Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2625 The beautiful robber on a motorcycle

The most criticized thing about Yingjing University is that students have different lives.

Everyone is an international student, but international students from some countries not only have very low tuition fees, but also receive an expensive subsidy every month.

For international students from neighboring countries such as Huaxia, Dongchao, and Tailan, not only are their tuition fees expensive, but their conditions in all aspects are also obviously poor.

Not to mention subsidies, there are none!

Therefore, international students from these countries basically complete their studies through work-study programs, and they are also bullied by others in school.

Some students who are not determined will not be able to resist the temptation and become gangsters who work for the gang. Once something goes wrong, they can only be reduced to tools to support the gang.

Wu Hong is quite ethical and has been able to persist until now.

However, it has also aroused the dissatisfaction of these Mofei people, who began to find trouble to deal with him.

This kid is also a cruel person. When he was humiliated like that before, he could grit his teeth and endure it.

Now seeing that these Mofei people were all confused, they rushed to one of them, raised their feet and kicked a football hard between Hyde's legs!

"Ouch!" Hyde, who was lying on the ground, let out a miserable howl. His eyes rolled up, his whole body shrank into a ball, he was trembling constantly, and a lot of foam flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Wu Hong looked at him with gritted teeth and cursed loudly: "How crazy are you!

You keep bragging about your abilities!

You are showing off how many women you have!

I broke up with that Jin Xiuzhu a long time ago. Whatever man she wants to find has nothing to do with me!

She is just a vain woman. It’s not that I can’t play with her, I just don’t want to play with her!

Do you really think I don’t know that she is a bus behind her back?

I didn't even touch hers because I thought it was dirty.

Only you black charcoal people are unclean, raw and cold, so you are all sick!

I really thought I would be afraid of you, I just don’t want to cause trouble!

Next week I have applied to go with the professor's team for field investigation and will not come back until the eve of graduation.

No need to look at the faces of you Heitan anymore! "

Hyde could no longer hear what he was saying. He was lying on the ground foaming at the mouth and convulsing incessantly. He was already in a state of exhaling more and less inhaling.

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Fujiwara Yosuke: "Mr. Police Chief, I won't delay your work. We will contact you by phone later."

Fujiwara Yosuke also nodded and lowered his voice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, don't underestimate the hermit!

His strength is unfathomable!

There is a Wakang Army in Tailan, which controls the drug import of the Ying Mafia.

The person in charge of this area in Daying happens to be the godson of the hermit.

But Parasong, the commander of the Wakang Army, killed him.

The Hermit single-handedly went to the headquarters of the Vakang Army, killed Parason, and blew up their arsenal.

They even raided six barracks in one night and killed only 800 of the 3,000 Wakang troops!

This person, even the capital of Great Britain, must treat him with respect and address him as Mr.

You must be extra careful, he has never failed to assassinate someone! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Okay, I will pay attention, let's go first!"

Nodding to Li, the two turned around and left the stall.

Wu Hong wanted to ask them to leave their contact information, but before he opened his mouth, Fujiwara Yosuke put his hand on his shoulder and said to him with a smile:

"Your name is Wu Hong, right? Are you an international student at Yingjing University?

How much do you know about Angela as a person?

Come, let's sit down and have a chat! "

Walking on the sidewalk, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, who are you waiting for?"

Regarding her brothers, Chen Xin'an had nothing to hide, she frowned and said:

"Wait for Brother Snake.

Two days have passed since the scheduled time, and there is still no news from the dock.

If we want to leave Da Ying, we must ask Brother Snake to help. "

Li Qi frowned and said, "Is it possible that you were delayed for something? Or did you not get in touch with us and have you returned to the Eagle Flag Country?"

"Probably not!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Brother Snake is not the kind of person who does things.

He must have been delayed by something, so we have to wait patiently for a few days.

I'll find a way to contact him and arrange a time for us to leave! "

"Okay!" Li nodded.

Chen Xin'an saw a self-service bank not far away and said to Li Qi, "Wait a minute, I'm going to withdraw some cash."

The two came to the ATM machine. Chen Xin'an took out his bank card and went in to withdraw money. Li Qi stood outside.

After a while, Chen Xin'an came out with a stack of Daying coins, handed one to Li Qi and said:

“Keep some with you, and I’ll give them to Aman and the others when we get back!”

Li Qi was not polite and borrowed money to put in his pocket.

But at this moment, a motorcycle came quickly and passed by Chen Xin'an and Li Qi!

An arm wearing black gloves stretched out, trying to snatch the money from Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's hands!

But Chen Xin'an had already noticed it when he accelerated, and when he drove towards the two of them, Li Qi was already on guard.

When he reached out to grab the money, Li Qi grabbed his wrist and tore him off the car!

The motorcycle fell to the ground, slid for more than 20 meters, and hit a car parked on the roadside.

Li Qi also held the motorcycle rider in his arms. He originally wanted to press him to the ground, but suddenly let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted.

The rider turned around and slapped Li Qi in the face with a big mouth!

Chen Xin'an was also stunned. With Li Qi's strength, he should be able to dodge this slap!

Seeing that the rider raised his arm again, Chen Xin'an didn't tolerate him and slapped him on the helmet!

The big, round helmet had its mask smashed into pieces and tilted to one side.

The rider also staggered and sat down on the ground.

Just as he was about to get up, Chen Xin'an kicked him, then kicked him again, grabbed his helmet strap, pulled it down, and took off his helmet.

The helmet left the man's head, and his black hair fell down.

A cute girl with big eyes and red lips and white teeth appeared in front of her. She was wrapped in a black leather jacket, which highlighted her exquisite body!

I hadn't paid attention to her just now, but I didn't expect that the robber who was blocking the road turned out to be a beautiful woman!

Thinking of Li Qi's action of pulling her out of the car just now, Chen Xin'an understood why this woman slapped Li Qi, but Li Qi didn't even dare to hide anymore.

To two men, that action was like being restrained and captured, but to a man and a woman, it was an intimate embrace, more of a couple than a couple!

The beauty blushed and stared at Li Qi fiercely, biting her lips as if she was still angry.

However, Chen Xin'an scolded her with a dark face: "You said that for a girl like you, you are not bad in appearance, sitting on the stage is better than robbing!"

The beauty glanced at Chen Xin'an, gritted her teeth and cursed: "Damn Chinese!"

Chen Xin'an pressed the earbud button on her left ear, switched the earphone to the mutual translation mode between Da Ying and Hua Xia, and said to the beauty:

"What's wrong with the Chinese people? Are they stealing from you, or are they eating your rice?"

The beauty didn't expect that Chen Xin'an could understand her words and speak Japanese. Her fair face became more rosy. She glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Just wait and see!"

He turned around and walked towards his motorcycle lying next to the car.

It was a road racer, very bulky.

It would be difficult for a grown man to lift her up, let alone such a delicate girl.

However, neither Chen Xin'an nor Li Qi had the intention to help, and the girl herself was too embarrassed to say hello and stamped her feet anxiously.

At this moment, a commercial vehicle drove over and stopped next to the beautiful woman.

An arm stretched out from the back window, holding a gun in his hand, pointed it at the beauty's back, and fired a shot!

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