin'an smelled a disgusting stench and almost vomited!

Hiding aside, he watched the man in work clothes walk to the pool next to the vegetable field, connected the water pipe next to it, turned on the faucet, and poured water on himself to wash away the stains.

He was crying while pouring water on himself, looking very pitiful.

Chen Xin'an stood behind him and asked softly: "Are you Chinese?"

The sudden voice startled the man. He turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an. He seemed unsure of the man's identity. He didn't dress like someone from the temple.

"Who are you?" he asked tremblingly.

It's almost early winter now, and even the Great Ocean is very cold, almost freezing.

Most people really can't stand the cold water at this time.

He spoke Chinese. Although the emphasis was a bit strange, he could communicate.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and asked, "Answer me!"

The man in work clothes frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Why are you asking this..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an kicked the brick platform at his feet.

When he slowly raised his feet, the four or five bricks underneath all cracked in half!

The man in work clothes swallowed, not daring to talk nonsense anymore, and said honestly: "My name is Liu Minyong, I am..."

He glanced at Chen Xin'an with a guilty look, lowered his head and said, "I'm not from China. In fact, I'm from the Eastern Dynasty!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and cursed: "Since you are from the Eastern Dynasty, why do you tell those bald heads that you are from China?"

Liu Minyong quickly said: "Because I like China, I tell others that I am Chinese!"

Chen Xin'an was so angry that she scolded him: "You think I'm an idiot, don't you?

You are just a shit collector and you feel ashamed of yourself.

So if you pretend to be Chinese, you won’t lose face as people from the Eastern Dynasty anyway, right? "

Liu Minyong became anxious and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm not a excrement collector! I'm just a part-time pipe repairman!

The dredging work is not my responsibility, they are insulting me and forcing me to do extra things..."

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and complaints. She waved her hand and said to him, "Do you want to take revenge?"

"Ah?" Liu Minyong was stunned, looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and said, "Revenge for what?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, pointed at him, and said coldly: "I insulted you so much, threw you into the septic tank, and beat you up, don't you want to take revenge?"

Liu Minyong shook his head in panic and said to Chen Xin'an: "Are you crazy?

Do you know where this is?

How dare you say such a thing!

If people in the temple hear it, it will implicate me!

By the way, why are you here? Are you Chinese? "

Chen Xin'an didn't answer him, but just glanced at him and said lightly: "Coward! Okay, just charge here by yourself! Their people are back!"

He turned around and left, hiding in the darkness.

Before Liu Minyong could react, the person who just spoke had disappeared, which shocked him!

Turning his head, two bald heads walked over not far away. They were the two of the group of bald heads who bullied him just now.

A man came over cursing and turned off the faucet, as if he disliked Liu Minyong for wasting water.

The other person held an envelope in his hand and threw it to Liu Minyong.

Liu Minyong was so frightened that he hurriedly caught it, opened the envelope carefully, and took out a few Da Ying coins from it!

After counting the money, Liu Minyong frowned!

"No, why is there one hundred less?

Moreover, I have done work that is not mine. According to what was agreed in advance, you should pay me 500 more! "

The bald man waved his hand impatiently and said something in his mouth.

Chen Xin'an hid aside and couldn't understand what he was talking about.

The headset was taken away by Miori Mizutani, and now he can't understand the words of the promisee at all.

But the meaning can be seen clearly. It was just that the wages given to Liu Minyong were incorrect, so the two sides started to quarrel!

The two bald heads waved their hands at Liu Minyong with disgust, driving him away from here.

Liu Minyong became anxious and simply sat down on the ground and shouted to the two bald heads:

"I've done so much for you, but you don't give me any bonuses, and you still deduct my money for no reason!

If you don't make up my money and return it to me today, then I won't leave! "

Seeing him like this, the two bald heads were furious and started to attack him.

Liu Minyong also risked his life and shouted through gritted teeth: "Even if you kill me, I will get my money today!"

You are such a bully!

That gentleman, I listen to you, take revenge!

You help me get rid of them, and I will take revenge with you! "

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