Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2613 They will only worship the strong

The small wooden house next to the vegetable garden is actually a teahouse.

These guys from the temple really know how to enjoy themselves. They grow a field and drink tea, and they have all kinds of tea sets.

Anyway, everything was complete, so Chen Xin'an and others were not polite and just sat here boiling water and making tea, waiting for someone to come back.

Inside the cabin is a well with very clear water, which should be used to make tea.

This wooden house was built to protect the well from wind and rain and prevent the water from being polluted.

Several bangs of cannons were heard, and Xiao Zhang stood up suddenly and said nervously: "Is it going off now? It doesn't seem like the noise was big? Is this a mistake?"

Yan Chunhua shook her head and said, "It's the Fire Pot Festival's invitation to the God of Fire, and then there's the ceremony where tens of thousands of people kneel down to worship the God of Fire as he ascends to heaven!

When the God of Fire ascends to heaven, eight people accompany him to serve him. They are chosen from among the dead enshrined in the temple every year.

The more people killed during their lifetime, the more likely they were to be selected.

Thousands of people are kneeling down, but it’s actually these bastards who are kneeling down! "

"Damn it!" Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe both cursed sullenly.

The murderous king who should have been despised by all the people and nailed to the Pillar of Shame to repent and atone for his sins is now regarded as a hero and is worshiped with the highest standards, and even enjoys the worship of thousands of people!

This kind of thing is the greatest insult to those who have been bullied by Great Britain!


The last cannon sounded, and there was a burst of cheers inside and outside the temple.

Artists dancing strange dances performed various kinds of movements to please the gods amidst the sound of gongs and drums.

A large number of media staff focused their cameras on every corner of the temple to record this lively event.

Looking at the lively scene in front of him, Abbot Matsumoto showed a proud smile on his face.

It was said that there was great controversy outside the Da Ying Temple, which even forced Da Ying officials to close the place, and repeatedly warned him to keep a low profile.

But when the official losers saw such a scene, they knew how wrong they were!

Compared with these believers, those opposing voices are so small that they can be ignored.

Next year, a group of heroes will be invited into the temple, including his father.

That is a sensitive figure that even the whole of Great Britain must treat with caution. Once he is invited to the temple to worship him, it will definitely cause shock in the world.

Originally, I wanted to wait until Yamasuke Kazuo became a member of the House of Representatives before doing this, but I didn't expect that idiot to be so helpless and died before he became a member of the House of Representatives!

However, judging from the liveliness of this year’s Brazier Festival, it has far exceeded previous years, and its impact is enough to shake the opinions of the top officials!

"Abbott, the sinner has not been found yet!" A bald man ran over and shouted anxiously.

Matsumoto Saku frowned and said dissatisfied: "Shouldn't we let those Dongchao people from last year do it?"

The bald man said helplessly: "They won't do it, and they won't agree even if they pay more!"

Matsumoto angrily cursed: "Damn Dongchao people! Hurry and look for them again. If there are no sinners, this performance will not be possible! Then the whole ceremony will become imperfect, do you understand?"

The bald man had a look of fear on his face, but there was nothing he could do about it. No one wanted to be a criminal, so he couldn't just catch two people, right?

The man standing aside, wearing a suit and looking like an official, frowned and shouted:

"Mr. Matsumoto, do you still want to be on last year's show?

Mr. President has been overwhelmed by complaints. Have you forgotten?

That show is too insulting, don't do it again! "

Matsumoto curled his lips and said with disdain: "Sakata-kun, don't be nervous! There is no need for us to pay attention to the barking and yelling of those incompetent people!"

Sakata cursed angrily: "Mr. Matsumoto, do you know how much pressure the president is under? If you are complained again this year, I believe the president will not let you go!"

"Haha, please tell the president, I guarantee that no one will complain!" Matsumoto curled his lips and said:

“This year I adopted a voluntary model, and those thorns were kept out!

We are fully prepared for this Brazier Festival and will definitely increase the temple’s international reputation and status again.

For those opposing voices, it will not cause any big waves at all, and I will not cause trouble for the president.

If something happens, I, Matsumoto Satoshi, will take full responsibility! "

After hearing what he said, Sakata couldn't say anything more and said with a straight face: "I just hope Mr. Matsumoto can remember that the temple is the face of the whole country.

If you embarrass the temple, you embarrass the whole of Great Britain.

The result is not something you can bear, not even the president can bear it! "

Matsumoto Saku nodded quickly and said: "Don't worry, Sakata-kun, I understand! Everything is under my control!"

"Abbott, someone is willing to be a sinner!" The bald man who left just now ran back with a happy face and said excitedly to Matsumoto Satoru.

Matsumoto's eyes also lit up, and he quickly asked: "Who is he? How much did he spend to invite him?"

"No money!" The bald head pointed to the back and said, "They are two Chinese people. They signed up voluntarily."

Standing behind the bald head was a young man and woman, it was Hou Sai Lei and Spider Jiang who had just obtained their visas to Japan.

"Come here!" Matsumoto waved and asked the two of them, "Are you really willing to cooperate with us and be a sinner for once?"

With a flattering smile on his face, Hou Sailei nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, yes! We don't want money, we only have a small request!"

Matsumoto frowned and said to the two of them: "What do you want? As long as it's not too much, I can satisfy you!"

Hou Sailei took out a golden square card and said: "We have just become citizens of our great Great Empire. This is the Great Empire identity card that I spent a lot of money to build.

I just want the master to enlighten us, can you? "

Spider-chan also took out a similar gold medal and said, "And mine, these two in total."

Matsumoto was stunned for a moment, pointed at the gold medal and said, "Is this the only request?"

"Yes, this is the only request, can Master satisfy us?" Hou Sai Lei and Spider Sauce bowed their waists, smiling with their eyes full of expectation.

Matsumoto frowned and asked, "Do you know what to do?"

"I know!" Hou Sailei nodded vigorously and said: "Isn't it just to imitate the barbarian people, be suppressed and ruled by the righteous master, and then accept the training of the righteous master as a sinner?

By the way, you have to drill your crotch, kneel down to greet you, shave your vaginal and yang heads, what are these, I don’t care! "

Matsumoto laughed loudly, nodded and said: "You are very good! Okay, I will help you consecrate it. No matter how many things you need to consecrate, you can come to me!"

If you are willing to do this this time, you will be friends of the temple from now on.

In the annual brazier festival ceremony, you are the honored guests and can come in directly!

Of course, you will perform this kind of show many times! "

"Thank you, Master!" Houselei and Spider-chan knelt down on the ground overjoyed and kowtowed to Matsumoto Satoru.

Matsumoto Satoru waved his hand to the bald head and said: "Take them down to prepare, everything will go according to plan!"

"Yes!" Baldhead responded, turned around and left with Hou Sai Lei and Spider Sauce.

Matsumoto said to Sakata beside him with satisfaction: "Sakata-kun, can you see it now?

Apart from those few opponents, there are so many people who are our believers!

These Chinese people knew that this was a humiliation to them, but they still volunteered to help perform.

What does this mean?

As long as you are strong enough, people will compliment you, flatter you, and follow you.

Such people have no spine, they will only worship the strong and are willing to be slaves! "

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