Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2642 I don’t like this place

Let Daohelian and Moxing Alliance deal with the Super Ninja Association. Even if they agree to it, the official can't say anything.

Because they have a grudge!

Needless to say, the grudge between Moxing Alliance and Super Ninja Association, the grudge between Daohelian and Super Ninja Association is even deeper, because Takanari Mina was instigated by the Super Ninja Association to kill Michimoto Rintaro!

Who can control their serious revenge?

So even if Chen Xinan left Daying, the official would take Daohelian, and Moxing Alliance could do nothing!

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said to everyone: "Get on the boat, ready to go?"

The rest of the things can be left to these two women, their role is here.

"Elianer!" Angela turned around and looked at her daughter with red eyes.

Elianer, who wanted to sneak on the boat and leave, raised her mouth, and her pretty face sank.

Angela walked up to her and whispered, "Will you come back with me? I won't ignore you like before!

In fact, I did that not because I don't love you, but because I'm afraid that I will hurt you because of you..."

"In that case, let me go!" Elaine raised her head and looked at Angela and said:

"Do you want me to live in fear all my life?

If I leave Daying, I won't have to worry about you getting involved again!

Anyway, if you miss me, you can put everything aside and go to Huaxia to find me!"

This is actually where Angela hesitated in her heart.

She was reluctant to let her daughter leave, but if she stayed with her, she would be implicated by her and become her weakness.

The shooting incident a few days ago has reminded Angela.

With her current strength and energy, it is indeed difficult for Elaine to get comprehensive protection.

Perhaps leaving is the safest way, and it is to follow a powerful person like Chen Xinan.

But whether Chen Xinan is willing to take care of her daughter is his business.

Seeing her silence, Yilian thought she was hesitating and wanted to take a tough approach to take her back.

She was so scared that she quickly took a step back, grabbed Luo Qianhe's hand tightly, and said to her:

"I warn you not to mess around!

Even if you take me back today, I will do everything I can to escape!

I will go to Huaxia to find him, and no matter what danger I encounter, it will be your fault!"

Angela seemed not to hear it, but just lowered her head and looked at her and Luo Qianhe's hands together, as if she understood something.

Luo Qianhe was a little embarrassed and wanted to let go of Yilian, but she held her five fingers tightly and couldn't get rid of it at all. He had no choice but to stand aside and accept his fate.

Angela turned around, looked at Luo Qianhe and asked, "Sir, can you tell me your name?"

Luo Qianhe quickly said to her, "My name is Luo Qianhe, and I am Chen Xin'an's junior brother!"

Angela nodded and said to him in a deep voice, "Help me take good care of my daughter, don't hurt her, and don't let others hurt her, can you promise me?"

Luo Qianhe looked embarrassed, but looking at Angela's pleading eyes and Yilian's shy and expectant look, he couldn't refuse, nodded and said, "I will try my best!"

Angela breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Then thank you!"

She turned around and stretched out her hand to the men behind her.

One person immediately handed over a black leather bag.

Angela took the leather bag, took out a small milky white purse from it, handed it to Yilian and said, "Take it, go! If you miss your mother, come back to see me!"

Yilian took the small bag with some doubts, opened it and saw that it contained her various documents and several visas, including a temporary visa to China.

There is also a golden International UnionPay universal card. Although I don't know how much money is in it, Elaine knows that the amount must be quite a lot.

Because my mother never felt sorry for her spending money, she just didn't want to owe this favor, and would rather rob or steal than spend her mother's money!

Looking at this small purse, Elaine's eyes also turned red.

She finally knew now that her mother had never been indifferent to her.

In fact, her retreat had been arranged long ago. If there was any danger, she could go to many countries at any time.

But she was so willful that she didn't see everything her mother did. She just blamed her for her father's death and didn't listen to any of her explanations.

"Mom!" Elaine's tears finally flowed down. Seeing Angela open her arms, she couldn't hold it back anymore and threw herself into her mother's arms!

The mother and daughter haven't been as close as they are now for many years.

It's a pity that the time is short. Now they are still fighting and have to separate.

"If, I mean if!" Elaine said to Angela, "You are tired of this kind of life and want to change your way of life. I will come to pick you up and we will go to China to live a simple life!" Angela smiled slightly, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Why not in Daying?" Elaine shook her head and said to her, "I don't like it here. This is an inhumane country, and everyone is chasing for profit. It is full of arrogance and violence, and thinks that plunder and war are the best ways to get it. I don't like this environment where people are not human. I have the opportunity to leave and never want to come back!" Angel looked at her awkwardly, because she knew that her daughter was actually talking about her.

But she didn't defend herself, she just nodded to Yi Lian'er, turned around and smiled at Luo Qianhe with tears in her eyes, walked over, took Yi Lian'er's hand, and placed it in Luo Qianhe's hand.

"Mr. Luo, now I leave my daughter to you! Don't forget your promise to me!"

This situation is like being entrusted with life!

Luo Qianhe subconsciously wanted to let go of his hand, but when he saw Yi Lian'er's cute look with tears in her eyes, her heart softened.

After all, he still didn't let go of his hand, but just nodded vigorously to Angela.

Everyone had already boarded the boat, and a group of people came to help, untied the cables, and pushed the boat into deep water.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an and others were about to leave, the people from the Super Ninja Association rushed over like a swarm of bees, but they encountered a head-on attack from the Daohe Alliance and the Moxing Alliance!

After a round of gun battle, the Super Ninja Council was pushed back again!

There was no more obstruction on the boat's side, and with a flute, it left the coast.

Liu Minyong looked at the smaller and smaller figures on the coast, finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the bow of the boat.

I finally left that hellish place. It was a narrow escape!

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "I heard that someone wanted to surrender just now? And he also admitted that he was not with us?"

Liu Minyong trembled with fright, turned around suddenly, and saw Yan Chunhua walking out of the cabin and standing next to him.

"No... you heard wrong, I didn't mean that!" Liu Minyong's face was full of panic. What he just blurted out out of fear was actually heard by others. How embarrassing!

Yan Chunhua pointed to the coastline and said to him: "It's still too late for you to go back and surrender!"

Liu Minyong knelt down on the ground and said to Yan Chunhua: "Miss Yan, I was just insane and talking nonsense because of fear!

You must not take it seriously, and there is no need to tell Mr. Chen that I have no intention of betraying you!

You adults don't remember the faults of villains, don't argue with me, and don't think like me, okay? "

If he hadn't known that this woman knew kung fu and was very strong, Liu Minyong would have even thought of killing someone and silencing her at this moment!

Yan Chunhua snorted and said to him with disdain: "If I argue with you, can you still get on the boat?"

Liu Minyong broke into a cold sweat and did not dare to speak.

Yan Chunhua looked at him coldly and said, "I did you a favor, should you do me a favor in return?"

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