Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2619 They have broken up

Huge surprise instantly surrounded Chen Xin'an!

Xiruo is pregnant?

My wife is going to have a baby?

Am I going to have a son or daughter of my own?

During this period of time, I have been fighting openly and secretly with the Sakura Club and the Temple, and I have not taken time to talk to my wife. I never expected that such good news would come to me!

Of course he knew what his wife was thinking about.

Going to the Eagle Flag Country with her was partly to protect her, and partly to find a drug that could make her pregnant.

Even if it is a folk remedy, it can make him work hard regardless of his own safety.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off and this folk remedy worked!

It should have been the night before Xi Ruo came back from the Eagle Flag Country. She tirelessly asked for it, and it might have been that time she won.

By now, we are two months apart, which is when pregnancy reactions become more severe.

Wang Yi on the other side of the phone said, "Xiruo came out, do you want to talk to her?"

Chen Xin'an said excitedly: "Yes! Give her the phone!"

After a while, a soft voice came from the phone: "Husband..."

At this moment, Chen Xin'an felt like her eyes were filled with tears.

He took a deep breath and said distressedly: "My wife, I have made you suffer!"

Ning Xuruo said softly: "It's not hard at all, I'm just a little anemic, I just need to replenish my body and I'll be fine!

Now there are many people at home helping me, and I am not asked to do anything. I am very bored every day. "

Chen Xin'an quickly said to her: "Since you are inconvenient, don't do anything. Someone in the company will take care of you.

I will ask Aunt Xiao and Aunt Fang to stay with you twenty-four hours a day.

Junior sister will not let her go outside and will be responsible for your care at home..."

Ning Xiruo said coquettishly: "Okay, husband, don't make any arrangements!

Everyone has taken good care of me, so don't bother me anymore.

I'm fine, my belly isn't too visible yet, so it won't delay my activities.

Don't worry about me, take care of yourself.

I know you are in danger out there, but you are doing what you should do.

Husband, I support you, but you must also ensure that you come back safely.

The baby in my belly and I are waiting for you! "

"Don't worry!" Chen Xin'an said to her with a sore nose, "We agreed to grow old together, die together, reincarnate together, and be husband and wife in the next life.

There are so many things and so many promises waiting for me to fulfill. I am not willing to die early! "

"Don't say that word!" Ning Xiruo interrupted him angrily and said softly: "My husband is a unique hero. He has been protected by gods throughout his life and is safe and smooth!"

Chen Xin'an knew that his wife had always been a staunch atheist.

Now he actually believed in gods, which made him a little funny, but more moved and sad.

Only when you care about him beyond caring about yourself will you change your beliefs and place your hope on illusory gods.

The two talked about love for a while, and Chen Xin'an was afraid that the radiation from the mobile phone would affect the children, so she hung up the phone reluctantly.

"Boss, congratulations!" Li Qi in front said to Chen Xin'an with a smile.

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to Li Qi: "Don't envy me, find one yourself quickly!

Aman’s children are already so old, and Lao Xiao’s son is even in school!

Everyone has Xiao Qin, so why are you still a bachelor?

I think Lijuan has always been interested in you. When she graduates from high school, you two can be together! "

Li Qi blushed and had a thick neck. He smiled bitterly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, no matter how messed up I am, I will never attack a little girl, right? I always treat her as my own sister..."

"You can pull me down!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand, interrupted him and scolded: "You treat her as her biological sister, how do you know if she also treats you as her biological brother?

Everyone can understand Lijuan's attitude towards you, but you are the only one who is confused?

Or are you just pretending to be confused?

Ah Qi, people always have to look forward.

What happened in the past is in the past.

When feelings come, don't resist them, just let them take their own course.

I believe her sister Izumi knows her well and will not object to her following you.

Maybe this is what she hopes for. "

Li Qi looked sad and stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an is not a person who messes around with things like mandarin ducks. No one else can tell this kind of thing, and the two parties have to handle it themselves.

Shuiguchuan Xiongnan on the side looked at Chen Xinan in surprise.

I didn't expect that this man who has been all over the world recently has such a gentle and emotional side.

After a while, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Brother He and Sister Qin have separated!"

"Ah?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked him: "What did you say? What's going on?"

Li Qi shook his head and said to him: "I got it on the night I came to Da Ying, and I bumped into it accidentally.

Exactly why, I don't know.

But Brother He has never told everyone, and it’s hard for me to say either! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and cursed: "This kid even hid it from me!

No wonder I always felt that something was wrong with his mood, but I didn't know why.

After working on it for a long time, the roots are here! "

Li Qi put his hand to his ear and whispered: "Okay, I understand, we are out, now we are looking for you!"

Turning his head, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, they are at Jingju Chang! Mr. Xiongnan, can you please help me give you directions?"

Mizutani Chuan Xiongnan nodded and said: "I don't live far from there. Turn right ahead and it's about twenty minutes away."

Fifteen minutes later, still five hundred meters away from Jingju Field, the car stopped.

Chen Xin'an took out a silver needle and said to Shuiguchuan Xiongnan: "Mr. Xiongnan, I need you to be patient.

I'll give it a shot later, and your orifices will bleed.

But don’t worry, it’s just a small amount of blood bleeding and it’s not harmful to your body.

This will make it look miserable for you.

After we leave, you have to call for help and ask someone to take you to the hospital. "

Shui Guchuan Xiongnan looked at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression and said, "Mr. Chen, actually there is no need to go to such trouble..."

"Need it!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, inserted the silver needle into the top of his head, twisted it gently, and said to him:

"I told you, I won't hurt you!

The section of road where the car was intercepted was monitored. Although some surveillance was avoided along the way, the camera was not completely avoided.

The other party will soon find out our whereabouts. If not, you will be in big trouble! "

Mizutani Chuan Xiongnan wanted to say something else, but there was a fishy fever in his mouth and nose, and blood flowed out. He quickly covered his mouth.

Chen Xin'an nodded to Li, and the two got off the car and walked to the bus stop next to them.

After they walked away, Mizutani Chuanxiong'an opened the car door, stood beside the car and shouted: "Help!" Then he fell to the ground with a thud.

Next to the bus stop, Chen Xin'an slapped her head and laughed and cursed: "Why did I call Sister Yi!"

I was only focused on sharing the joy of pregnancy with my wife, and actually forgot about the real business.

As soon as I took out the phone, the ringtone also rang. When I looked at it, it showed that it was Wang Yi who was calling.

Chen Xin'an answered the call immediately, and just as the bus was coming, he explained the matter to Wang Yi and got on the bus.

After the call was finished, Li Qi poked his body with his arm and looked around.

Only then did Chen Xin'an realize that everyone on the bus turned their heads and looked at him and Li Qi without blinking.

On the car TV next to him, there was a wanted poster, and the photo on it belonged to Chen Xin'an!

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