Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2629 Is this money for begging?

It turns out that this woman is Angela, the underworld boss that Fujiwara Yosuke now wants to deal with.

Faced with her daughter's questioning, Angela was speechless.

Her face was full of guilt and pain, and her hands spread out seemed to have nowhere to put them.

Elaine looked at her coldly and said: "I just want to tell you that I don't want to go back, and you don't need to come to me again.

Unexpectedly, you still found here, and still used your favorite way as always.

I warn you, these are my benefactors and my friends.

They saved me, otherwise I would have died a few days ago.

So be polite to my friends and don't hurt them! "

Angela was almost speechless!

She really wanted to ask her baby daughter, which of your eyes saw my people hurting them?

It seems that those who were hurt were all my men, right?

Of course, she didn't dare to say that. It would not be wise to anger her daughter at this time.

She could only look at Yi Lian'er with pleading eyes and said softly: "My dear, you don't have to go back with me, but can you let your mother take you to the hospital first?

What you got was a gunshot wound!

Mom is so worried about you! "

Yi Lian'er said coldly: "No need! The person treating me is the best doctor in China.

No doctor in Japan is as professional as him, let alone as good as him.

With his treatment, I no longer need to see any doctor! "

Luo Qianhe, who was standing behind her, had an expressionless face because he was wearing a mask.

But Chen Xin'an could guess that through Xiaolan's translation, his face must be as red as a monkey's butt.

Angela wanted to say something, but she could see her daughter's current state.

Although he was very weak, he could walk and move, and he didn't seem to be unable to hold on even after talking to her for so long.

This shows that the daughter's injury has been effectively treated, and the effect is not much worse than that of a large hospital.

Angela looked at her daughter and said with some worry: "But, do you want to stay here forever?"

"Why not?" Elaine looked at her impatiently and said, "Anyway, I will live alone when I go back. I still have many friends here. Why can't I stay?"

Angela looked helpless and said to her: "Then I can talk to your friends, okay?"

Elaine rolled her eyes, snorted and said, "Don't piss off my friends, or you'll never show up here again!"

She turned around and prepared to walk back to her tatami.

Luo Qianhe wanted to come out, but she held him back and said with a pout, "I have a headache now, please help me press it!"

Luo Qianhe said angrily: "Hey, your arm is injured, not your head!"

"Can't my head hurt even if it's not injured?" Elaine said angrily: "I just have a headache! Please press it for me, okay, Brother He?"

Listening to her words, Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang felt that all the bones in their bodies were numb, and they were extremely envious.

When did the relationship between these two people become so close?

Luo Qianhe was also entangled by her and had no choice but to shake his head and said: "Then you go lie down and I will press it for you!"

"Thank you, Brother He!" Yi Lian'er smiled and hugged Luo Qianhe's arm, turned around and pushed the door of the room shut.

Angela frowned, as if she wanted to come over and pull her daughter away, but she looked at Chen Xin'an and others in front of her and let out a breath.

He said calmly in proficient Chinese: "Can I sit down?"

"No!" Luo Xiaoman said casually.

Angela, who was about to sit down, froze in mid-air, neither sitting nor standing, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

The two bodyguards next to him glared at Luo Xiaoman, looking like they were ready to take action at any time.

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, looked at the two bodyguards sideways, and said provocatively: "What, are you unhappy? Come and beat me!"

The two bodyguards looked like they didn't understand what you were saying, so they simply turned their heads and ignored him.

A few of the companions who came in just now were knocked over. One can imagine the strength of the other party, and they were not someone they could provoke.

Chen Xin'an glared at Luo Xiaoman and said to Angela: "Please sit down! What do you want to talk to us about?"

Angela then sat down calmly and clapped her hands.

A bodyguard next to him immediately took out two wads of money and placed them in front of Chen Xin'an.

Angela crossed her arms and hugged her chest, and said in a calm tone:

“You take the money.

A stack of them is a thank you for saving my daughter.

The other pile is for entrusting you to take care of my daughter for a few days. "

Chen Xin'an didn't move, and didn't even look at the two stacks of Ying coins.

Angela curled her lips and said to Chen Xin'an: "Take it, don't be embarrassed.

I know you are all poor and have little money.

If you can save my daughter, you are lucky.

Money is nothing to me.

If my daughter is happy here, I will give you more rewards.

This money is enough for a few of you to live on for a month. Take it, I'm afraid you'll treat my daughter badly!

But I'm warning you, I'm Angela.

I know you all should have heard my name.

So my daughter wants to live here and I have no objection.

But you should know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do! "

Luo Xiaoman turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Old Chen, does she treat us as beggars when she gives us money?"

Angela frowned and said to him: "What do you mean? This is just the reward you deserve for saving my daughter! Do you think it's too little?"

Chen Xin'an took out a card from his body, threw it on the table in front of him, and said lightly:

“There are still almost fifteen million in it.

There are several other cards with more balance than this one, but I don’t have them with me. "

The three people on the opposite side were all stunned. Three pairs of eyes looked at the card in front of them without blinking.

Angela felt her face was a little feverish, coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "What do you mean? Do you want to use the money to buy my daughter?"

Chen Xin'an laughed twice.

Luo Xiaoman said from the side: "Old Chen said you are thinking shit!

Just take it out to put an egg in it and show off your wealth, there is no other meaning.

So what are you doing with that little money?

Send away beggars?

If you really want to thank me, please be sincere, okay?

At least fill a lockbox, right? "

Angela's face turned red, and the two bodyguards behind her were equally embarrassed.

"Who are you?" Angela looked at Chen Xin'an and the people around him warily, frowned and said, "I know you are definitely not international students!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her with a half-smile and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Angela snorted and said: "I dare not say that I know all the students from nearby colleges and universities, but I can tell at a glance whether he is a student or not!

Although you may look very young and young, you are quite experienced in your behavior!

And no students from any university are as rich as you, let alone as powerful as you.

Especially the kind of weapons you used before, I have never seen them in Da Ying!

That should be a simplified version of the Chinese crossbow!

You also speak Chinese, and you are so strong, you..."

Angela had a look of horror on her face, pointed at the people in front of her and said, "I guess who you are! You are Chen..."

Before their names were called out, Luo Xiaoman, Li Qi, and Xiao Zhang raised their arms at the same time. The crossbows in their right hands were all loaded, and the arrow points were pointed directly at the three people opposite!

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