Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2692 Please find out the cause of brother-in-law’s death

The two sisters, who were talking and laughing just now, instantly quieted down after hearing this.

When Shin Yoo-jeong was about to speak, Shin Nan-joo had already held her arm and said to Luo Xiaoman with a smile:

"It's a bit embarrassing to say this.

Although my husband was an employee of Xinghai Group before his death, he never told me about work.

So we sisters don't know much about Xinghai Group!"

Wang Hao winked at Luo Xiaoman, nodded and said, "It's okay, we are just asking casually! Drink and eat meat!"

The two of them have been out for an afternoon and are already hungry now.

Now that there is wine and meat, they are not polite and eat and drink.

Shin Nan-joo accompanied the two of them with a glass of wine and went to take care of the business.

On the other hand, Shin Yoo-jeong changed to a drink and ate and drank with Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao with relish.

This girl is also fun. She has a temper with Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao. She doesn't let them leave after eating and drinking enough, and insists on asking them to sing.

In Dongchao, there are many places to sing, not just KTV, but also K bars everywhere, and the equipment is pretty good.

Unable to resist the girl's enthusiasm, Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao were not in a hurry to go back.

After all, they were drunk and couldn't drive, so they needed to take the subway back to where they lived.

Fortunately, Shen Youzhen wrote down the address for them, so they wouldn't get lost.

They found a K bar not far from their barbecue restaurant, and Shen Youzhen insisted on showing them a Chinese song.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Luo Xiaoman was so shocked that he almost fell down!

The girl sang Lin Keer's famous song back then!

I didn't expect this former star to be so popular in Dongchao.

The song from several years ago was actually available in the K bar, but Shen Youzhen's voice was really not good, and it was a bit unfair to say that it was a broken voice.

It seems that God is fair.

Giving you an impressive appearance and a good figure is already a unique gift.

It's OK if the voice is not hoarse, what else do you want!

Although she drank beverages later, she drank two cups of Erguotou in the early stage.

At least four taels, and now she is drunk and can't speak clearly.

Looking at Shen Youzhen, who was drunk and was arm in arm with him and called him brother, Luo Xiaoman scratched his head hard.

This girl was a little too excited and very unreserved, which made Luo Xiaoman speechless.

If she was a man, he would not think too much.

People with such temper are like brothers, easy to get along with.

But she happened to be a delicate and beautiful girl, so Luo Xiaoman couldn't find the limit.

It's strange to say, if it was in China, a girl like this, even if Luo Xiaoman controlled himself and didn't let Luo Qianxue down, he would at least flirt with her.

But now he can't think of this at all. He really treats her as his naughty little sister. Apart from pampering and loving her, he can't think of any other crooked ideas.

The same is true for Wang Hao. In comparison, his eyes are more on his sister Shen Nanzhu.

It's just that now that he has left the barbecue restaurant, he can control his eyes.

In his eyes, this is simply the template of a good wife and a good mother.

You should find a woman like this when looking for a wife!

"It's getting late, we should go back!" Wang Hao looked at his phone, although he was a little reluctant, he still reminded Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said to Shen Youzhen: "Sister, I have to go back! I will treat you when I finish my work.

We will still eat at your sister's restaurant, and go to the most upscale place in the city for fun!"

"Really?" Shen Youzhen snorted and said: "Let me remind you first, the most fun places in the city are not cheap!"

Luo Xiaoman laughed and said to her: "Don't worry, your brother Man is not short of money, he will definitely go if he says he will go, and let you have enough fun!"

"I'll remember it!" Shen Youzhen bit her lower lip with silver teeth and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"If you break your promise, I will tell the old Chen you mentioned, he will definitely be able to cure you!

Okay, since it's late, I won't keep you here. It's not far from the subway station. I'll take you there and catch the last train!"

Luo Xiaoman wanted to refuse at first. It was not safe for a little girl to take them away so late.

But Wang Hao pulled his arm and shook his head, saying to Shen Youzhen: "Okay, let's go now!"

It was already late, and the nightlife in the old city was still very different from that in the city center. There were not many people staying up late, and many shops were closed.

The subway station was 300 meters south of the K bar, passing by the intersection of the barbecue restaurant.

Shen Youzhen lowered her head, but she looked completely different from when she was in the K bar, as if she was worried.

Luo Xiaoman rubbed her head and scolded with a smile: "What's wrong, you can't bear to leave your brother on the first day you met? I've said it before, no one can stop my charm!"

Shen Youzhen raised her head and rolled her eyes at him, but still sighed and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry!"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, and scolded her with a smile: "Are you still drunk? Why are you apologizing to us for no reason?

Wang Hao smiled slightly, looked at her and said: "It doesn't matter!"

Shen Youzhen was stunned for a moment, turned her head and said to him: "Do you know why I have to apologize? "

Wang Hao laughed and looked at her and said, "You little girl, you can't hide things in your eyes.

This is a treat to drink, eat meat, and sing for fun. If you say it’s just to thank you, I really don’t believe it.

Girl, if you have anything to do, please tell me openly. Maybe we can really help. "

Luo Xiaoman stopped and said to Shen Youzhen with a straight face: "Sister, I really need help with something? Why don't you tell Brother Man? Don't you treat Brother Man as a friend?"

Shen Youzhen looked at Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao, as if she had made up her mind, and said to them:

“Actually, I just want to know why you want to inquire about Xinghai Group.

My sister doesn’t want to say it, but I know she hates this place.

From your attitude towards those people this afternoon, I can also tell that you are not their people!

I entertain you tonight, on the one hand, I really want to thank you, but on the other hand, I want to ask for your help to find out the cause of my brother-in-law's death!

He was definitely not simply gas poisoned, my sister and I both believed this.

Just relying on us two women to find out the truth is simply wishful thinking! "

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao looked at each other and said nothing.

After a while, Luo Xiaoman said to Shen Youzhen: "Sister, listen to my advice and stop investigating this matter.

I can guarantee that Brother Man will give you an explanation, but you should stop interfering personally, and your sister cannot continue.

It doesn't work overtly or covertly, let us do everything.

I can tell you clearly that we came to Guangtian City just for Xinghai Group.

Tell me the information you know and leave the rest to us! "

Wang Hao nodded vigorously.

Shen Youzhen wanted to say something else, but her eyes crossed between the two of them, looking at the street behind them, and said in a panic: "There's something wrong at the barbecue restaurant!"

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao quickly turned around and saw blazing fire in the direction of the barbecue restaurant!

A group of people gathered at the entrance of the store, and when anyone approached, they kicked and kicked them out!

Many people were watching this scene. The three of them stared wide-eyed, but did not see Shen Nanzhu.

"Let's go!" Wang Hao shouted, turned around and ran like a barbecue restaurant!

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Why the hell are you waiting a minute! I haven't seen you so anxious when your house is on fire!"

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