Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2679 Unsolvable Encirclement

Everything seemed calm and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Liu Minyong breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back on his chair, and said to Xiao Zhang: "I think these people are too nervous.

There is an old saying in China, you have seen thieves for a thousand days, but you have never seen people guarding against thieves for a thousand days.

This truck has been in the warehouse for so long and has not been shipped away. Others can't watch outside the company every day!

We should be fine this time, and the goods can be delivered in more than an hour."

Xiao Zhang glanced at the rearview mirror and said: "Don't be happy too early, we have been targeted, there is a car behind us!"

Liu Minyong was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned his body to look at the rearview mirror.

There were many vehicles on the road, and it was impossible to tell which car was following him for a while.

"How did you see it? Are you too nervous?" Liu Minyong said with a smile.

When the two talked, they subconsciously kept their faces facing forward and their lips opened and closed gently.

The surveillance camera was filming overhead, and as long as they didn't make too big movements, they couldn't see that the two were talking.

Xiao Zhang did not answer Liu Minyong's words, but suddenly stepped on the accelerator and the car accelerated forward.

Liu Minyong turned his head and saw that the two cars behind him also accelerated and kept overtaking, and kept deliberately keeping a distance from the refrigerated truck!

Seeing this scene, Liu Minyong finally believed what Xiao Zhang said.

His face turned pale, and he said to Xiao Zhang: "Someone really wants to rob the goods! What should we do, Mr. Xiao? Can we get rid of them? This speed is not good, we have to go faster!"

Xiao Zhang did not respond, but drove at his own pace, and even put his left hand on the car window, looking very concerned.

He wanted to see how many cars were following.

But seeing the two cars getting closer and closer, Liu Minyong was a little panicked.

He said to Xiao Zhang: "Mr. Xiao, you are not familiar with the road conditions in Dongchao, how about I drive instead?

I can let go, it is no problem to speed up to 120 kilometers per hour on this road.

Don't worry, I am a good driver, no one can catch up with my car in Sandong!"

Xiao Zhang smiled slightly and said lightly: "Just sit!"

Liu Minyong looked outside with a worried look and said: "But we are almost caught up!

Mr. Xiao, Mr. Chen said that your driving skills are first-class, I think so too.

It's just that you can't let go of the speed, you are suitable for driving an elderly car."

Xiao Zhang seemed not to hear it, glanced at the rearview mirror next to him, and said to him: "They are going to do it, be careful, tighten the seat belt!"

Liu Minyong laughed dryly: "It doesn't matter, I'm still brave, you can drive..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Zhang suddenly turned the steering wheel sharply, and then stepped on the brake!

Liu Minyong, who was sitting next to him, exclaimed and lay back, but then the rear of the car was hit with a bang!

The powerful force almost made Liu Minyong fly out!

Fortunately, he was pulled by the seat belt, so his body was not thrown out!

After the black car behind the rear-end hit the car, the car body turned sideways and stopped in the middle of the road, and white smoke came out of the front of the car.

The cars behind had no time to react, and all rushed over with a harsh brake sound, banging into the black car, knocking it to the ground!

However, the refrigerated truck had already started again and accelerated away.

The road was in chaos, and the people in the accident cars got out and cursed each other.

But at this time, three cars rushed up from behind with horns honking, and whizzed directly through the crowd.

The group of people who were originally cursing screamed and dodged in embarrassment. When the car passed, they were scared and ran to the side of the road.

Liu Minyong didn't dare to be stubborn now, and tightened his seat belt obediently.

The refrigerated truck kept overtaking, like a fish, swimming quickly in the tide full of reefs.

Xiao Zhang kept stepping on the accelerator, turning the steering wheel with both hands, and shuttling through the gaps in the traffic.

Liu Minyong looked at the pointer on the speedometer, which had already exceeded 100. In less than three seconds, it broke through 120, but it was still accelerating.

He licked his lips, stretched out his right hand to grab the armrest above the car window, straightened his legs, and leaned his body tightly against the back of the chair.

Seeing a truck in front of him driving on the line, there were cars on both sides, and the refrigerated truck couldn't get through at all and couldn't overtake.

But Xiao Zhang didn't mean to slow down at all, and the speed was close to 140!

"Little, be careful! Don't go so fast, I, I'm a little dizzy! Ah, hit!" Liu Minyong screamed and closed his eyes hard!

But at this moment, with Xiao Zhang's steering wheel gently pulled, the refrigerated truck passed through the leftmost road between the truck and the middle isolation pile!

I'm afraid only the old driver who has driven this car for many years will have such an understanding of the distance between cars and have such confidence.

But Xiao Zhang had been driving the car for less than half an hour, but he was able to accelerate and overtake in such a narrow lane, with the left and right sides of the car no more than two centimeters away from the obstacles on both sides!

He almost passed sideways, and if he was slightly off, he would hit the obstacles, and then he might lose control and overturn!

But that was just speculation. The real situation was that Xiao Zhang almost did not stop, and he drove past the truck at an accelerated state and continued to drive forward quickly.

In the monitoring room of Haichao Company, a group of drivers who saw this scene from remote monitoring were dumbfounded.

Just now, someone said that the driver couple would be stopped within ten minutes and would not go more than thirty miles.

Now everyone's face showed a shocked expression.

If the situation just now happened to them, they would ask themselves, no one would have such courage to overtake, let alone such skills!

About ten miles behind, Cai Zhongji almost lost control and rear-ended the car in front of him while watching the same surveillance picture on the mobile phone in front!

He quickly stepped on the accelerator and the car stopped at the intersection.

Cai Zhongji stared at the screen of the mobile phone, his face was ashen, his lips trembled slightly, and after a long time he cursed: "Madman!"

It's just looking for a job, are you really so desperate?

"Slow down, it's too fast!" Liu Minyong's face was pale, and the whole person seemed to shrink into the car seat, not daring to look at the scenery outside the front window!

He didn't dare to look at the speedometer, and he didn't know how fast the car was now. Anyway, he would not dare to drive at such a speed for his whole life!

Xiao Zhang, however, had a calm face and continued to shuttle in the traffic, not caring at all that as long as a tiny mistake could result in the consequences of car destruction and death!

At this moment, several winding convoys suddenly appeared in front of them. It should be a roadblock set up and the police were checking.

"It's over!" A group of people in the monitoring room of Haichao Company sighed.

At first, everyone was not optimistic about this pair of new drivers, but seeing how hard he worked in the monitoring, everyone felt a little sympathetic.

Alas, if it weren't for life,

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