Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2616 They are very good at fighting like this

Making the temple look like this is tantamount to humiliating all the people of Daying!

He originally thought that it would be nothing more than a small embarrassment to the temple, but why did the people here bully him like this!

Unexpectedly, the sewers here have been clogged for too long and there is too much methane. The entire temple is like sitting on a bomb.

Not to mention the explosives made by the group in front of him, which only added fuel to the fire.

Chen Xin'an and the others smiled slightly and looked outside with interest.

This result is what they want.

When the explosions calmed down and water stopped falling from the sky, everyone opened the door and walked out.

Everyone couldn't stand the suffocating stench. Chen Xin'an waved his hand and shouted to everyone: "Get out!"

He climbed over the wall from the backyard of the vegetable field and left without encountering any obstacles along the way.

When he was about to enter the avenue, Chen Xin'an suddenly frowned and stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Li Qi pointed forward and asked to explore the way ahead. Chen Xin'an nodded.

Taking advantage of the cover of the surrounding trees, Li crouched and ran forward. When he reached the roadside, he saw jeeps parked on the side of the road.

What Chen Xin'an saw just now was the sunlight reflected in the reversing mirror.

There were about twenty cars, but no one was on the road.

There was sunshade film on the car windows, so it was not clear whether there was anyone inside.

Li Qi quietly retreated and gestured his arms forward to Chen Xin'an, indicating that everyone should avoid this place and go out from the front.

The woods are not dense, so everyone can only move forward lightly.

There are many small flying insects here, and one flew into Liu Minyong's nose.

Liu Minyong rubbed his nose and couldn't help but sneeze!

This time there was a commotion. A car on the road next to it quickly opened its window and a naked head popped out!

The people in the car are all Zhenguo Guards!

Such a big thing happened in the temple. The abbot suffered a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. The whole temple was in chaos.

Fortunately, the Zhenguo Guard is not entirely under the temple's control and has its own independent command system.

The captain of the guard felt that there was something fishy about the whole thing, so he immediately checked all the surveillance cameras in the temple, and finally discovered the whereabouts of Chen Xin'an and others.

There is no surveillance in the vegetable garden, but there is one in the warehouse.

Therefore, Zhenguowei only knew that Chen Xin'an was in the temple, but he didn't know where he was hiding.

But the guard captain is not stupid. If he knows this situation, they will definitely come out.

So he immediately gathered his men and prepared to hunt down Chen Xin'an and the others.

This is the action plan that the guard captain asked his superiors for after gathering his team.

Therefore, the entire Zhenguo Guard team was waiting outside the west wall. They were afraid of causing panic among tourists and adding insult to injury to the temple, so they chose this secluded place.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally bumped into Chen Xinan and others who had climbed over the wall!

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

Chen Xin'an and his gang have completely humiliated the temple today, and the temple will naturally not let him go!

The captain of the guard had received the order to kill without mercy. When he came back, he received a report from his subordinates that there was someone in the woods!

Following his order, the Zhenguo guards in the car jumped out of the car and ran towards the woods with their guns in hand!

Seeing several figures in the distance, the Zhenguo Guards who acted as the vanguard immediately warned the people behind them, but the people on the opposite side suddenly disappeared!

A group of Zhenguo guards were shocked!

On a bright sunny day, how come several living people disappeared in front of our eyes for no apparent reason?

Before they could react, countless arrows flew towards them!

The few Zhenguo guards who acted as vanguards had no time to dodge. They were all hit by arrows and fell to the ground dead, leaving only a few exclamations and screams!

The Zhenguo Guards behind them immediately slowed down their pursuit and began to shoot forward, but they did not see where the enemy was, and they just fired indiscriminately without any target.

Suddenly, someone's eyes were dazzled, and his hands were suddenly controlled. Then the gun was turned and pointed at the companion beside him!

With a clicking sound, several Zhenguo guards fell to the ground.

The controlled Zhenguo Guard looked horrified and shouted: "Be careful! They are wearing phantom ninja disguises..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of blood suddenly spurted out from his throat. His eyes protruded like dead fish and he stared straight at the side.

He finally saw the invisible killer, staring at him expressionlessly. Although he was close at hand, he was no longer able to turn the gun.

A group of Zhenguo guards no longer dared to rush forward fearlessly. Now they realized that the enemy they faced was very difficult.

Not only because they wore camouflage clothes, but also because their skills were so neat that they caught everyone off guard.

Some Zhenguo guards who had participated in the previous battle to encircle and suppress Chen Xin'an's gang shouted loudly: "Be careful with them, they are all kung fu masters!"

The guard captain gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Stop everyone, shoot indiscriminately!"

All the Zhenguo guards stopped, relying on the trees, and pulled the triggers in front!

Branches, leaves and wood chips flew across the forest, and bullets rained forward.

After exactly ten minutes, the guard captain raised his hand, the gunfire stopped, and the Zhenguo Guards moved forward to search.

After walking nearly two hundred meters, we reached the end of the woods, but found nothing!

Instead, there was a roar of cars from behind!

"Asshole! Turn back quickly!" The guard captain reacted and told everyone to run back.

But it was still a step too late. I saw a jeep starting from a distance, leaving the convoy and speeding away!

"Get in the car and chase me!" the guard captain gritted his teeth angrily. The other party actually got the Phantom Ninja's disguise, got behind them, and drove away in their car!

How did these guys do it?

Just as everyone was about to run into the car, a burst of gunfire suddenly rang out from behind!

There are people in the woods!

The captain of the guard's eyes almost popped out of his head, there was still someone left!

Under the hail of bullets just now, there was still someone who could survive without any injuries?

How did you do it?

On the jeep, everyone took off their camouflage clothes, folded them and stuffed them into their backpacks.

Yan Chunhua said to Luo Xiaoman worriedly: "Aman, do we really want to keep Mr. Chen and Mr. Li here?"

Luo Xiaoman said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry about them. This style of fighting is very convenient for them, so we don't need to worry about it!"

Liu Minyong said with a sad face: "It would be great to go together, it's not like we can't sit in the car..."

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Does that mean you shouldn't have been allowed to wear disguise just now?

If they don't hold back those people, do you think we can leave? "

Liu Minyong shrank his neck and did not dare to speak.

Luo Qianhe asked Xiao Zhang who was driving: "Old Xiao, where are we going now? Back to Shimu Town?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "Brother An said that Shimu Town has been targeted and it is very unsafe now. Our Jingkomachi!"

"Jingju Chang?" Luo Xiaoman frowned and asked, "It seems that girl Xiaoli mentioned this place.

It's near Yingkyo University, right? "

"Yes!" Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "The rental center for international students at Yingjing University.

After we get there, contact Ah Qi and ask him and An Geer to come find us! "

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Zhang turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the car that was going to get on the overpass suddenly turned into a passage under the bridge.

Everyone was staggering around in the car, and Luo Xiaoman asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

Xiao Zhang looked at the rearview mirror with a gloomy face and said, "We are being targeted! A car has been dumped, and there should be someone following us!"

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