Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2617 Call me at 11pm

There were loud gunshots and screams in the woods.

"A team is under attack! The enemy is in the tree, be careful!"

"There's one on the side of the second team too! It's a crossbow! Find cover quickly!"

"Be careful! There is a trap! The third captain has been sacrificed! Don't touch the tree trunk, they actually made a trap!"

The Zhenguo Guard who was originally chasing the opponent has now become the target of being hunted.

They couldn't even figure out how the enemy climbed the tree in such a short period of time, and how they set up their traps!

Li Qi, who was hiding among the branches, made an OK gesture to Chen Xin'an who was standing on another tree not far away.

Chen Xin'an nodded and pointed to him in the southeast direction.

In order to cover their brother's smooth departure, the two stayed to hold off the enemy.

Time was limited and materials were limited, so I hurriedly made a rebound mechanism.

Unexpectedly, the unlucky captain of the Third Zhenguo Guard Team triggered one and was whipped four to five meters by a tree trunk as thick as his thigh, and his body broke all the trees as thick as his waist!

That death state is really miserable!

The time was almost up and it was getting dark. Chen Xin'an gestured to Li Qi that he could retreat!

A group of Zhenguo guards were chasing after them, bullets whizzing past the two of them.

These town guards are well-trained and ruthless.

He knows kung fu and can use a gun, and his strength is more than one level higher than those killers from Sakura Club.

You must know that Zhenguo Guards are selected from an early age and then trained using a combination of ninja training and military training.

They are not only responsible for the safety of the temple, but also protect all important institutions in Da Ying.

But this is not a battlefield after all, and they are not really green.

There is a huge difference in equipment, and the tactics are not flexible enough.

For veteran soldiers like Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, beating them is like a boxer beating a kindergarten kid!

If it weren't for the limited weapons and equipment, it wouldn't be impossible for two people to massacre all the Zhenguo Guards here!

Jumping down from the tree, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi each held two wooden spears whittled with war knives.

They fell directly into the crowd of Zhenguo Guards and took action without saying a word!

"Be careful..." A Zhenguo guard hiding behind a tree was shocked when he saw a person suddenly appearing in front of him, and quickly warned his companions.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a wooden gun was thrust directly into his mouth, and the bloody tip of the gun was exposed from the back of his head!


The wooden gun was withdrawn, then thrown hard by Chen Xin'an. With a pop, it was inserted into the chest of another Zhenguo guard not far away!

At the same time, the gun in the hand of the Zhenguo Guard fired, but all the bullets shot into the sky!

"Aqi, follow me, let's go!" Chen Xin'an shouted and rushed out from the bodies of the two Zhenguo guards.

A hole was opened in the encirclement, and the rest could not be closed, because masters like Chen Xin'an and Li Qi would never give them another chance!

The captain of the guard shouted loudly: "Don't panic! Keep the original formation, there are only two of them, it is easy for us to kill them..."

Before he finished speaking, he yelled and threw himself to the side. After falling to the ground, he rolled three times and hid behind a big tree in embarrassment.

Where he was standing just now, a crossbow arrow penetrated half of the ground, scaring him into a cold sweat!

The men next to him did not react like him, and were directly shot through the throat by a crossbow arrow, killing him on the spot!

Not only did the gap that was torn open not close, but it expanded in an instant.

Now Zhenguo Wei could only watch the two men rush out from the gap, get on the highway, and stop a passing car.

"Asshole, what are you doing!" A middle-aged man in his forties looked at the two young men standing in front of the car, patting the steering wheel and shouting curses.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, these two bastards would have knocked him away!

Li Qi walked to the driver's seat and smashed the window glass with an elbow!

The middle-aged man was startled, holding his head and tilting it to the side, and shouted to Li Qi in horror: "What are you going to do? Don't mess around, I am the president of Yingjing Times..."

Li Qi didn't speak, he just pointed the wooden gun at his nose, and then waved it back twice.

The middle-aged man understood and didn't dare to talk nonsense. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and climbed into the back seat of the car.

Li Qi opened the car door and got in. Chen Xin'an turned around and looked at a group of Zhenguo guards running out of the woods. He took the wooden gun in his hand and threw it away!

The wooden gun flew out with a swish, directly piercing the chest of a Zhenguo guard, and then pierced the chest of the Zhenguo guard behind him, with the tip of the gun exposed a large part of his back!

The Zhenguo Guard couldn't bear such a powerful force at all. His body was carried back by the wooden gun. With a pop, he was connected with a companion behind him!

A wooden gun can kill three people twenty meters apart!

The Zhenguo Guards, including the captain of the guard, were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

Who dares to match such a person and such strength?

For a time, no one dared to move forward.

Chen Xin'an got into the car calmly and sat next to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man who also saw this scene turned frighteningly pale.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and then at Li Qi, his lips were trembling, he wanted to say something but couldn't!

When Chen Xin'an raised her hand, he shrank in fright, rolled his eyes, and passed out in the back seat.

What's going on? Isn’t it a case of porcelain?

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other, smiled helplessly, started the car and drove away.

The captain of the guard looked at the corpses in front of him and those in the woods. He wanted to control his trembling hands, but he couldn't.

The Zhenguo Guard had never encountered such a disastrous defeat before. They were killed by two people and suffered heavy losses!

Such an enemy is really terrifying. If you don't have weapons with enough firepower, facing such an enemy will be a dead end!

No, we must launch the entire Da Ying to hunt down these enemies. Only the Zhenguo Guards are not enough.

Fortunately, something like this happened, and the temple suffered an unprecedented insult. The Ying officials would not let these people go.

Soon the official will send out an extermination team to deal with this matter.

No one of these people can escape, they will all die!

The buzzing sound of the phone kept ringing in the pocket of the middleman.

Chen Xin'an looked at the middle-aged man who was still pretending to be faint, then reached out and hit him on the head.

"Oops!" The middle-aged man screamed and "woke up" holding his head.

He cupped his hands and begged Chen Xin'an for mercy: "Please let me go. I will give you the car. I don't want it anymore. Can you let me go?"

Chen Xin'an didn't understand what he was talking about, so she just pointed at his pocket.

Only then did the middle-aged man notice that his phone was ringing. He quickly took out his phone and looked at Chen Xin'an inquiringly.

Chen Xin'an nodded.

The middle-aged man carefully pressed the answer button. It was a video call, and the avatar of a beautiful woman appeared over there.

I glanced at Chen Xin'an next to me with the corner of my eye, only to find that he was looking directly at me. The middle-aged man was so frightened that he quickly put away his little thought of asking the other party to call the police and said into the phone:

"What else do you have? Didn't you make it very clear at the newspaper office just now?

It's not convenient for me right now and I don't want to discuss this matter. Please call me at 11pm sharp!

Remember, it’s eleven o’clock sharp, I’m not free at other times!

Okay, don’t waste your time, the news about the temple cannot be posted!

Do you know how much trouble it will be once it is sent?

Stop talking about you, I can’t even be the president! "

He wanted to hang up the phone angrily, but he reached out a hand from beside him and snatched the phone away!

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