Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2612 The next step is up to you.

The screams of ghosts and wolves howling came from the concrete room.

The snapping sound of the cane hitting the body was even more terrifying to those who heard it.

Liao Liang was very excited at the beginning, and his face was filled with the pleasure of revenge.

But when he saw those temple personnel being beaten and rolling all over the floor, curled up motionless on the ground, but Chen Xin'an was still beating wildly, showing no sign of mercy, he was also frightened!

He quickly threw away the cane and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, it's okay! I've already vented my anger. If I fight again, something will happen!"

Chen Xin'an did not stop, but said lightly: "Do you think I am just venting my anger for you? Or do you think what I just said was just angry words?"

Liao Liang said helplessly: "If we fight again, something will happen. We can't really kill them, right?

After all, this is Da Ying and a temple. If the attack is too heavy, we will be in big trouble!

Just let them remember this lesson, and let’s stop it when it’s good! "

"Idiot!" Yan Chunhua walked over, raised her toes, grabbed a steel pipe in her hand, looked at Liao Liang coldly and said:

“You’re just going to give up on being polite to the Da Ying people?

Have you forgotten what they did to you just now?

Do you think they will remember the lesson after being beaten once?

If you're afraid of trouble, you can leave now! "

As if he didn't want to be looked down upon by a beautiful woman, Liao Liang's face turned red and he snorted and said:

"I'm afraid of trouble? I just don't want you to be implicated by me!

When you go to China and go to Guanbei to ask around, I, Liao Liang, am not someone who is afraid of trouble..."

Before she finished speaking, Yan Chunhua had already raised the steel pipe, hit it hard on the head of a temple staff member!

Liao Liang was completely stunned. He watched the man's head being dented and blood gushing out. He shouted out loud: "You have to really kill them!"

Yan Chunhua said coldly: "Slaughtering a bunch of beasts, what else can be true or false?"

Chen Xin'an raised the cane and slapped it on the temple personnel in front of him.

The man was motionless, as if unresponsive.

Only then did Liao Liang realize that the guy was actually dead!

There was no good piece of meat left on his body.

Every time Chen Xin'an slapped him, a big gash would be torn open by the cane on the man's body!

There are even bones on his back, and the canes have broken his bones, exposing the stubble!

This is not a rattan, this is clearly a steel knife!

Liao Liang's face was pale and bloodless.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and Yan Chunhua in shock and asked, "Who are you?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, whipped another temple member with another cane, and said lightly: "Chinese!"

Yan Chunhua said to Liao Liang: "Okay, you can go! Hurry up and get out of here. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

"Aren't you leaving?" Liao Liang looked at Chen Xin'an and Yan Chunhua in panic and said:

"They were all beaten to death, let's run together!

The people from the temple are dead, and they won't let any of us go! "

Yan Chunhua said impatiently: "Listen! If you want to survive, leave the temple now, buy the nearest air ticket, and return home quickly!

If you keep whining here, we can't guarantee your safety!

Don't worry about what we're going to do, it's none of your business.

We will cause chaos in the temple after a while, and you can take this opportunity to leave here, do you understand? "

Yan Chunhua ignored Liao Liang, turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, shall we go back now?"

Chen Xin'an threw away the three canes that had been replaced, stood next to a temple employee, and said to Yan Chunhua: "Ask him where to put the new urn?"

Liao Liang smiled dryly and said: "You called him Mr. Chen? I thought you were a couple!

This person is already dead, why are you still asking him? "

Yan Chunhua walked directly in front of the temple staff, squatted down and held down his back, found a spot on the spine, and slapped him hard!

The guy who was pretending to be dead let out a scream. Yan Chunhua asked him something in Japanese. The guy muttered something, raised his arm and pointed in a direction.

Yan Chunhua stood up, nodded to Chen Xin'an, then frowned and said to Liao Liang, "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Liao Liang looked at her and smiled, and about to say something else, Chen Xin'an had already raised his foot and stepped on the neck of the guy who was pretending to be dead!

With a click, the guy died on the spot!

Liao Liang was so scared that his legs went weak!

Yan Chunhua pushed him and cursed rudely: "Hurry up and leave, don't stop us from doing things!"

Liao Liang did not dare to say anything else this time. He lowered his head and walked out of the room. He turned to look at Yan Chunhua, turned around and left quickly.

Chen Xin'an and Yan Chunhua also walked out. Five minutes later, they returned to the warehouse door, but the bag in Yan Chunhua's hand turned into a black wooden box.

The temple enshrines urns, and there is always a spare.

I have to say, these guys are really rich, even the urns are made of mahogany.

Seeing Chen Xin'an appear, Luo Qianhe, Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong who were hiding in the dark also came out.

Soon the door of the warehouse was opened, and Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi walked out holding a cardboard box each.

"Old Chen, everything is ready, let's start!" Luo Xiaoman said to Chen Xin'an with excitement.

Xiao Zhang patted Liu Minyong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The next step is up to you!"

Liu Minyong said with a grimace, "Can I refuse?"

"Okay!" Luo Qianhe nodded and said, "You can leave now. But if we are chased by people from the temple, don't blame us for standing by and watching!"

Xiao Zhang put his arm around his shoulders and snorted: "We talked a lot just now.

Could it be that when these grandsons bullied you in the past, it was all in vain?

Don’t you want to help your grandma take revenge?

This place is a garbage dump that smells worse than a shit pit!

Only you can make this place justifiable!

If this happens, you will be a great hero in the world! "

Liu Minyong's eyes lit up.

Xiao Zhang curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to do it, and then we'll all be busy!"

"You are kidding!" Liu Minyong was unhappy and said to Xiao Zhang, "I am familiar with the sewage system of this entire temple.

The entire underground well is filled with methane gas, which is quite dangerous.

Coupled with this thing you guys are doing, not to mention the temple, the Yingjing Tower will be affected!

The key is that the noise is too big, I'm afraid we won't be able to finish it! "

Chen Xin'an said to him: "You just go do your thing, and we will handle the rest!

I can guarantee that I will get you out alive! "

"I want to go back to Dongchao, can you send me back alive?" Liu Minyong looked up at Chen Xin'an.

"I can help you prepare a ticket and give you travel expenses!" Chen Xin'an looked at Liu Minyong and said:

"I will take you to the airport and get you on the plane unscathed. There is nothing else I can do!"

What he said made Liu Minyong feel relieved. He took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Fight! I need someone to help me!"

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said: "I'm with you, how can such a thing be done without me!"

Li Qi also nodded and said, "I'll go too! I'm the one who designed this thing. I know where to put it in the most powerful position!"

Chen Xin'an did not stop him, and said to the three of them: "After you have finished the matter, go to the place where we met.

There is a wooden house there, go find us, and let's go out from the backyard after you're done! "

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