Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2631 The elite power of the Super Ninja Association

The two companions next to him took off their clothes and slapped him on the leg. Fortunately, the rescue was timely and he was not seriously injured.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman just stood aside and watched leisurely, with no intention of running away with a guilty conscience after doing something bad.

"Asshole!" The man in a suit with his trousers burned turned his head and cursed loudly. He rushed over with clenched fists and punched Chen Xin'an in the face!

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to do anything at all, and just kicked the opponent to the ground!

The other two people immediately reached into their arms, but before they could take out their guns, Luo Xiaoman rushed over!

He stretched out his hands to grab the shoulders of the two people, and then brought them together in the middle. With a bang, the two people collided!

At the same time, there was a loud gunshot, and smoke billowed out from the arms of the man in a suit on the left. A blood hole also appeared on the front of his left foot, and he screamed in pain!

"Tsk, tsk!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head, looked at him with sympathy and said, "Do you think you are stupid? Put the pistol in your arms with the safety on, you think you will live longer!

Fortunately you are not pregnant, otherwise the shot just now would have disemboweled you! "

The other party didn't seem to understand what he was saying. One person pulled up his collar and said loudly:

"A suspected target was found on the first floor below. Mr. Koizumi is injured. Please provide support!"

Soon, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps above the apartment.

Even the elevator started to go down, and within a few minutes, more than 20 people in gray suits were standing around Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

They all had pistols in their hands, but they didn't dare to shoot.

Because the three companions who came down first were already standing motionless in front of Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, with two steel needles stuck in the back of their heads!

The elevator door opened, and a man in a white suit walked out. The person in front of him quickly made way for a passage.

The white suit stood in front of the three companions, looking at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman behind them, and said in Chinese with a strange accent:

"If I guess correctly, you are Chen Xin'an and his friends, right?"

Luo Xiaoman got angry, stared at the white suit and cursed: "What do you call his friend? Don't I deserve a name?

Do not you know me? "

Bai Sui didn't seem to expect that the other party would be angry because he didn't call him by his name. He shrugged helplessly and said:

"Sorry, there is only Chen Xin'an's name on the information.

Only this person is qualified to get the attention of the Super Ninja Association! "

How could Luo Xiaoman bear these words? Before Bai Sui could react, Luo Xiaoman had already pressed the shoulders of the two men in suits and kicked Bai Sui away!

Fortunately, there were all his men in white suits behind him. After knocking down a few people, he used his strength to turn over, and finally did not let himself fall. He curled up and stood on the ground, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Luo Xiaoman changed.

The information said that Chen Xin'an was a master, and the people around him also had some strength, but it did not specify how much strength they had!

This kick let Bai Sui know that the opponent was stronger than him!

It's just that the people around Chen Xin'an are so powerful, so how strong is Chen Xin'an himself?

No wonder a few people turned the Great Ying Temple into the Great Ying Divine Toilet, and even killed the Zhenguo Guards to death!

I originally thought that the super ninja would take action and it wouldn't take much effort to deal with these people.

Now it seems that it is very difficult for these two people to solve these two problems!

The men in white suits looked at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman warily. Just as they were about to speak, a burst of gunfire suddenly came from behind, and several men in suits fell to the ground instantly.

"Enemy attack! There is a motorcycle group at the intersection!" someone shouted, and then the street lights were smashed, and the surrounding apartment was instantly plunged into darkness.

"Old Chen, look, it's haunted!" Luo Xiaoman pulled Chen Xin'an and looked directly at the direction of the road.

On the dark road, rows of huge teeth floated quickly!

Luo Xiaoman exclaimed: "Come and see, whose teeth have become sperm!"

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the shoulder and cursed: "You are sick! You are Mo Feiren from the Mo Star Alliance!"

Several motorcycles rushed over quickly. In order to cover up the sound, they all turned off the engine and turned off the lights.

There are two Mofei people on each motorcycle, and they don't wear helmets, maybe because they are afraid of affecting their aiming sight.

Everyone has a pistol, no nonsense, just shoot at those men in suits!

After being caught off guard at the beginning, a few of the Super Ninja Association fell down, and the rest immediately looked for cover and took out their guns to fight back!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman also quickly found a place to hide. Not far away was the white suit that had been kicked.

The people from the Black Star Alliance were obviously well-prepared and had powerful firepower. They fired at the Super Ninja Association people in an almost suppressive manner.

In addition, the motorcycle moves quickly and it is easy to find angles. Multiple people cooperate with each other to find the men in suits hiding behind the bunker one by one, and then shoot them down with one shot.

More and more men in suits fell down, and fewer and fewer remained standing.

However, there was not much nervousness and fear on the face of the white suit. He just looked at the Mofei people with a sullen expression, as if hesitating.

But when his companion also fell in front of him, his face finally became determined, he put his right hand in his mouth, and whistled hard.

Following the whistle, several black figures emerged from the darkness and quickly rushed towards the motorcycles.

Before those Mo Fei people could see clearly, rays of cold light were like stars, covering those Mo Fei people!

Several Mofei people screamed, and the motorcycle skidded and slid for several meters on the road. The people on it fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and then lay motionless on the road.

The remaining motorcyclists shouted loudly and kept shooting at the black figures.

Those black figures were very flexible. They were wearing night clothes, or black ninja uniforms. They were constantly moving around and changing their positions under the cover of the night.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman also understood.

These men in black were originally ambushed to deal with them.

Unexpectedly, people from the Black Star Alliance were coming, so they had to be exposed in advance.

These should be the backbone of the Super Ninja Association. Their ninjutsu is very high, and their body skills and various hidden weapons work seamlessly together.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman enjoyed watching it.

Compared with the phantom ninja and ghost ninja that I encountered before, the ninjutsu of these ninjas seemed more authentic and stronger.

They had no camouflage clothes or smoke to hide their figures. They just relied on their clothes and body movements to blend perfectly into the night.

At this moment, several open-top off-road vehicles appeared at the intersection, their lights bright, shining on the men in black.

At the same time, someone stood up on the open-top off-road vehicle, holding something similar to an RPG in his hand.

It’s just that what was shot out of the barrel was not a cannonball, but a fishing net!

With two bangs, two large nets trapped the two men in black who were unable to dodge.

The man in black was shocked and immediately broke free.

Unexpectedly, there were barbs in these nets. During the struggle, they all penetrated into the flesh. The harder they struggled, the deeper the hooks went. After a while, the people caught in the nets were scarred.

With the sound of several gunshots, the two trapped people fell to the ground, blood flowing from their bodies.

A Mofei man on an off-road vehicle was carrying a net cannon and aimed it at a man in black. However, before he could pull the trigger to fire, the other man raised his arms and inserted two shurikens without any bias. On that inhuman face!

The man didn't even scream, he fell on his back in the car and died on the spot!

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