Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2624 I have wanted to catch her for a long time

A group of Mofei people all laughed, looking at the waiter with eyes full of teasing.

The waiter named Wu Hong's face flushed, his expression was angry, but he clenched his teeth and said nothing.

He wanted to leave, but was stopped by those Mofei people, who kept ridiculing him, making him feel ashamed, and finally couldn't help but explode!

"Get out! I'm doing something, don't interfere with me!" Wu Hong pushed the Mofei people in front of him away.

Just as he was about to leave, he was grabbed by the shoulder by a Mofei person next to him, and then punched him hard on the chin!

Wu Hong's head shook, his eyes were confused for a moment, and he staggered back two steps, almost bumping into Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan pressed his back to steady his body.

Several Mofei people walked over with a grin, constantly provoking and scolding him!

"I told Wu Hong that if you don't agree to our conditions, we will make trouble for you!"

"You bastard, what's the point of studying well? Even your girlfriend slept with me, you only deserve to wear a green hat!"

"Not one, but many! Don't forget, we played together last night!"

Wu Hong's eyes were red, and he cursed: "Asshole!" He rushed towards the Mofei people regardless of everything.

It's a pity that his physical condition is much thinner than that of the Mofei people.

He couldn't even deal with one, let alone the other party had four.

Even if he suffered a great humiliation, he had the heart to fight the other party, but he didn't have the strength to fight.

After rushing up, what came to him was a torrential rain of punches and kicks!

Wu Hong soon couldn't hold on and fell to the ground with his head in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Several workers rushed up, trying to push those Mofei people away and rescue Wu Hong.

But as soon as they got close, those Mofei people grabbed the wine bottles and tableware on the table next to them and threw them over fiercely!

These waiters are all international students from nearby universities. They use their break time to work and study, so they all know each other.

After seeing these Murphys, a waiter whispered to his companion beside him: "They are Angela's people!"

When the other companions heard this, they all showed hesitation and fear.

The Murphys were even more arrogant. When there was nothing to throw at the table they worked on, they ran to the table of the guests next to them, grabbed the things on the table and threw them at the waiters!

A Murphy ran to Chen Xinan's table, grabbed a bottle of wine that Wu Hong had just sent over, and was about to pick it up and throw it out, but with a snap, his wrist was grabbed.

"Let go! Do you want to die?" The Murphy squinted at Chen Xinan and said coldly: "I'll count to three! One..."

Before he could shout two, the guy pulled his left hand back, took out a shiny machete, and chopped it down on Chen Xinan's head!

Chen Xinan squinted at him, shook his right hand, and with a crisp sound, broke his wrist directly!

"Ah!" The arm that was originally looking at Chen Xinan's head fell down because of the severe pain.

The Murphy looked at his deformed right hand, cried and cursed at Chen Xinan: "Damn it, you broke my wrist!"

Several companions immediately surrounded him, pointed at Chen Xinan and cursed: "Are you looking for death? Look at us clearly, we are Murphy students!"

"Do you know Angela? If you offend us, she will not let you go!"

"Drink your wine honestly and don't meddle in other people's business! Otherwise you will be in big trouble, I promise!"

Chen Xinan didn't even look at the Murphy students, just pointed at the road and said to them: "Get away!"

The Murphys spoke Eagle Flag language, and now Chen Xinan also spoke Eagle Flag language, although the accent was a bit strange, but it was very standard.

The common languages ​​of Daying are Daying language and Yingqi language, so it is not strange to speak Yingqi language.

When several Murphy people saw Chen Xinan speaking so impolitely, they all showed angry expressions.

After taking a look at his companion's broken wrist, Murphy coldly asked Chen Xin'an:

"Which school are you from? Do you dare to tell me your identity?"

"Quinn, I think he looks like a freshman, he should be a local of Daying, right?"

"Hyde, are you stupid? So what if he's a local? Angela said that whoever dares to go against us must be made to suffer!"

The Murphy whose wrist was broken was impatient, and cried to his companion:

"Don't talk so much nonsense with him!

He broke one of my hands, I'm going to cut off one of his arms!"

While speaking, he raised the knife in his left hand and chopped it down towards Chen Xin'an's right shoulder, shouting: "Help me hold him down!"

Just when Quinn and Hyde wanted to reach out and hold Chen Xin'an down, they unexpectedly turned their hands, grabbed their arms, and pulled them to the middle!

At the same time, the machete had already fallen down and hid on Quinn's shoulder.

"Ah! Eng, you damn it!" Quinn screamed loudly.

Eng, who was holding the machete, also widened his eyes, and loosened his hand holding the machete in fear, stammering: "Sorry, Quinn, I didn't mean it!"

He was clearly aiming at the guy with a freshman face, but in the end he chopped Quinn's body. He didn't even see what happened in between!

"Boss, I'll do it!" Li Qi stood up and whispered to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an nodded without any politeness.

A group of little miscellaneous fish, if they hadn't provoked him, he wouldn't even be interested in doing anything!

Fujiwara Yosuke also wanted to stand up, but Chen Xin'an shook his head, indicating that he did not need to reveal his identity.

This is Jingju Field, and the appearance of the dignified Yingjing Police Chief here will definitely attract some people's attention.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to cause trouble for Xiaolan and Jiaoyang.

What's more, Li Qi alone is more than enough to deal with these things!

With a scream, Li Qi had already taken action. He came up with a grappler and directly removed Hyde's right arm!

The grappling technique in the army is different from the grappling technique in the martial arts. It is not focused on catching the opponent, but on making the opponent lose his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

So when he started using his hands, he either broke off his arms or legs, which was very cruel.

The few foreign students were no match for Li Qi. In less than two minutes, they were all thrown to the ground, holding their arms or thighs, howling and rolling in pain.

Li Qi clapped his hands, as if wiping off the dust on his hands, and said to Wu Hong and several of his colleagues who were in a daze: "Please clean up here!"

Hearing that he was speaking Chinese, Wu Hong's eyes lit up and he immediately bowed and said, "Okay, let's clean up. Thank you for your help! Are you Chinese?"

Li Qi sat back in his chair and asked him, "Aren't you?"

Wu Hong shook his head and said: "I don't count. My father is half Chinese, and my mother is Japanese.

I was born and raised in Da Ying, but my father forced me to learn Chinese since I was a child! "

Li nodded, pointed to the group of Mofei people on the ground and asked, "Who are they?"

"Like us, we are all international students from Yingjing University." Wu Hong looked at Mo Feiren on the ground angrily, gritted his teeth and said:

“But they have a gang outside of school, and the leader is a woman named Angela.

The business specializes in providing drugs to major universities in Beijing and introducing girls to serve in bars.

I didn't agree to join them, so I was targeted and bullied all the time! "

Fujiwara Yosuke snorted coldly and whispered: "Angela, I have wanted to catch her for a long time!"

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