Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2628 If you dare to cheat on my brother, you are seeking death.

When Ah She's ship was delivering goods in Dongchao, it was attacked by a gangster.

When the other party saw that they had a new person, they directly reduced the freight to an extremely low level, which meant that Brother Snake's trip was in vain.

Brother Snake certainly did not agree, but he was also tough enough and refused to leave immediately.

When the other party saw that Brother Snake was so tough, they also gave in and asked someone to send a message to Brother Snake, wanting to renegotiate.

This is why Brother Snake returned to Daying from Dongchao and returned to Dongchao after meeting Chen Xinan.

But I didn't expect that this time the other party actually set up a Hongmen Banquet and directly seized Brother Snake's ship and goods.

Of course, there are usually middlemen in this kind of thing, all of whom are powerful and respected local bosses.

But I didn't expect that the host of this Hongmen Banquet was afraid of even the boss.

After playing a trick on Brother Snake, they killed him and used the police to arrest Brother Snake and sent him to a private prison!

Chen Xinan's face was gloomy and terrible, full of murderous intent.

I knew that Ah She had been delayed for so long, and something must have happened.

But I didn't expect it to be so serious, and I was tricked so badly.

He lost both his money and his life, and was thrown into a private prison, suffering torture. It's hard to say whether he can keep his life.

"Boss, I found someone. There should be a way to buy Brother Snake out. I can handle this!" Wang Hao said to Chen Xin'an:

"When the ship comes out of the dock, we will go back to China first.

It takes two days to go back and forth, just in time to wait for that person to be ready.

I will take Brother Snake back to Yingqi directly at that time."

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "Brother Hao, do you think we are the kind of people who will ignore our brothers in trouble?"

Wang Hao said anxiously, "Brother Snake knows what kind of personality and temper everyone has, so he specifically told me not to let you go.

We can't afford to offend those people!

They are the Dongchao Consortium!

In Dongchao, you don't have to be afraid even if you offend the official, but if you offend the consortium, you're dead!

I've been in Daying for a long time, and I've heard from the Internet and other people's mouths that , and heard a lot about you.

You have caused enough trouble now, and you are very lucky to get away with it.

Never provoke new enemies again, let alone a behemoth like the Dongchao Consortium! "

Luo Xiaoman cursed carelessly: "I don't care whether it is a consortium or a rice ball, as long as he dares to harm my brother, he will die!"

Chen Xinan took a deep breath, took out a stack of Daying coins and put it in front of Wang Hao and said:

"Brother Hao, have a good rest tonight.

Take this money to the dock tomorrow and tell the masters that I will take the boat away and leave Daying at night."

Luo Xiaoman said excitedly: "Where to go? Is it to Dongchao?"

Chen Xinan exhaled and said lightly: "Return to China!"

Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang were stunned. Just when they wanted to speak, Li Qi shook his head gently at them.

After eating and drinking, Wang Hao, who was exhausted to the extreme, was a little drunk and was taken to the bedroom by Xiao Zhang to sleep.

Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi stayed in the living room, all of them were sleepless.

These few days, they made up for the sleep they had for the whole year. They ate and slept all day, so they were fully rested.

"Old Chen, you won't really ignore Ah She, right?" Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an while holding a glass of wine.

Chen Xin'an had no expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Send Sister Hua back first!"

"What about Ah She?" Luo Xiaoman was anxious.

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, just lowered his head and drank.

Luo Xiaoman was about to speak, but Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "Don't make a sound! Ah Qi, turn off the lights!"

Li Qi stood up immediately and turned off the lights in the room.

The whole living room fell into darkness.

Luo Xiaoman also closed his mouth, and he also heard the messy footsteps in the corridor outside.

There were many people outside, and they stopped at the door of this rented house.

Soon there were a few soft knocks on the door outside. Chen Xin'an waved gently to the people beside him, and everyone sat in their seats motionlessly, looking at the door.

There was no response from inside, and the knocking stopped.

Then something reached into the keyhole, as if unlocking it.

I have to say that the other party was actually quite capable. In less than a minute, a click was heard and the door lock was opened!

People outside filed in and tiptoed into the living room.

Chen Xin'an and his men, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly stood up and attacked these intruders directly!

"Someone! Ambush!" The people who came in were shocked. They didn't expect that there were still many people awake in the dark room.

Before everyone could react, many people had been knocked to the ground!

A middle-aged woman's voice came from the door: "Be careful and don't beat people to death. After all, they saved my daughter!"

Under the protection of the bodyguard, someone walked in. The bodyguard next to him followed the room layout habits of the Daying people and touched the side. Sure enough, he touched the lighting switch and turned on the light.

"What's going on!" The person at the door exclaimed, staring at the scene in front of him in amazement.

There were four people standing in the living room, all of them looked like inexperienced college students.

On the ground, there were a bunch of men in suits lying in all directions, all of them were Murphys!

The woman at the door was not very old, at most in her forties, but she had a head full of silver hair.

She had fair skin and a short stature, but she had the aura of a superior.

But his expression at this moment was as uncomfortable as swallowing a raw duck egg that got stuck in his throat.

I thought that my own people were in control of the overall situation, but I didn't expect that coming in was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and they were all eliminated in less than a minute.

The woman looked a little embarrassed. She waved her hand violently, and another group of Mofei people rushed in from outside.

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, snapped his fingers, and with a clatter, the four of them took out their crossbows and pointed them at the black coals rushing in from outside.

The woman's face turned pale, she didn't expect the other party to be so scary!

I originally thought that they were just a few foreign students who accidentally saved her daughter. They came in to scare her and save her from plotting against her daughter.

I never expected to encounter such an ending.

Where are the foreign students here? They are all special forces, right?

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the bedroom door behind Chen Xin'an opened. Yi Lian'er stood at the door, leaning on the door frame and shouted:

"What are you doing? Who asked you to come? They are my benefactors, why do you do this to them? Get out now!"

The woman looked at her and cried out distressedly: "Elaine, are you okay? Mom knew you were here based on your phone location, so she hurriedly came to pick you up!

I just want you to leave safely, and I don’t mean any harm..."

Seeing the bored expression on Elaine's face, the woman also knew that what her precious daughter hated the most was these people under her command, so she quickly waved her hands and said, "You guys go out and wait for me!"

A group of Mofei people picked up their companions who had been knocked to the ground and quickly retreated outside the door.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and asked everyone to put away their crossbows.

The woman came over distressed and wanted to see her daughter's injury, but she pushed her arm away and said coldly: "You don't need to worry, I can't die!"

The woman said anxiously: "Elaine, can you go back with your mother?

It's too dangerous for you to be out there!

Don’t worry, Mom will pay off those debts as soon as possible, and everything will be fine! "

"Return?" With a sneer on her face, Elaine said to the woman: "Dear Ms. Angela, have you ever counted how many times you have said this?

In fact, it’s not that you can’t afford it, but that you never thought about paying it back, right?

It doesn't matter, if you don't pay me back, you don't have to admit it, I can't afford to lose that person!

Don't ask me to go back again!

Don’t you know that it is precisely because I am your daughter that I am in such danger and almost shot to death by someone with a gun on the street? "

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