Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2627 Brother Snake is in big trouble

The weak beauty had quite an explosive temper, but her body was injured and she was unable to resist at all.

She could only hide in Luo Qianhe's arms, slamming her hands on his chest and slapping his face.

Luo Qianhe did not hide away and allowed her to hit him, but carefully placed her on the clean tatami.

But at this moment, the beautiful woman exclaimed, suddenly retracted her hand, and looked at Luo Qianhe's face in surprise.

It turned out that she had used too much force just now and lifted up a piece of Luo Qianhe's disguise, revealing the real skin under the mask.

The beauty thought that she had used too much force and knocked her face away.

After taking a closer look, I realized that he was wearing something to hide his true face.

After Luo Qianhe put the beauty down, he said coldly: "I know you were angry that I took off your clothes, but I am a doctor, and I must do this to treat your injuries!

I saved your life, so I won't watch you waste it like this.

If you want to die, wait until you die. Don't waste my energy for one night! "

The beauty looked at him and said in a very jerky Chinese dialect: "You saved me. Who are you?"

Luo Qianhe frowned and said, "I told you I'm a doctor. I didn't save you alone, they brought you back!"

Following the direction of his finger, the beauty saw Chen Xin'an and Li Qi standing at the door of the bedroom.

Thinking of what happened last night, a blush appeared on his pale face, but it became even more charming and pitiful.

To be fair, this beauty is not as good as Ning Xuruo in terms of facial features.

But her slightly blue eyes and high nose, her milk-white skin and her obviously mixed-race appearance gave her a lot of points.

It also gave her the same stunning appearance as Ning Xiruo, the rate of turning heads when walking on the street is definitely over 200%.

It's really cruel that someone would attack such a beautiful woman.

Chen Xin'an stood at the door and said to the beauty: "What is your name? Who is in your family? Give me your phone number and I will notify your family to pick you up!"

"I have no family!" The beauty shouted to Chen Xin'an: "There is no need to inform anyone, I will not hinder you here, there is no need to tell anyone to pick me up, I will leave now!"

She struggled to get up, but the pain from the wound was so severe that she let out a soft cry and lay down again.

Luo Qianhe frowned and said, "Don't move! No one is chasing you away. You are very weak now. You just lie here to recuperate. You can't go anywhere!"

The beauty bit her lip and said aggrievedly: "You have seen all my body, and you are so cruel to me..."

Her Chinese language is very jerky and her accent is weird, but it sounds like a coquettish coquettishness.

Luo Qianhe said expressionlessly: "I told you, I am a doctor.

In my eyes, treating illnesses and saving lives is the most important thing.

It's just a skin. To me, it's like a pig that has lost its hair! "

"You are a pig!" The beauty became angry and raised her arms to slap her.

Luo Qianhe grabbed her wrist, pushed her to her side, and cursed angrily:

"I told you not to move, you can't understand people, right?

You hit people at every turn, why are you, a woman, so violent?

I'm warning you, you hit me just now because you just woke up and were emotional, so forget it.

Now if you dare to dance to me again, I will be rude to you and will never spoil you! "

The beauty stared at Luo Qianhe with a pair of big innocent eyes, flattened her mouth, but did not dare to say anything. She just lay on the tatami and shed tears of grievance.

Chen Xin'an turned around, winked at the brother beside him, and closed the door.

Everyone has already gotten up, and Yan Chunhua is preparing breakfast.

Luo Xiaoman sat next to Chen Xin'an and asked him: "What is this girl's background?

Being beaten with a gun is not an ordinary person!

We already had a lot of trouble, now we have to take her with us?

That Super Ninja Council is probably not someone to be trifled with! "

"Yeah!" Chen Xin'an nodded, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go in later and drive that girl away. We can't cause any more trouble!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he scolded him: "How can I be allowed to do such a heartless, merciless thing?"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Then who do you think is the most suitable person?"

Luo Xiaoman pointed at him confidently and cursed: "You! You brought me back, so you have to send him back!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an stood up and walked towards Luo Qianhe's bedroom.

Luo Xiaoman was stunned. He didn't expect that this guy Chen Xin'an would be so straightforward.

He turned his head, looked at Xiao Zhang and asked, "Would it be too cruel to drive people away at this time?"

Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "More than animals, they are worse than animals! Either don't save, or if you want to save, you have to save people to the end! Driving them away after saving half of them is basically letting people die!"

Luo Xiaoman's expression changed, he quickly stood up and ran over, hugged Chen Xin'an who had already reached the bedroom door, put his arm on his shoulder and smiled:

"Old Chen, you can't be such a beast!

You are such a beautiful lady, are you willing to let her die?

So cold-blooded! This is not the good brother I know who is impatient and righteous!

I can't just watch you do such a heartless thing! "

Without any explanation, he pulled Chen Xin'an back to the sofa and pressed him on the sofa.

Chen Xin'an looked helpless.

This guy is a typical soft-spoken and soft-hearted person.

If you confront him about anything, he will step on your nose and face, insisting on deciding the outcome with you.

But once you follow him, he won't know what to do.

For two consecutive days, everything was calm.

Chen Xin'an's premonition did not come true, and there was no movement from Ah She's side.

The beauty also settled down honestly. Under Luo Qianhe's dedicated care, her body gradually began to recover. She became familiar with everyone and started chatting.

But so far, everyone only knows her name, Elaine. He is a mixture of Da Ying and Farr.

Elaine didn't want to talk about anything else, and no one asked any more questions.

In the evening, Chen Xin'an suddenly received a call, and then went out to pick up someone, but it was his old friend Wang Hao!

He went to the sea with Brother She to Daying, and later followed Brother She to Dongchao.

Brother Snake didn't come now, he came alone.

It happened to be dinner time, and Sister Hua had already prepared a table of dinner for everyone to chat while eating.

Luo Xiaoman poured a glass of wine for Wang Hao and said with a smile: "Old Chen had a premonition that you would come back in the next two days, and he was right! Where is Ah She? Is he still in Dongchao?"

Wang Hao took a sip of wine and nodded and said: "Yes, things are a bit troublesome over there, and he will stay for a few days.

I was specially asked to come and take the boss and brothers back to China.

I have prepared the boat. It is a small fishing boat. Although it is a bit broken, it will be no problem to return to China.

It is still being repaired at the shipyard and will be ready to go the day after tomorrow. We can prepare it in the past two days. "

Chen Xin'an looked at Wang Hao and said, "Brother Hao, tell the truth. What's going on with Brother Snake now? Is he in big trouble?"

Wang Hao smiled and said: "What did the boss say? Brother Snake is now..."

Chen Xin'an didn't let him finish, patted him on the shoulder and said: "We are brothers, so don't be careless!

You know my temper. If I have something to say, I don’t have to hide it from my family! "

Wang Hao's expression dimmed, he lowered his head, and after a while he said angrily: "Boss, you are right, Brother Snake is in big trouble now, he has been arrested!

But before going in, he pushed me out and repeatedly told me to find a way to come to Da Ying and take you back to China!

He said that you are in big trouble here and can’t delay even one day. I will send you back first, and then let me go to Dongchao to find a way to save him! "

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