Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with disgust and anger. This person was the culprit who defiled the Da Ying Temple!

The temple was contaminated by sewage, and officials initially determined that it was vandalism.

But to regard Chen Xin'an as the culprit is completely framed!

After all, there is no conclusive evidence. Just because he appeared near the temple during the Brazier Festival, he found a scapegoat.

In order to deal with the Societies Alliance and Sakura Club, Chen Xin'an stole the show in Yingjing some time ago and has already attracted the attention of the officials.

There is a high probability that he did this. Even if there is no evidence, it can be concluded, so a nationwide arrest warrant was issued!

The young people in the car all stood up and approached Chen Xin'an with eager eyes.

"You bastard from China, how dare you come to Da Ying to act recklessly, how dare you desecrate the temple, you are really looking for death!"

"Catch the two of them and send them to the Yingjing Police Department! Such people will be driven out of Da Ying immediately and will never be allowed to enter!"

"Kicking Da Ying out is too kind to them! Such people should be beaten to death and then thrown into the sea to feed the fish! Insulting the temple is insulting Da Ying. They will not regret their death!"

In the heated atmosphere, several people rushed over and wanted to beat up Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Unexpectedly, what greeted them was a pair of iron fists and steel feet!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi didn't care whether they knew kung fu or whether they were ordinary people.

As long as you take action first, you will have to bear the consequences!

In the midst of screams, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi knocked down all the young people in front of them.

Then he kicked an old man who was holding an umbrella and wanted to blind Chen Xin'an under the seat!

Li Qi rushed forward, causing the passengers in the car to scream loudly and dodge.

Standing next to the driver, Li Qi said calmly: "You deviated from the route!"

The car originally didn't have to go on the bridge, but now it has driven onto the overpass.

And getting off the bridge is the Yingjing Third Police Department!

The driver didn't seem to understand what Li Qi said, his face was gloomy, and he suddenly turned the steering wheel and sent the car rushing towards the bridge railing!

The people in the car screamed and fell to the side.

However, Li Qi had already expected it. He grabbed the pole next to him with both hands, moved his body sideways, used the car to tilt, and kicked the driver on the head!


The driver's head hit the window glass, but the car lost control and rushed off the overpass!

Fortunately, we had just stepped onto the bridge and had not yet reached the highest point in the center of the bridge, which was less than three meters away.

As everyone on the bus screamed in terror, the bus fell onto the road below, with large sparks flying from the front and the ground.

Fortunately, there happened to be no cars passing by below, so the bus shook a few times and rushed forward crookedly.

Li Qi released the pole with one hand and slapped the seat belt buckle. While retracting the seat belt, he kicked the driver out again!

He took a big step and sat in the driver's seat. Only then did he stabilize the bus and continue moving forward.

The carriage was full of mourners. Except for Chen Xin'an, everyone else was swaying around, with their heads bruised and bleeding.

Chen Xin'an grasped the crossbar on the hanging ring with one hand, while holding a still swaddled baby in her other hand.

The moment the car fell off the bridge, the out-of-control mother threw her child away. Chen Xin'an, with quick eyes and quick hands, caught the baby and held it in her arms.

At this moment, the baby's mother's head was smashed, and half of her face was stained red with blood.

She stood up and took her child from Chen Xin'an's hands. She finally breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at the crying but safe little guy.

But the look in Chen Xin'an's eyes was very complicated, filled with guilt and gratitude.

Just now, she was one of the people who cursed Chen Xin'an.

And her husband, the father of the child, was one of the people who attacked Chen Xin'an.

He was just kicked down by Chen Xin'an, and now he just stood up.

Watching this person who was wanted across the country save her beloved child in a critical moment.

Those compatriots who keep saying they are patriotic, but risk the lives of a whole car of people to fulfill their own righteousness. Now the woman doesn’t know who is right and who is wrong, who is a good guy and who is a bad guy!

Li Qi was talking to Xiaolan while driving, running through two red lights, and the bus finally stopped on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and Chen Xin'an strode out of the car. This time, no one stopped him, and no one said bad words to him and Li Qi.

"Boss, go through the small park in front, which is Jingkoba. Shall we go directly there?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "Don't worry, let's go for a walk first and see if there is a tail!"

There are many such street gardens in China, which are mainly used for greening and fitness.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi walked into the garden and found a shady chair and sat down.

It was getting dark and the lights were starting to turn on. There were not many people around at this time, except for a few uniformed cleaners mowing the lawn.

After a while, Li Qi turned around and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's amazing, you caught up so quickly!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, pointed to the two cleaners not far away and said, "It should be the letter they reported! Just now they pretended to be repairing the machine and made a secret phone call."

Li Qi put one hand on his backpack and said to him: "Boss, are you going to start a war here?"

"No fight!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "It's too close to Jingju Field, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Before the pursuers come in, deal with those two first! "

Chen Xinan put on his backpack and stood up, followed by Li Qi.

The two of them did not go out, but followed the signs to the direction of the bathroom.

The two cleaners who were mowing the lawn looked at each other and followed quietly.

Just outside the bathroom, two cleaners pretended to be working on the lawn, but after waiting for a long time, the two people who went in never came out.

The two cleaners were a little strange and glanced at the road outside. The jeep team from Zhenguo Temple had just passed the intersection and had not yet reached the entrance of the small park.

The two turned around and walked towards the bathroom together.

Less than a minute after they entered, there was a scream from the bathroom that sounded like someone was covering their mouth, followed by the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

The jeep convoy stopped outside, and a group of Zhenguo guards quickly jumped out of the car and ran into the small park.

Two cleaners walked towards me and pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

The new guard captain who had just taken office waved his arm, and the team members took out their weapons and quickly moved toward the bathroom to outflank him!

The Zhenguo Guard who rushed to the front put on a gas mask, took out a few smoke pellets and threw them into the bathroom.

As thick smoke billowed and filled the entire bathroom, a group of Zhenguo guards rushed in and kicked open the bathroom doors one by one!

Finally, in the last toilet, I found two men lying together wearing only boxers.

They are not the targets, but the cleaners who just sent the letter to the Zhenguo Guardian!

"Asshole!" the new guard captain yelled, but there was a burst of gunfire outside!

His heart tightened and he shouted to everyone: "Go back to the road!"

Everyone swarmed out and rushed to the side of the road.

Now they have learned to be smart. When moving, the driver of each car is left alone to look after the car.

But now, all the drivers who stayed behind were beaten down, and they were all lying on the ground wailing in pain. They couldn't even stand up, let alone drive!

What's even more annoying is that another car was robbed!

The guard yelled angrily: "Where are the people?"

A driver was lying on the ground, pointed to the intersection and said, "Two cleaners suddenly attacked us, grabbed a car and ran over there!"

The guard captain gritted his teeth angrily, the cleaner was the target!

He opened the door of the jeep next to him and shouted to everyone: "Get in the car and chase me!"

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