Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2632 You don’t have that many viewers

Although the black-clothed man was agile and had superb ninjutsu.

However, in the battle between the two sides, the Murphys still had the upper hand.

There was no way, the advantages of modern weapons against ancient martial arts ninjutsu were too great!

Especially on such a road with many connections, there was enough space.

The Murphys drove off-road vehicles and motorcycles, and moved quickly and flexibly.

It was impossible to win with such a steel monster by comparing physical skills and speed with the flesh alone.

Seeing that a black-clothed man was trapped by the net gun and would be shot to death on the street in the next second, a bright light suddenly fell from the sky!

With a harsh friction sound, the off-road vehicle suddenly lost control and overturned, sliding on the road for several meters and stopping near where Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were hiding.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were also stunned, watching the scene in front of them.

A ninja sword about one and a half meters long fell from the sky, pierced the roof of the off-road vehicle, and then directly pierced from the driver's head, nailing him to the driver's seat!

A ninja sword that fell from the sky?

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman raised their heads at the same time and looked at the apartment building not far away.

On the balcony on the eighth floor, a white shadow appeared faintly.

There should be someone standing there in white clothes. When the wind blows, the white clothes flutter, and it looks like a ghost floating in the air!

Was the knife thrown down by him?

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman both had a solemn look on their faces.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

Not to mention a knife, even a brick can kill people if thrown from the eighth floor!

But bricks are heavy at both ends.

But the center of gravity of a knife is near the hilt.

So when it is thrown from the eighth floor, the hilt should be facing down!

Like this, the tip of the knife is facing down, and the force penetrates the car body and nails people to death. Even Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman may not be able to do it!

That man in white is a top master!

Could he be the hermit?

Before Chen Xin'an could speak, Luo Xiaoman had already run towards the apartment.

Fearing that something might happen to him, Chen Xinan followed him immediately.

The elevator was going down, and with a ding, the elevator door opened. Luo Xiaoman raised his foot to go in, but Chen Xinan grabbed his shoulder with one hand from behind and pulled him back violently!

A cold light came, and the icy cold brushed Luo Xiaoman's face!

Then a man in white clothes floated out of the elevator and kicked Luo Xiaoman in the chest!

Luo Xiaoman couldn't avoid it at all, the other party kicked too fast!

With a bang, he was kicked back three steps.

At the same time, Chen Xinan kicked with his right foot, and with a flying head, his right knee hit the heart of the man in white!

The other party put away the knife with one hand and pressed down with the other hand, lightly pressing on Chen Xinan's knee, and took advantage of the momentum to retreat and lean against the elevator door.

Chen Xinan didn't give him a chance to breathe, and rushed forward, his fists like meteors, and hit the other party's head one by one.

Luo Xiaoman also rushed over, and cooperated with Chen Xinan to kick the opponent in three directions!

The combined power of the two ancient martial arts inheritors was so great that even an opponent of the level of Cangshan Ninja might not be able to take a single move!

But facing this man in white, it was useless!

The opponent also made a move, swinging the ninja sword in his hand and slashing it down!

Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman immediately retracted their moves and retreated!

If they didn't retreat, their arms and legs would be cut off!

The two retreated a step and looked at each other in horror!

A knife broke the joint efforts of the two and forced two masters to retreat. Such a situation has never been encountered before!

"Hermit!" Chen Xinan shouted angrily and rushed forward.

He has confirmed the identity of this person. Except for the hermit, no one else can have such strong strength!

A strange whistle sounded outside, and the man in white flashed his eyes, smiled at Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman, turned around and left!

"Did I let you go?" Luo Xiaoman shouted angrily, rushed up and kicked again.

The other party waved his hand and stabbed with a knife, forcing Luo Xiaoman to quickly retract his feet and stagger forward two steps before he could stand firm.

Chen Xinan flicked his finger at the back of the man in white. It was not known whether it was a coincidence or the man in white was protecting him intentionally. He put the ninja knife in his hand behind his back.


A steel needle hit the knife and was bounced out!

"Fuck!" Luo Xiaoman was anxious and took off the crossbow behind him, but before he could fire, Chen Xinan had already held his arm.

The man in white had already left the door, so even the crossbow arrows were useless.

Luo Xiaoman wanted to chase him out, but Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "Don't chase him, he's gone!"

"Old Chen, how can you tolerate this?" Luo Xiaoman said with his eyes wide open, "He escaped unscathed in front of us. If you tell others about it, they will laugh at him to death!"

Chen Xinan glared at him and cursed, "Forget it, you don't have that many spectators!

Victory and defeat are common in the military.

Besides, this is not a defeat. The other party has no intention of fighting for life and death today, so we don't need to chase them relentlessly."

Sirens sounded in the distance. Chen Xinan walked to the door and saw that the two gangs outside were gone, and even the bodies on the ground had been taken away.

If it weren't for the bloodstains everywhere, no one would have thought that a big battle had just happened here!

"Old Chen?" Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xinan and asked.

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said to him, "Let's go upstairs and sleep!"

Luo Xiaoman wanted to say something, but he finally closed his mouth and followed Chen Xinan into the elevator.

Back in the living room of the rental house, Li Qi and Xiao Zhang lay motionless, as if they were still asleep.

Chen Xin'an sat on the quilt, snorted and said, "Okay, stop pretending! Just stay awake when you're awake!"

"Hey!" Li Qi and Xiao Zhang both sat up, and Luo Xiaoman went over and turned on the light in the living room.

Chen Xin'an picked up her water glass and took a sip of water, frowning.

Luo Xiaoman looked at him and asked: "Old Chen, what is the strength of the man in white just now? Why can't I see through it?"

Chen Xin'an said solemnly: "Throwing a knife to kill people on the eighth floor, plus a kick that hurt your internal organs, I guess you have passed the fourth level of internal strength!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an saw through it at a glance. Luo Xiaoman no longer held back, covered his mouth and coughed, leaned on the sofa and said:

"Do you know I'm injured and I'm still stunned? Come here and give me two injections to relieve the pain. I'm so uncomfortable!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Lie down and I will massage you! The needle is not given casually, and you don't need it in this situation!"

Luo Xiaoman lay down obediently, and Chen Xin'an squatted beside him, gently pressing his upper body.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Sure enough, it was just a shock, not damaged!"

"Why should he show mercy?" Luo Xiaoman asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "How can he be merciful!

It was you who reacted naturally in times of crisis and saved your life!

We all have improved our strength from countless battles, and the body's instinctive reaction can save lives in many cases.

He is very strong, but our strength is beyond his expectation, so when the police come, he will not hesitate to fight and just retreat.

Originally, he came to see us tonight just for a face-to-face meeting and to give us a slap on the wrist.

The important thing is to tell us that he already knows that we are hiding here! "

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, we can make a game.

I'll prepare something tomorrow, you can lure him over, and then I'll be in the dark, directly..."

He raised his hands as if holding a gun and closed one eye.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "There is no time! We will leave Da Ying directly tomorrow.

And such a master has amazing perception.

If you see danger, you won't be stupid enough to get involved again! "

Moreover, the current situation is special. If Li Qi wants to find a tool to take advantage of, he will take greater risks. Chen Xin'an will not let him take risks!

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