Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2618 Xiruo is pregnant

The middle-aged man was so frightened that he almost suffocated. He was afraid that this person would see through his little trick just now.

What's more worrying is that he is afraid of causing trouble for his niece.

These two are gangsters who kill without blinking an eye!

I just didn't expect that after the other party grabbed the phone, he glanced at the woman on the opposite side of the video, smiled, and then said, "Hello, Miss Miori, we meet again!"

The woman opposite also screamed: "Mr. Chen! How could it be you? But how could you be in my uncle's car?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the dazed middle-aged man next to him and smiled: "Maybe, this is fate!"

Li Qi, who was driving, said, "Since we are all acquaintances, let's just forget about your uncle asking you to call the police?"

"Huh?" Chen Xin'an glanced at the middle-aged man strangely.

Li Qi smiled and said, "This gentleman just kept stressing that Miss Miori should go find him at eleven o'clock in the evening.

I remember Officer Fujiwara said that the police phone number in Japan is the same as that in China, they are both 110! "

The middle-aged man blushed and had a thick neck, but he didn't expect that his little trick was discovered by the other party!

He quickly lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that you are Miori's friends."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It turns out you can speak Chinese, and you can speak it quite well!"

The middle-aged man looked embarrassed and did not dare to talk.

Miori Mizutani said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, that is my uncle Mizutani Hiroio, who is also the president of Yingjing Times.

If Mr. Chen wants him to help, just ask, he is an honest man and will definitely agree. "

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to her: "Don't worry, Miss Miori, I just took your uncle for a ride.

I'll let him out safely when we get there.

I just heard you tell Mr. Xiongnan, do you have news about the temple? "

Miori Mizutani nodded immediately and said: "Today's events, as well as some reports I investigated, are enough to make the news about the temple hit the headlines in Japan!

But my uncle is too timid and afraid of getting into trouble, he doesn’t dare to say anything!

I think as media people, reporting the truth objectively and fairly, without fear of power or retaliation, is the minimum professional ethics for us! "

Mizutani Chuanxiong said with an unconvinced look: "But we cannot ignore the safety of the entire newspaper because of so-called professional ethics.

If you want to be a good reporter, you must first have a good platform.

Even the newspaper office is gone. No matter how dedicated you are, what's the use?

No one will ever know the facts you have! "

Mizutani Chuanmiori was not convinced and said angrily: "You don't even dare to say it, how many people know the truth?"

"I'm not saying not to post, but you have to pay attention to the method and technique!" Mizutani Chuanxiongnan said with a straight face:

"If you post it so rashly, it will only turn the newspaper into a public enemy of the entire country!

Don't say that the official will not let us go, even ordinary citizens of Japan will take revenge on us.

Isn’t the lesson learned by Yingjing Weekly enough? "

Miori Mizutani snorted and said, "Techniques, what kind of techniques do you think we should use?"

"I don't know either!" Mizutani Chuanxiong said with his shoulders relaxed: "People think of ways. Don't act rashly before you think of it!"

Miori Miori said angrily: "The most important thing in news reporting is to be proactive. By the time you think of a way, the news will have become old news, so why report it?"

Seeing that Shuiguchuan Xiongnan still wanted to talk, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "I have an idea, can you guys take a look?"

"Mr. Chen, please speak!" Mizutani Chuanmiori said impatiently.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to the two of them: "We can post it online first to create online public opinion.

The scale on the Internet will be larger and the propagation speed will be faster.

And you can’t use the Yingjing Times account to post it. I will let people create some small accounts to act as trolls and publish it on a large scale.

Please ask your friends in the police for help to relax restrictions on the navy.

When public opinion reaches a certain level and the authorities can no longer cover it up, the Yingjing Times will make the final decision.

At that time, you will represent the official attitude, so you can be exempted from official punishment and receive official protection! "

"This method is good!" Miori Mizutani clapped her hands excitedly and said to Chen Xin'an: "But, how do we win over the navy?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to her: "As long as the money is available, there will be no shortage of manpower to help you!

I will find someone to do this, I just need your information sharing. "

Miori Mizutani said openly: "As long as the public can see the truth of the matter, I can share the information with others!

Mr. Chen, are you asking Miss Tong for help?

She is indeed a good helper, but she is only a student, and I am afraid that this matter will bring danger to her..."

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said to her: "Don't worry, she will indeed help, but she will not take the lead.

I will let a professional team do this. I will contact you later and ask her to call you. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an looked at Shuiguchuan Xiongnan and said, "Mr. Xiongnan, what do you think of this?"

"I already know who you are!" Shuiguchuan Xiongnan looked at Chen Xin'an and sighed:

"Mr. Chen, I admire your courage and your personal charm.

But if you do this, the Ying officials will hate you to death!

Even if the temple is punished as it should be, and the officials have to reluctantly part ways out of shame, the Great Sea can no longer tolerate you.

By then your situation will only be more dangerous than now!

And everyone who has close contact with you will be implicated! "

Chen Xin'an nodded. As expected of the president of Yingjing Times, he is thoughtful and sees the problem thoroughly.

This is exactly the situation Chen Xin'an will face next, but he is not afraid.

Anyway, when I came to Da Ying, I never thought I would return home safely.

It's not like he has never been against an entire country. He no longer cares how many enemies there are.

As long as you can do the right thing, even if you are the enemy of the whole world, so what?

He smiled and said to Mizutani Chuanxiongo: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiongan, I will not let your newspaper company and Miss Miori be dragged down by my involvement.

I just hope that you can maintain your current mentality. As a media person, you should let the public see the truth of the matter instead of being blinded by falsehoods.

I'll make a call, don't be nervous, we won't hurt you! "

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone and made an international long distance call.

When the call was connected, as soon as Chen Xin'an said hello, Wang Yi cursed at him: "Are you confused?

How long has it been since you called Xiruo?

Do you know how worried she is about you now?

She couldn't sleep well in the past two days, and she didn't dare to call you, which made her very exhausted!

She vomited again in the hospital just now, and the doctors advised her not to have severe mood swings. You..."

Before she could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an interrupted and shouted to her: "What's wrong with Xiruo? Why did you go to the hospital?"

Wang Yi scolded angrily: "Isn't this nonsense! You have to check up once a month, do four-dimensional tests, and look at your development. You don't even understand this?"

Everyone is very busy today, but I am still free, so I came here with Xi Ruo! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Wang Yi, "What is the disease? Why do you need to check it every month? Tell me the truth!"

Wang Yi scolded angrily: "Are you a fool? You...you don't even know that Xi Ruo is pregnant, right?"

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