Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2691 I don’t care about the charity from those cold-blooded people

Everyone introduced themselves, and Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao did not hide anything and told her their lives.

And everything he said was true, without any concealment.

Seeing Shen Youzhen pouring herself another drink, Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao quickly stopped her.

Wang Hao smiled and said: "Sister, this wine is too strong and not suitable for girls to drink.

Let's change the drinks and you can just stay with us. "

Shen Youzhen snorted and said, "Don't underestimate me!

In the past, when my brother-in-law drank, I would drink with him.

Later, I went to China to study, and none of the girls in the dormitory, including the two Chinese girls, could drink from me! "

Wang Hao smiled and said: "That's not okay! I'm still driving, so I can't drink liquor with you.

And what’s the point of inviting us to dinner and drinks? "

Luo Xiaoman smiled and scolded the girl: "You are so smart! You said you would treat us to the most delicious barbecue in Dongchao, so you brought us to your own store!

Don't you blush when you boast so much? "

The girl snorted and said to him: "This is the best barbecue restaurant in Dongchao!

The seasonings made by my sister are famous far and wide!

Even in Chaojing, many people come here because of its reputation!

In fact, my brother-in-law is the best, and my sister’s craftsmanship is not as good as his!

Authentic Kanbei miso, who doesn’t know about it in the old town! "

Wang Hao looked at her with a strange expression and asked, "Your brother-in-law loves to drink Erguotou and can also make Chinese Guanbei miso. Is he from China?"

"Of course!" Shen Youzhen nodded and said, "People from Guanbei, China!"

Luo Xiaoman suddenly realized and said: "No wonder! People in Guanbei like this kind of high-quality Erguotou.

Girl, forget it and ask your brother-in-law to come over and we can have a drink with him.

Those are compatriots, and they must have three glasses of wine as a base! "

Wang Hao nodded aside.

Shen Youzhen said calmly: "I can't scream, he is dead!"

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao were both stunned.

Shen Youzhen took a deep breath and said: "I died of carbon monoxide poisoning. It was said that the water heater leaked while taking a bath.

My brother-in-law is a chef, how could he be insensitive to this aspect?

My sister doesn’t accept this conclusion from the police at all, and I don’t believe it either, but there’s nothing I can do about it. "

The oven was ready, and Shen Nanzhu called her at the door of the store.

Shen Youzhen walked over, brought over the oven, and placed the plates of side dishes next to it.

Looking at the bowl of sauce in front of him, Wang Hao picked it up, looked at it carefully, then put it under his nose and smelled it, and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"This flavor contains 80% of the essence of Kanhoku miso!"

Luo Xiaoman said to Shen Youzhen: "Is your brother-in-law a Chinese who came to Dongchao to open a restaurant?"

Shen Youzhen shook her head, skillfully placed the meat slices on the oven, and said with a sneer:

“You know why I didn’t take that woman’s job?

Because I hate Xinghai Group!

Before my brother-in-law was alive, he was the head chef at the Xinghai Group headquarters!

Later, after his accident, not even a single person from Xinghai Group came to express condolences, let alone compensation, not even a phone call to express condolences!

They even sent people over, searched my sister’s home, and took away everything about Xinghai Group!

It was originally my brother-in-law's relic, and they had no right to take it away!

I don’t even know how my sister survived these two years.

Thanks to my brother-in-law, he had some savings and taught my sister some cooking techniques.

That’s why we have this barbecue restaurant, which can support me until the end of my study abroad and allow us sisters to survive until now.

I don't care about the charity given to us by those cold-blooded people. Even if I starve to death, I will not accept their gifts! "

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao looked at each other, both a little shocked.

It turns out that this girl still has such grudges with the Xinghai Group.

Wang Hao changed the topic and asked the girl with a smile: "Are you studying in China?"

"That's right!" Shen Youzhen squinted her eyes and said with a smile, "Those were really my happiest three years!

Let me tell you, I have never seen so many interesting things and met so many people!

Compared with China, Dongchao is so small!

What's ridiculous is that Dongchao people actually feel that they are the center of the entire universe!

Grab all the traditions that did not belong to you and tell the next generation of Dongchao that these are the things of Dongchao ancestors!

Every time I meet such so-called experts speaking, I want to slap them in the face and feel embarrassed for them! "

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao laughed. Dongchao people are world-famous for their virtue of grabbing everything!

Wang Hao smiled and said: "We don't care about them. As a Dongchao person, are you still so serious?"

Shen Youzhen shook her head and said seriously: "Do you think those so-called experts are all fooling around?

So you have the demeanor of a big country and don't care about him?

Have you ever thought about why they still shamelessly snatch it away even though they know it’s not theirs?

Is it because they have no sense of shame and do not understand history?

No, they are making history!

Create Dongchao’s own history!

Hundreds of years later, when these things have been affirmed by generations of Eastern Chao people, who will remember where they originally belonged?

Not only the Dongchao people, but probably the whole world, even the descendants of China themselves, think that it belongs to the Dongchao!

If there was no refutation back then, future generations will be unable to refute it.

The so-called tolerance has become a joke and an accomplice in changing history! "

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao's expressions changed.

They didn't think of this level, and I believe many Chinese people didn't think of it either.

But it was an irony that he was revealed by a girl who was born and raised in Dongchao.

But even if they see through this kind of thing, they can't do anything about it.

This is simply not a trend that individuals can change!

Shen Nanzhu, who was taking a break from his busy schedule, came over, smiled at Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao and said:

"I heard from Youzhen that she just made two Chinese friends.

I am her sister, so she must have told you my name!

Thank you both for your help with Youzhen. She has a naughty personality and caused trouble for you two! "

My dear sister Mo Ruojie!

Without asking, Shen Nanzhu guessed the reason why his sister got acquainted with these two Chinese friends, and they must have caused trouble.

She picked up the wine glass, ignored her sister's protest, and said to Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao:

"I'd like to toast both of you.

If you need help in the future, please don't hesitate.

If you stay in Dongchao for a long time and want to eat Chinese food, come here.

I can cook a few Chinese dishes. As for whether they are authentic or not, you can only judge by two people who have tried them! "

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao laughed, nodded in agreement, and picked up their wine glasses.

They thought their sister would drink it all in one gulp, but after she finished drinking, Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao felt relieved.

The elder sister is the elder sister, not as fierce as the younger sister.

I took a long sip of the wine in the glass, but not completely. I was sincere and not greedy for more. It was very suitable.

In fact, this is how she felt to Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao.

Calm, calm and orderly.

He never seems to be in a hurry, but he never lacks etiquette.

Both sisters have good personalities, which is rare among Eastern Chao women.

What's rare is that they don't have a strong repulsion towards Chinese people like other Dongchao people.

Therefore, Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao are not as wary of them as they are of other Dongchao people.

Luo Xiaoman did not mince words. After drinking a glass of wine, he smiled and said to Shen Nanzhu:

"Sister-in-law, I really want to ask you for help with something.

How much do you know about Xinghai Group?

I want to know some information about it! "

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