Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2623 You must leave Da Ying as soon as possible

Jingju Chang is very lively at night and is one of the most famous night markets in Jingjing.

Bars and night stalls can be found everywhere, and their customers are mainly students from Yingkyo University and several nearby universities.

At an open-air bar stall, Fujiwara Yosuke and Chen Xinan, wearing casual clothes, sat face to face.

After seeing Chen Xin'an's current look on his originally serious expression, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi next to him glanced at him at the same time.

Fujiwara Yosuke quickly rubbed his face and said to Chen Xin'an: "No offense whatsoever.

I just saw that Chen Xin'an, who was hated by the entire underworld in Da Ying and was frightened by the news, turned into such a young and inexperienced person like a freshman. The gap is really too big..."

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and didn't mind. She just raised the cup and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Fujiwara for getting your wish and being promoted to police chief."

Fujiwara Yosuke also smiled and picked up the cup, touching it with Chen Xin'an and Li Qi:

"Thanks also to Mr. Chen for your help, I, Fujiwara Yosuke, am where I am today!"

The three of them drained their glasses.

Putting down the cup, Fujiwara Yosuke looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will work hard to fulfill the things I promised you and the promises I made.

Unlike others, I will not do anything like burning bridges.

Regardless of whether Chen Xin'an admits it or not, I, Fujiwara Yosuke, do have an exchange of interests when dating you, but I also have a sincere heart to make friends. "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Fujiwara Yosuke: "If it hadn't been like this, I wouldn't have invited you here and sat here drinking with you with this face!"

Fujiwara Yosuke looked moved and sighed: "My father hates Chinese people, but I have two Chinese friends, one is Qiao Yanhui, and the other is you Chen Xin'an.

However, the friendship between these two Chinese friends exceeds all my friends in Great Britain.

One once exchanged lives, and the other helped me have everything I have today.

I feel very honored! "

Li Qi picked up the wine bottle, filled it up for Fujiwara Yosuke, and asked him: "Mr. Fujiwara came to us tonight. Do you have any orders?"

Fujiwara Yosuke said seriously: "It's not an order, it's a warning! Mr. Chen, Mr. Li, you must leave Da Ying within 48 hours."

Li Qi curled his lips and said with a sneer: "Is this the official order Mr. Fujiwara gave us after he became the police chief?

Is this considered an official expulsion, with courtesy first and then attack? "

"No!" Fujiwara Yosuke shook his head vigorously, looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi and said, "This is my request to you two as a friend!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Fujiwara Yosuke took a deep breath and said: "This is an official secret, but I will not hide it from my friends.

The incident in the temple caused great turmoil among the Japanese officials!

I believe some of you have learned a lot from the news these days.

Although the authorities have carried out a major rectification, they do not intend to let go of you who caused this storm!

The influence of Da Ying in the international status has dropped a lot. Naturally, it will not be able to survive in terms of face, and it will definitely seek revenge from you.

The top management has sent a national treasure-level killer to hunt you down. They are coming from Fubai Mountain and will arrive in about two days, so during this period, you must leave Da Ying immediately. "

"A national treasure-level killer from Fubai Mountain?" Chen Xin'an frowned, remembering what Zangshan Ninja said before he died, his heart moved, and he blurted out: "Hermit?"

Fujiwara Yosuke shouted in shock: "Do you know the hermit?

I didn't think it would be this legendary person, but now that you call out this name, it's probably him!

That's right, only a top master of that level can kill you!

Mr. Chen, leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late.

I don’t know how strong the hermit is, but to be able to become Da Ying’s national treasure-level killer must be terrifying!

Legend has it that the current Great Ying Super Ninja was all taught by him!

Let me find a way to help you apply for a visa.

Don't worry, with my current ability, it shouldn't be difficult.

Even if there is danger, I will take the lead. The most important thing is to get you out safely.

The worst possible outcome is to go back to the First Metropolitan Police Department and start from scratch. "

Seeing that Yosuke Fujiwara was really concerned, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Fujiwara, I am indeed planning to leave Da Ying in the next two days.

It's just that I'm still waiting for a response message, which should be coming in the next two days!

After you leave here tonight, we will not contact you during this period.

You have just become the chief of police, so don't let anyone catch you.

When I return to China, we will contact you by phone. "

"I..." Fujiwara Yosuke was a little reluctant, but seeing Chen Xin'an's sincere eyes, he nodded.

He thought for a while and said to Chen Xin'an: "If you go out to sea, remember not to get close to the Dongchao.

It is said that the hermit's son almost died in China, but was saved by local people after fleeing to Dongchao.

It's a pity that he brought some Dongchao people back to China and died in a foreign country.

The hermit has great affection for Dongchao people and has a lot of business in Dongchao.

The leaders of several major Dongchao chaebols all have a deep friendship with him.

He would be given a large amount of money every year to send young people from his family to Fubai Mountain for a few months to learn kung fu from the hermit.

Therefore, the power of the Hermit in Dongchao is as huge as that in Da Ying!

Just go back to China and avoid the Dongchao as much as possible, let alone stay there! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't go to Dongchao if nothing happens.

Mr. Fujiwara, thank you for coming here tonight to tell me these things. Let's have a good drink.

This meal can be regarded as a farewell drink between us. We will not meet again before leaving Da Ying! "

Fujiwara Yosuke nodded, picked up the wine glass, and said to Chen Xin'an: "I will tell you as soon as possible if there are any official actions.

The current action is to blockade the airport and terminal and search for your whereabouts.

In fact, even if they are found, they will not take any action. They just want to know your whereabouts, delay your departure, and leave it to the Hermit to handle it. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, this result was beyond his expectation.

I thought the officials would find some excuse to arrest them.

However, since Fujiwara Yosuke has become the police chief of Yingjing, he will definitely not agree to such an action, so it has become the relatively mild form now.

"Guys, please use your wine slowly!" The young waiter came over with two bottles of sake and placed them on the table.

Fujiwara Yosuke smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Chen, do you want to get me drunk?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and smiled: "Originally I had this plan, but now, it's just a celebration drink for Mr. Fujiwara's promotion!"

At this moment, several international students at the next table called the waiter who had just delivered the drinks over and cursed at him.

"Wu Hong, what are you doing! Why should you serve them wine first? Why, they are your guests, aren't we?"

"Don't say sorry, I'm tired of hearing this! You keep saying this word all day long in school!"

"Henry, he may blame you for stealing his girlfriend, so he deliberately neglected us!"

The group of people all laughed.

The man named Henry was a tall African man. He looked at the waiter with contempt and said:

"It's not my fault! I just invited her to drink a cup of milk tea, and she got into my bed obediently!

Wu Hong, I heard that you have been talking to that Dongchao girl for half a year but haven't touched her hand?

I can tell you that the most tender part of her body is not her hands, but..."

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