Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2681 The person we are looking for has been found


The refrigerated truck was like an angry bull, tilting an oncoming truck over at a tricky angle!

Either they collided, or they braked suddenly and caused a rear-end collision, or they used angles to force a collision. The refrigerated truck was like a god of war on the road and had already knocked over six cars!

Moreover, when the opponent found an angle and wanted to hit it, Xiao Zhang used his skillful skills to avoid it at the most dangerous moment!

Now the windshield of the refrigerated truck is completely shattered, and it looks scarred, but it has not damaged any muscles or bones, and it does not affect normal driving at all.

And it successfully broke out of the encirclement, continued driving along the auxiliary road, and kept moving away from the main road!

The furious pursuit team grew stronger, with twenty vehicles of all kinds coming from all directions to chase the refrigerated truck.

Cai Zhongji’s yelling and cursing kept coming from the intercom!

“I say it again, hurry back to the main road!

This is your final warning!

Cancel your plans immediately and don't do anything stupid, otherwise no one can save you! "

Liu Minyong's face was pale and he was holding on to the armrest tightly. There were blood marks on his face caused by the splash when the glass broke.

But at this moment, he couldn't feel any pain. He just asked Xiao Zhang in horror: "Mr. Xiao, what should we do? We can't drive the car back!"

Xiao Zhang had no expression on his face and said calmly while driving: "Tell the guy on the intercom to deliver the goods and leave him alone for the rest!"

Liu Minyong was stunned, widened his eyes and asked: "What? Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?

What delivers the goods?

No, we are the ones delivering the goods, right? "

Xiao Zhang didn't explain, and said to him: "Just follow what I say!

Calm down, don't be nervous and speak naturally! "

Liu Minyong looked at Xiao Zhang with some confusion. Seeing him nodding calmly, he took a deep breath and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Squad leader Cai, just deliver the goods safely and on time. You don't need to worry about other things!"

Hearing these words, Cai Zhongji felt like he was struck by lightning!

There was only one thought left in his mind: How did this guy know?

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Liu Minyong asked Xiao Zhang in confusion: "Mr. Xiao, what is going on? If you don't tell me, then I will be confused to death!"

Xiao Zhang smiled faintly and said calmly: "Do you think Haichao Company would be so confident that it would hand over a truck of valuable foreign goods to two newcomers who have not yet joined the company?"

Liu Minyong was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say something but couldn't.

As long as they are normal people, they probably wouldn’t do this, right?

Regardless of being caught or robbed, even if the relationship with Haichao Company has been cleared, as far as Changtai Company is concerned, if the goods were lost by Haichao Company, they can only seek compensation from you!

So the more dangerous it is, the less likely it is to let someone unfamiliar with it deliver the goods.

What I said before are just psychological words with only one purpose, which is to make Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong believe that they have been entrusted with important tasks.

The reality is that they are just cannon fodder to attract police and snoops.

The more noise they make, the more proof they have that the goods are in their car.

This will attract everyone's attention and transfer all dangers to them.

The real goods must follow behind. With the attraction of the car in front, the goods can be delivered to Changtai Company safely!

The words Xiao Zhang asked Liu Minyong to say were directly addressed to Cai Zhongji and Minister Cui.

I know all your plans, so we are willing to be cannon fodder and attract all dangers. You can just deliver the goods without worry.

We may seem reckless, but we are not fools.

I'm just willing to help you, just for a job!

After listening to Xiao Zhang's analysis, Liu Minyong finally understood the inside story of the matter. He was a little bit angry, but he was helpless.

Because this is the necessary stage to join Haichao Company!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Minyong said to Xiao Zhang: "Mr. Xiao, do we have to join Haichao Company?

I find that these people are not very honest in their work? "

Xiao Zhang curled his lips and said with a sneer: "If it was a conscientious company, would it still use foreign goods?

Lao Liu, we must enter Haichao Company, and if we do this well, we may be there in one step! "

Liu Minyong frowned, still not understanding the meaning of Xiao Zhang's words.

Xiao Zhang said coldly: "Haichao Company is in urgent need of drivers to deliver foreign goods, and ordinary drivers are not qualified.

That's why they gave us such a test question! "

Liu Minyong asked strangely: "So what, does it have anything to do with what we are going to do?"

Xiao Zhang nodded slightly and said: "It does matter! Our brother who was imprisoned sent foreign goods, and they were very expensive and top-quality goods.

When Haichao Company swallowed that batch of goods, it was like swallowing a bomb.

If they fail to take action smoothly, they will explode in their stomachs!

And the consequence is to tear the entire Xinghai Group apart!

So they have to recruit a group of brave drivers to deliver these things.

Anyone who is close to this matter must know the inside story.

They should know the whereabouts of my brother! "

Liu Minyong nodded with sudden realization.

Xiao Zhang looked at him and said: "This matter is very dangerous, and now you have seen it.

So if you don't want to take risks, just leave when you return to Haichao Company.

I can stay here by myself, okay. "

"What are you talking about, Mr. Xiao!" Liu Minyong said with a dissatisfied look on his face:

"Although I, Liu Minyong, am not as good as you in driving skills and my fighting ability is rubbish, I am not a greedy person who is afraid of death!

Just like you, I also have the loyalty of friends in my heart!

We have returned to Dongchao all the way from Daying. We share life and death and stick by each other through thick and thin. We are now real friends!

Therefore, friends should advance and retreat together.

I'm not worried about you staying here alone.

I can't help you with anything else. I can be your ears and mouth, so I can make the best use of them! "

Xiao Zhang smiled slightly and nodded gently.

This kid is afraid of death and hesitant in doing things, but after all he is not a worthless waste.

Whether or not these generous words were sincere, they were true.

Xiao Zhang really needs an interpreter by his side. He can't even understand what he's saying. How can he get information?

The car kept driving on the auxiliary road, getting further and further away from the main road. It seemed that it had completely lost its direction and was wandering randomly.

However, there were still many pursuers, and refrigerated trucks were required to force their way through almost every intersection.

In the monitoring room, Minister Cui suddenly shouted: "Bring me the map!"

The assistant ran out and soon brought a map of Guangtian City and spread it on the table in front of Minister Cui.

Minister Cui took a red oil pen, found the corresponding location on the map, and then drew a line.

The assistant saw that what Minister Cui had drawn was the route the two newcomers were taking at the moment.

As the red line extended forward, it finally stopped at one place.

Looking at the stationary red dot, Minister Cui showed a surprise smile on his face, nodded and said:

"Good boy! Sure enough, I saw it right!

This is the difference between talent and mediocrity!

He is also the person our company wants most right now!

You guys, look at me with your eyes wide open and learn from me! "

Looking at the line he drew, the assistant said suspiciously: "Minister Cui, it can be seen that those two guys are not familiar with Guangtian City at all.

This road is rarely used by even veteran drivers. I don’t think they could have known about it in advance, right?

Is it a partial overlap? Just a coincidence? "

Minister Cui crossed his arms on his chest, leaned back in his chair and said, "Isn't it just a coincidence, we will know soon!

But I can report it to the office above now. The person the company is looking for has been found! "

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