Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2641 I can give you everything you want.

Good guy!

Even the killer knows how to use tactics, they are all talented!

Li Qi's mouth curled up and gestured to Chen Xinan behind the reef next to him.

Playing tactics in front of him, the king of special operations soldiers, isn't this just showing off one's skills in front of an expert?

Chen Xinan shook his head, signaling him not to act rashly.

Originally, they were not at an advantage in terms of numbers and equipment, and now it was not suitable to take risks by fighting alone.

In a convertible, a young man in a black ninja uniform stood up, holding a megaphone in his hand, and shouted loudly:

"Chen Xin'an, you can't run away!

Do you remember Asakusa Heiya who was killed by you?

I am his son, Asakusa Masanobu!

My father went to China without listening to advice and died in your hands.

Now you come to Daying and fall into my hands as well.

If you know what's good for you, don't resist anymore.

Surrender obediently, I can guarantee the safety of your friends, as long as you die alone for my father.

If you still dare to resist, don't blame us for being ruthless, we will kill all of you!"

"Asakusa Heiya? Who is it?" Luo Xiaoman turned his head and asked Chen Xin'an curiously.

Chen Xinan thought for a moment, sneered and said: "The vice president of the Sakura Society, with a few masters of the sword style, went to China to find trouble with me, but I killed them." Luo Xiaoman nodded and said: "I have some impression. It was the old ghost Mo Shusheng who invited him over, right? The boy in the car is his son? Well, let's send them to reunite father and son this time!" There was no response. Asakusa Masanobu continued to shout in the car: "Chen Xinan, I know you are very strong. But you are just a mortal after all, not a god. And we have gods in Daying! He has decided to deal with you! We just want to delay you and wait for our gods to come. At that time, he only needs one finger to crush you like crushing an ant! So you'd better surrender now, don't hide behind the reef like a turtle! Otherwise, not only you will die here, everyone around you will be killed by you!" As soon as the voice fell, a cold light flew in front of him! Asakusa Masanobu screamed and quickly retracted his head like a turtle!

A crossbow arrow brushed past his scalp and would have pierced his head a step later!

This scared Asakusa Masanobu so much that he broke out in a cold sweat!

He is an elite master of the Super Ninja Association!

There are only eight elite masters in the entire Super Ninja Association, and they all learn the ancient ninjutsu of Daying.

Of course, his strength is not bad. Even if someone stood twenty meters away with a pistol pointing at him, he might not be able to kill him!

With his extraordinary sense of danger and body skills, he is 80% sure that he can dodge the bullet!

But the crossbow arrow just now was thrown from behind the reef twenty meters away.

Although he didn't see the man's appearance clearly, he was sure that it was definitely not Chen Xin'an!

A crossbow arrow was thrown from twenty meters away, and it almost killed him at a speed faster than the bullet!

Such strength is only higher than his!

Unexpectedly, in addition to Chen Xin'an, the other party also had masters with similar strength!

Behind the reef, Luo Xiaoman spat fiercely and cursed: "I was a little impatient and didn't shoot accurately! If it was a few meters closer, the boy would have died!"

Chen Xin'an looked indifferent and said with a smile: "Judging from the boy's reaction just now, he is also a master.

There are so many people protecting him, but you killed him with just one arrow, which is really too bad!"

He took a deep breath and said to everyone: "These people are not the most troublesome.

The god that Asakusa Masanobu mentioned is the most terrifying!"

Li Qi grinned. He smiled and asked Chen Xinan, "Boss, you didn't really believe that kid's nonsense, did you?

People in Daying are generally superstitious. There are no gods in this world!"

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and scolded him, "Stupid, we are not talking about a real god, but a master, who seems to be called a hermit!"

Li Qi looked enlightened and asked him, "Master? Is he as good as you and the boss?"

Chen Xinan exhaled and said lightly, "Aman and I teamed up, but he forced us back with one knife!"

Li Qi opened his mouth and couldn't say anything!

He knew the strength of the boss and Brother Man very well.

The combination of these two people was not as strong as the other party's move. How strong is the other party?

He couldn't imagine it!

The shouting of Asakusa Masanobu rang out on the beach again!

"Chen Xin'an, since you are stubborn, don't blame me!

I will kill all of your people, leaving no one alive!

If you are targeted by the Super Ninja Society, you can't fly out of the Great Ying even if you grow wings!"

Now he has learned to be smart, and he sits on his seat and shouts when he speaks, and doesn't show his head outside.

Now the people in the front are less than ten meters away from the big reef where Chen Xin'an and his friends are hiding!

It's time to charge!

Asakusa Masanobu jumped out of the car with a flip, holding a loudspeaker and shouting: "Charge! Kill all those damn Chinese people!"

The car in front stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the big reefs!

The group of Super Ninja Society killers who were covered by the car body also sped up, holding their pistols and shouting as they ran forward.

Looking at the Super Ninja Association killers who were rushing toward them like menaces, Liu Minyong's face lost all color and he said in a trembling voice:

"It's over now! If I had known this, I should have surrendered to them just now! I'm not Chinese, and I'm not on the same side as them!"

But just when he thought he was certain to die, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the distance!

A large number of motorcycles and various cars appeared on the side of the road. Crowds of people rushed down to the beach, and while running, they shot at the gang of killers from the Super Ninja Club!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also rushed out from behind the reef, holding the pistols that Xiao Zhang and the others picked up just now, and shot him head-on at close range!

Under attack from both sides, the Super Ninja will be in chaos!

Fortunately, the elite killers hidden among the ordinary killers played a role at the critical moment.

They divided into two parts and fought back against the group of people who had just joined the battlefield, and only then did they stop the opponent's strong attack!

After some tug-of-war, the Super Ninja would abandon twenty or thirty corpses, dragging more wounded people, and retreated to the reef area a hundred meters away, each looking for a bunker.

Those who had just joined the battlefield also came to Chen Xin'an to join them.

A woman wearing a light white dress walked up to Chen Xin'an and said with a smile:

"Mr. Chen, I will definitely do what I promised you!"

Chen Xin'an also smiled and said: "Mrs. Daoben really did not disappoint me! Don't worry, since you have fulfilled your promise, I will not break my promise to you!"

Junko Michimoto's eyes lit up, she stretched out her hand and said, "Then I wish us happy cooperation in advance!"

Chen Xin'an also generously stretched out her hand and shook her tightly!

"Don't forget me!" Angel, dressed in black, also came over and stretched out his hand to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an also smiled and nodded, and said to her: "In three years, I helped Dao Helian transform, making the Moxing Alliance one of the best black societies in the country, perfectly replacing the Sakura Society!

Now that you’ve made a commitment, you won’t give up halfway!

As long as you two can keep your current hearts, I, Chen Xin'an, can afford to give you whatever you want! "

"Okay, we believe you!" The two women nodded vigorously.

Chen Xin'an crossed his arms and held hands with them!

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