Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2608 Didn’t you ask me to avenge you?

This thing has more than enough success but more than enough failure!

Fortunately, he spoke in Chinese, and those bald heads couldn't understand it, but some people's eyes were straightened!

This vegetable garden looks like it has been passed over by a wild boar. It is difficult not to notice it!

"Asshole!" A bald man pointed at the vegetable garden and cursed Liu Minyong: "Do you know that this vegetable garden is what the abbot cares about the most!

You actually destroyed his vegetable garden, he will kill you! "

The companion next to him kicked him in the stomach and cursed at him: "We are all going to die because of you! The abbot will definitely punish us!"

The two bald heads became more and more angry as they talked. They rushed towards Liu Minyong and punched and kicked him!

Liu Minyong held his head in his hands and screamed loudly: "It's not me! It's none of my business! Friend, come and save me! Didn't you say you wanted to help me get revenge?"

Seeing him shouting loudly in one direction, the two bald heads also became suspicious and looked in the direction where Chen Xin'an was hiding.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to walk out.

The two bald heads stared at Chen Xin'an up and down with their eyes widened.

"Who are you? How did you get in here? Who brought you here?"

"You destroyed the vegetable garden? Why did you do this? Damn it, do you know what you did?"

Liu Minyong said to Chen Xin'an in embarrassment: "Friend, help me. If you don't help, I will be beaten to death by them! These bastards are deducting my wages. I really hate them!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll save you!"

While he was talking, he suddenly appeared in front of two bald heads and punched one bald head hard on the face!

The guy didn't even scream, his body flew out and hit the ground with a bang, motionless!

The other bald man's eyes almost popped out of his head. He looked at this scene in disbelief and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "You bastard! You dare to attack us! Go to hell!"

He clenched his fists and punched Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an didn't hide at all and slapped him on the top of the head!

With a click, the bald head suddenly became shorter, the whole head fell on the shoulders, and the cervical vertebrae were completely broken!

Seeing this bald man lying on the ground with bleeding from all his orifices, Liu Minyong's mind went blank, and he seemed to be frightened out of his wits!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, walked up to him, and patted his shoulder gently.

Unexpectedly, just such a small move almost made Liu Minyong jump out of fright!

He screamed and moved a few steps away, then ran to the bald head who was knocked away by Chen Xin'an's punch. He wanted to touch his breath, but when he saw his face, he spat it out with a whoosh!

That punch actually completely shattered the man's skull and cheekbones, turning his face into a crater!

This man has already died of anger!

"What have you done!

Do you know who they are?

They are from the temple!

You actually killed them!

Do you know what will happen if you offend the temple? "

Chen Xin'an grinned, walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Don't be nervous! They're just two useless servants.

I have been bullying you anyway, so I will kill you!

Didn't you say you wanted me to avenge you? "

Liu Minyong yelled anxiously: "I asked you to help me vent my anger, but I didn't ask you to kill them and cause trouble for me!

This is terrible, the temple will not let us go.

I'm being killed by you now! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, turned around and said to Liu Minyong: "I have a way to prevent you from being implicated. The people I kill have nothing to do with you!"

Liu Minyong's eyes lit up and he quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "What can you do? Tell me quickly!"

Chen Xin'an grabbed his throat, lifted him up bit by bit until his feet were off the ground, and said with a smile:

"If I kill you too, then it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Liu Minyong's face turned pale!

Only then did I realize that this ruthless man in front of me had just killed two people!

Killing one more person, what does it mean to others?

Seeing the pleading look in Liu Minyong's eyes, Chen Xin'an gently released his fingers and let his feet fall to the ground.

Chen Xin'an asked him calmly: "Want to live or die?"

Liu Minyong quickly said hoarsely: "Don't kill me! Please let me go, I will agree to whatever you ask me to do!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Okay, if you can move around in the temple, help me find a few people.

I'm here waiting for them to come round. "

Liu Minyong asked in a trembling voice: "Do you have any photos of them?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "You just need to keep repeating one action!"

He raised his right fist, turned the fist inward, and lightly punched his chest three times.

This is Long Dun's contact information. Chen Xin'an is just borrowing it now.

Aman and the others are all familiar with this gesture. Once they find out, they will definitely focus on Liu Minyong. When the time comes, they will know that he has come down and will come here to fight with him.

"But these two people..." Liu Minyong stared at the two corpses on the ground, his body shaking constantly.

Chen Xin'an punched him in the heart and said coldly: "Today is the Fire Pot Festival, everyone is entertaining tourists in front, and few people pay attention to the back.

So today, as long as you don’t take the initiative to tell others about this matter, no one will cause trouble for you! "

Liu Minyong asked with a tearful tone: "But what about after today?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, patted his shoulder and said, "After today, they will know that this matter has nothing to do with you!

No one will have time to trouble you! "

Liu Minyong was dubious, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and said in a low voice: "Give it a go! I will follow you all day long!"

Watching him turn and leave, Chen Xin'an smiled lightly, picked up the two corpses, and dragged them to the back of the row of cabins.

He kicked open the manhole cover and threw the two bodies directly into the sewer!

After cleaning up the surroundings, Chen Xin'an returned to the vegetable field, found a place to lie down, and closed her eyes.

About thirty minutes later, Chen Xin'an opened his eyes, listened to the vibrations on the ground, and turned to look in the direction of the front door.

Soon several figures rushed over, and when they got closer, Chen Xin'an jumped out and said to everyone: "Here!"

Luo Xiaoman walked over with a grin on his face and punched Chen Xin'an on the shoulder.

"I knew you would be fine, Old Chen, there must be a way to get down!

This kid Aqi still didn't believe it and insisted on going up, but I stopped him! "

Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes and cursed: "Save some shame! Ah Qi didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, but you kept talking about why you still can't come down. Do you want to go up and have a look!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "You know nothing! Although Aqi didn't say anything, he was worried in his heart, right?"

Li Qi shook his head with a helpless smile.

Chen Xin'an knew that her brothers were worried, so she didn't say anything. She just turned to look at Liu Minyong who was following behind and asked, "Why are you following me back?"

Liu Minyong said with a grimace: "Where can I go! Didn't you say it's safe today? I've been following you all day, don't chase me away, okay?"

Luo Xiaoman patted him on the shoulder and said: "No one is driving you away! Lao Liu, I told you, you are of great use! A talent like you is someone who can do great things at first glance!"

Luo Qianhe turned his head, looked at Luo Xiaoman and asked, "Aman, you wouldn't really do it like that, would you? It wouldn't just be the face of the temple that would be broken like that, but the entire country's face!"

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