Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2640 I already owe you two lives

There was loud gunfire, and the people from the Super Ninja Association began to shoot at the place where Chen Xin'an and others were hiding.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone to find bunkers and hide behind them without showing their heads.

Chen Xin'an sneered at this so-called super-forbearance society.

He has the reputation of being a super ninja, and he practices ancient ninjutsu, but the weapons he can use are firearms. It's so nondescript that it's hard to even take a look at him.

Yan Chunhua also sneered behind the rocks and said with disdain: "With their strength, do they deserve to be called Super Forbearance?

I've never seen a real ninja using a gun in Da Ying! "

"They are not the real elites of the Super Ninja Society at all!" Yi Lian'er said to Yan Chunhua in Japanese:

"They are actually just a group of killers from Fubai Mountain.

There are no more than ten true elites of the Super Ninja Society. They have superb ninjutsu and cannot use guns. "

She stopped her smile and said coldly: "My father died at the hands of a super ninja! I know how terrifying a super ninja can be!

Mom's Black Star Alliance only killed a super ninja at the cost of a dozen people being seriously injured and hospitalized!

The only way to deal with those scary guys is with guns! "

The sound of gunfire was getting closer and closer, and the people of the Super Ninja Association formed a fan to surround them, trying to cover them up.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, reaching about fifteen meters.

But Chen Xin'an remained motionless hiding behind the rocks.

Luo Xiaoman, who was standing behind a big rock, shouted softly: "Old Chen, why don't you give me a fight?"

Li Qi beside him whispered: "Brother Man, don't worry, it's not the best distance yet!"

The bullets hit the reef and scattered stone fragments. Luo Xiaoman hid behind the stone with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth and said:

"I'll do it later, I'll get rid of that mustache first!

Damn it, I hate it when I look at it!

He shot specifically towards me, as if he could see me through perspective! "

Li Qi smiled slightly and said to him: "Then you kill the mustache, and I will kill the bald man. It seems that they are all leaders!"

The two sides were already very close. Liu Minyong was so frightened that his legs were shaking and he could hardly stand still.

If anyone sees him, it will definitely be a matter of one shot, and they won’t be able to run away!

But it's more dangerous to run away now. If you show up, you'll probably get your head blown off!

He really wanted to yell at Chen Xin'an: If you want to fight or run, just say something!

What's the point of hiding behind a rock all the time?

When people surround you later, you won't even have a chance to escape!

What's even more irritating is that you have dragged so many people to die with you!

I wanted to follow you to escape, but I didn't expect to die so tragically on this beach...

Before he could finish his random thoughts, he heard Chen Xin'an shout from behind the reef not far away: "Hit!"

Following this order, five people, including Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe, held crossbows at the same time, aimed at the Super Ninja Killers who were rushing in front of them, and pulled the triggers!

All five crossbows were adjusted to burst mode, and the large arrow warehouse was filled with arrows. With the continuous sound of firing, the killers of the Super Ninja Association fell to the ground one after another!

Within a distance of ten meters, the crossbow far exceeds the pistol in terms of firing speed and density!

The five of them fired at once, and an artificial rain of arrows almost covered the entire beach!

The group of killers who were so arrogant just now fell to pieces.

When the people behind saw that something was not going well, they cried for their fathers and mothers and turned around and ran away!

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Aman, Aqi, come with me! Lao Xiao, Pigeon, Sister Hua, pick up the guns!"

Following his order, everyone rushed out from behind the reef and chased the killers!

There are more rocks on the side where the boat is hidden, and the side where they came down just now is flat, which is also the best place to board the boat.

There are more rocks about a hundred meters away.

Therefore, there was no cover for the killers during their escape.

Chen Xin'an led Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi in pursuit for more than thirty meters, then stopped decisively and started running back.

Because the other party is not stupid, someone has already driven down in a car and parked directly on the beach to act as a bunker.

Seeing Luo Qianhe and Yan Chunhua running out to pick up guns, Yi Lian'er also ran out and followed behind, imitating others and quickly taking the pistol from the corpse on the ground.

Luo Qianhe turned his head and took a look, his hair stood on end. He threw Yi Lian'er to the ground and shouted: "Be careful!"

At the same time, Yan Chunhua kicked the gun out of the hand of an injured person beside him!

At this moment, the gun in the man's hand rang out.

"Ah!" Feeling the bullet coming out of Luo Qianhe's body, Yi Lian'er, who was hugged by him, screamed and fired several shots at the wounded man, killing him on the spot!

"Luo, don't scare me!" Yi Lian'er hugged Luo Qianhe and said with red eyes:

"Why did you risk your life to save me?

You are not invulnerable!

Come on, show me, where are you injured?

I saw the bullet hit you! "

Luo Qianhe didn't say anything, he just lowered his head with a pale face.

Seeing him like this, Elaine was so frightened that she cried out and lowered her head to look at his body, looking for his wounds.

"No, it's okay!" Luo Qianhe was shocked, but he didn't feel any pain or injury on his body.

He also lowered his head and pulled open the hem of his clothes. Only then did he realize that there were two holes in the clothes on the right side of his waist, and there were burn marks next to them.

After confirming that he was not injured, Luo Qianhe breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yi Lian'er:

"Don't worry, the bullet penetrated my clothes and didn't hurt me!"

Yi Lian'er checked several times to confirm that he was not injured and there was no blood on his body. Then she finally felt relieved, hugged him and cried:

"You saved me again! Now I owe you two lives, so I will never let you go in this life and will always pester you!"

Luo Qianhe opened his hands, trying to push her away and say something.

But when I heard her crying and felt that she was shaking because of fear, I couldn't bear it.

After all, he sighed, crossed his arms, and gently held her in his arms.

In the past few days, Yi Lianer and I have been getting along day and night, even sleeping together at night.

Of course, due to the influence of the environment, the senior brother was not allowed to go out. This girl also needed him as a doctor to take care of her, which was not his intention.

How can people be ruthless without being like vegetation?

Such a beautiful girl, even if she is a little willful, can't hide her innocence.

Luo Qianhe said it was a lie if he said he didn't like it.

Even if it's not love, he still likes her, and he has to admit it.

Although he had just broken up with Xiao Qin, he was not a playboy and would not fall in love so quickly.

But if this continues, Luo Qianhe can predict that he may fall before long!

In fact, Luo Qianhe didn't have such unforgettable love for Xiao Qin. The two of them got along more like friends, plain and rational.

So even if they broke up, the two of them were at peace, cherishing each other, without any resentment, and they are now friends who can chat.

There will be no guilt or other psychological burdens when you find a partner again.

But Luo Qianhe was a little afraid to get close to Yi Lian'er, as if he knew that once he fell in, it would be difficult to get out again!

But this woman is like poison. Although you are afraid and resisting, she unknowingly tempts you to indulge in it and you can't help it!

This is why Luo Qianhe has always been wary of her.

"Hide, they are going to fight back!" Chen Xin'an ran back with Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi and ordered everyone.

Sure enough, using the vehicle as a cover, the killers actually learned how to coordinate with tanks and tanks, and slowly surrounded them again!

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