Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2680 Whoever is dissatisfied comes directly to me

Feeling that the car speed slowed down, Liu Minyong let out a long sigh of relief.

He turned his head, looked behind him, and asked Xiao Zhang: "You've got rid of them, right? But they scared me to death!"

Xiao Zhang said calmly: "Look ahead!"

Liu Minyong groaned, raised his head and looked ahead, finally seeing the approaching motorcade and the flashing police lights.

"It's the police! What should we do? It's over now, if we are caught by the police, we will go to jail!"

Liu Minyong shouted in panic, looking like he was about to jump out of the car and run away.

But don't say Xiao Zhang isn't worried, he himself doesn't dare to jump out of the car.

Because he remembered what Minister Cui and Secretary Xuan said, if he betrayed Haichao Company, his sister would suffer!

"How about we turn around?" Liu Minyong tentatively asked Xiao Zhang.

In fact, after I finished speaking, I realized how unrealistic what I said was.

There is a car following behind, so if you turn around and go the wrong way, you won't be able to get far!

Liu Minyong desperately asked Xiao Zhang: "What should we do? Are we going to be arrested? I should have known better than to take this job!"

Xiao Zhang just said lightly: "Sit tight!"

Now Liu Minyong trembled when he heard these words. He opened his eyes wide and said to Xiao Zhang:

"Brother, what do you want to do?

Don't mess around!

You can't hit so many cars in front of you, it's impossible to break through! "

Xiao Zhang didn't say anything, but suddenly slammed the gas pedal, and the car roared out again!

"What does he want to do? Is he really crazy?" Everyone in the monitoring room of Haichao Company exclaimed.

Even Minister Cui stood up nervously.

At the same time, Cai Joong-ki's voice came from the intercom next to Liu Minyong:

"Don't be so messy, don't cause too much trouble, otherwise you will implicate the company!"

Liu Minyong picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke to him, but Xiao Zhang said to him: "Ignore it!"

As he spoke, he turned the steering wheel sharply to the left. The refrigerated truck seemed to have lost control and crashed into a car rushing from behind!

That was a car that came to chase them. It was just the driver. Unexpectedly, the refrigerated truck was so crazy and crashed directly into him!

Unprepared, he was hit hard. The car tilted and hit the isolation pier in the middle!

Then there was a bang, and the right front tire was punctured and deflated due to impact and friction!

But the refrigerated truck didn't let it go. It turned around on the highway, turned the steering wheel hard, and hit it again!

The people in the car were so frightened that they quickly opened the door and got out, yelling and cursing loudly, and fled in panic!

Xiao Zhang rushed over in a refrigerated truck and bumped into the car unceremoniously.

And it directly pressed onto the front of the car, making the refrigerated truck fly into the air!

"This life-threatening lunatic!" Cai Zhongji, who saw this scene on mobile phone surveillance, braked to a stop and stared at this scene in shock!

He already knows what the guy named Liu Guangxian is going to do!

Use that car as a seesaw and drive onto the opposite road!

Sure enough, the refrigerated truck rushed up to the car, crossed the middle isolation pier, and landed in the opposite lane with a bang!

The refrigerated truck shook a few times, drew an arc on the road, and finally stabilized its body, then accelerated forward and drove in the opposite direction in the opposite lane!

Not to mention the cars following them, even the police who were setting up the traffic jam were dumbfounded. They turned around and stared dumbfoundedly at the refrigerated truck passing by them, but they could do nothing!

"What a good boy!" Minister Cui punched the table, his eyes shining with excitement.

Isn’t this the driver the company has been looking for!

Brave and resourceful, bold and careful, he is even better technically than Tsai Chung-ki, mentally strong, and much more outstanding!

He pointed at the monitoring screen and said to the assistant beside him: "Send this picture to the mysterious secretary!

When these two people come back, go through the onboarding procedures for them immediately, and their salary will be according to the first grade! "

Everyone's faces showed envy.

At the first level of salary, isn't that the same treatment as the monitor?

The assistant said to him hesitantly: "Minister Cui, is it not good to enjoy such treatment when you first join the job?

This will make other people dissatisfied. Some employees have been working for two years and are still receiving second-rate salary..."

Minister Cui sneered coldly and said with disdain: "If anyone is dissatisfied, let him come to me!

The company has always valued talents.

If his skills are as good as others, then I will upgrade him to a higher level! "

As soon as he said this, there was no sound around him.

When you come out to work, you always rely on your strength. Let’s not talk about technology. As for the courage and courage, these old employees here really don’t have it.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have failed four times!

When the car started flying just now, Liu Minyong felt that his heart also flew out of his throat!

When the car hit the ground hard, he swallowed the little sweetheart back in his throat.

But before he could calm down, he raised his voice again, stared straight ahead, grabbed the handrail above his head with both hands, and said in a trembling voice:

"Slow down, don't go so fast! Car! There's a car in front of you! Ah! I hit you! It's just a little bit close, can't you slow down? This is a service road, where are you going?"

The refrigerated truck suddenly turned its steering wheel to the side and left the main road.

This is a route that is not marked on the map. It is a detour and may take more time. There are many intersections and many dangers.

Cai Zhongji's voice came from the intercom: "Idiot! Where are you going? Come back to the main road at the intersection ahead!"

Liu Minyong took the walkie-talkie and said to Xiao Zhang: "What should I say? Mr. Xiao, you don't want to rob this truck yourself, do you?"

Do you want to exchange it for news about Brother Snake?

This won't work!

You don’t understand the character of those people at all, they won’t agree to us!

It's better to drive back quickly. I told Squad Leader Cai that we got sidetracked! "

Xiao Zhang kept looking forward and said to Liu Minyong: "Don't pay attention, I know it well!"

Liu Minyong wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to open his mouth. He could only complain secretly in his heart.

You don’t have any relatives in Dongchao. You can just pat your butt and leave when the time comes.

But my sister and I are still here. Aren’t you trying to kill us brother and sister?

However, after getting along with them day and night these days, he also knew the character and temperament of these Chinese people very well.

Knowing what Xiao Zhang had decided, he couldn't persuade him to look back. Anyway, everyone was already in the same boat. No matter it was a blessing or a curse, he had no choice but to accept it!

"Minister Cui, what is this kid doing?" The assistant stared at the surveillance screen and asked Minister Cui, who was sitting silently.

Minister Cui looked gloomy and remained silent.

Xiao Zhang's actions were almost beyond his expectations.

This time he was even more confused.

Does this guy really want to get rid of this guy?

With the courage and courage he showed just now, he really is someone who dares to do such a thing!

If he really dares to hack this truck, he will get nothing in the end.

In the end, he may even lose his life!

Would these two people really do such a stupid thing?

Minister Cui was very angry and regretful.

Because he rarely thinks highly of a person, even though these two people had just met, their behavior made him think highly of them.

If he does something stupid that everyone can guess, then he will be really disappointed!

Of course, they will be more ruthless when dealing with it!

Sure enough, the refrigerated truck was on the auxiliary road, which was an opportunity for the pursuers.

More and more vehicles started to drive towards the refrigerated truck through internal communication, trying to intercept it halfway!

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