Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2611 Just beat them to death

Unexpectedly, they actually headed towards the backyard.

When Chen Xin'an and Yan Chunhua saw this scene, they remained calm and followed closely behind.

The corpses in the warehouse have been cleaned up, and everyone is hiding. Even if someone comes, they won't see anything strange for a while.

Moreover, these people did not come to the warehouse, but led the short-haired young man into a cement room.

Seeing that the people behind had closed the door and the room was empty again, it didn't look like a place where gifts were given out. The short-haired young man felt a little strange and frowned and asked:

"Why did you bring me here?"

Several staff members had ferocious smiles on their faces, looking at him playfully like a cat that had caught a mouse.

One person turned around, picked a few special canes from the wall, and threw them to his companions.

The short-haired young man also sensed something was wrong in the atmosphere, with a look of panic on his face. He turned around and said, "I don't want your compensation gift. My friend is still waiting for me, so I'll go out first..."

As soon as he took a step, there was a burst of wind behind him.

Before he could react, a rattan whipped him hard on his back!

"Ah!" The short-haired young man screamed loudly, turned around and looked at the staff with a painful expression and shouted: "What are you doing?"

What he answered was a sharp slap to the head and face!

The strange thing is that when these canes are struck on people's bodies, they do not cause any damage to their clothes. They look fine on the outside and nothing happens.

But when the cuffs were rolled up, the red and bleeding whip marks on the exposed arms looked so shocking!

At first the short-haired young man wanted to resist, but after being kicked twice in the stomach, he fell to the ground.

Then he was kicked several times in the head in the style of a football kick. He was unable to move and no longer had the strength to protect himself.

Several people surrounded him, swung the canes in their hands and whipped him violently!

"Damn Chinese people, do you really think we will apologize to you? This is simply childish and ridiculous!"

"This is Daying, this is our Daying Temple! No matter what we perform, it is our freedom, and we don't need you, a bastard, to dictate what we do!"

"So what if you don't like it?

We are using this show to humiliate you!

Because you have cheap bones!

No matter how much we deal with you, you will always praise us and send us your flattery!

We don’t need to say anything, there will be some of your own people who will stand up to defend us!

If we don’t humiliate such low-minded people, then who should we humiliate? "

The short-haired young man couldn't say a word and shed tears.

Compared with the pain on the body, the pain in the heart is more intense!

In the past, he also admired the Japanese culture and felt that he should not hold on to the hatred for so many years. He felt that he should forget the past and have friendly exchanges.

But after coming to Da Ying, he discovered all kinds of discrimination and the deep-rooted gangster mentality, which made Da Ying people, from children to adults, look down on Chinese people from the bottom of their hearts.

All the disguises are just to make more money from the Chinese people.

One second he was bowing to you, and the next moment he turned around he called you a pig!

Therefore, after he returns to China, he plans to tell the people around him about his experiences and what he saw and heard in Da Ying, so that everyone should not have illusions about this country.

But now, he felt that he might not be able to go back, and he would be beaten to death by the people from these temples!

Just when he was close to collapse, the people around him suddenly stopped.

Immediately after a sharp tearing pain in his ear, he was forcefully pulled up and collapsed on the ground!

"If you want to live, kneel down, apologize to us, and beg us to spare you!"

The short-haired young man was shaking all over in pain, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "It's you who are at fault, not me. Why should I apologize to you? It should be you who apologize to me and China!"

"Idiot!" A temple employee kicked him, then stepped on his head, and said with a ferocious smile:

"I said you were wrong, you are wrong.

If I ask you to apologize, you have to apologize!

I ask you to kneel down, then kneel down for me!

Otherwise, I will beat you to death here! "

The companion next to him sneered and said: "Don't think we are scaring you!

You should know the status of the temple in Da Ying!

Desecrating the temple is a capital crime!

Even if an ant like you is killed, no one will care! "

The short-haired young man had sad eyes, shook his head and said, "I was really wrong! I actually thought the culture of a group of beasts was advanced!

Even if you beat me to death, don't make me surrender!

I, Liao Liang, kneel to the sky, kneel to the ground, and kneel to my parents, but I don’t kneel to the beast! "

"Seeking death!" The temple staff was furious, threw away the rattan, picked up the steel pipe in the corner, and walked over with a sullen face.

Seeing the murderous intent in their eyes, Liao Liang knew that he was doomed this time.

He closed his eyes in despair, thinking about the purpose of coming to Da Ying, and a sarcastic sneer appeared on his face. What retribution!

Just when the group of temple personnel were about to beat this Chinese man with bones harder than stone to death with sticks, the door was kicked open with a bang!

Chen Xin'an and Yan Chunhua walked in. Yan Chunhua stopped at the door, turned around and closed the door.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Get out! This is not the place for you!"

"Why do they have our bamboo hats? But I have never seen them!"

"I know that woman! She belongs to Miss Haruko! Why is she here?"

Chen Xin'an couldn't understand what they said, and had no intention of understanding them. As if she couldn't see these people at all, she walked straight in front of Liao Liang.

"Sorry, I had to confirm whether you were worth saving, so you suffered a lot."

Liao Liang didn't seem to have reacted yet. He just looked at Chen Xin'an in confusion and asked hesitantly: "Are you here to save me?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Yes! It's okay now. I'll take you out!"

"But they..." Liao Liang pointed to the temple personnel next to him.

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at those people with disdain, and said lightly: "They're just a bunch of ants! They're not even beasts!"

"Asshole! He seems to be humiliating us and looking for death, right?"

"It's the damn Chinese again! I hate the Chinese!"

"Why do I feel like this person looks familiar? It seems like I have seen him somewhere! Who is he?"

"Don't care who he is, since he dares to cause trouble, I'll beat him too!"

Several temple personnel rushed up, raised their sticks and swung them at Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone with an expressionless face. When the stick was about to hit his head, he suddenly moved and avoided everyone's attacks.

At the same time, he made a fist with his right hand, with the knuckle of his middle finger protruding, and struck each of them in the heart.

After being hit by this finger, all the temple staff turned pale, threw away the sticks in their hands, covered their chests with both hands, and slumped on the ground helplessly!

Chen Xin'an then turned around, walked to Liao Liang, checked his body, and gave him a few injections.

After a while, Chen Xin'an raised the needle and said to Liao Liang, "Can you still move around?"

Liao Liang endured the pain, stood up and gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an, "No problem!"

"That's good!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, walked to the side, picked up the rattan on the ground, threw one to Liao Liang, and said lightly:

“How they hit you, hit them back now!

Don't strike too harshly, just kill him! "

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