Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2700 Your money is not enough

Driving the car, Yin Hye Kyo looked shocked when Chen Xin'an told her the purpose of checking the surveillance.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

We can go in and check if we have the chance! "

"What?" Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe both stared.

Yin Hye Kyo rolled her eyes at the two of them and said, "Isn't it better to abandon the near and seek the far away?

Starting next Monday, we will hire 30 doctors from five hospitals in Guangtian City to inspect seven prisons.

It happens every year, mainly to check the body of prisoners and train prison doctors.

If your friend is imprisoned in the prison of Guangtian City, he will definitely be in these seven prisons!

These include five private prisons and two public prisons.

If he is not in these seven prisons, it means he is not imprisoned in Guangtian City at all! "

"They must be there!" Luo Qianhe said excitedly to Yin Hye Kyo: "Please Miss Yin do this favor for us, so that we can follow the medical team into the prison and rescue our brother!"

Yin Hye Kyo glanced at Chen Xin'an, snorted and said, "Give me the photo and I will check it for you.

If you want to sneak in, that's not possible!

The information of all the employed doctors has been sent to the prison, and they must be carefully checked before they can be admitted.

There's no way you can sneak in. "

Chen Xin'an shook his head. Not to mention that he didn't have a picture of Brother Snake. Even if he did, he wouldn't trust others to rescue him.

This matter must be done by himself to be safe.

However, it is indeed troublesome to verify it with real people, and Chen Xin'an can't think of any way now.

Luo Qianhe also understood that he needed to go back and discuss this matter with his brothers, so he said no more, looked at Yin Hye Kyo and asked:

"Miss Yin, now that we have told you our secret, do you also want to tell us what kind of trouble your father has encountered?

You also know that there is still some relationship between him and me, so I can't just stand by and watch him when he is in trouble. "

Yin Hye Kyo sighed and said: "The board meeting collapsed tonight!

In the first half of the year, the hospital purchased some large-scale instruments and equipment, which caused problems in the capital chain.

Since Dad was responsible for these instruments and equipment, the losses were all heaped on Dad.

Several directors who support Dad want to divest their capital, which means Dad loses all qualifications and power on the board of directors.

What may also be lost at the same time is the position of dean. "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe looked at each other and frowned.

Dong Chao people are utilitarian and selfish and will not do things that are not beneficial.

Therefore, the purchase of instruments is something that cannot be paid back in a short period of time, and major hospitals are very cautious.

More importantly, there are so many doorways here!

False reporting of prices is very common.

It is possible to earn hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions in kickbacks from one piece of equipment!

This is still talking about Chinese coins, not converted into Chao Yuan!

Therefore, it is very possible to cause the capital chain to be disconnected.

What's more, the purchase is not just one!

Yin Hye Kyo said worriedly: "Dad can't throw away this dean. He still has one year left before he can become the chief professor!

One of the basic conditions for becoming a chief professor is that you must be the director of a hospital. "

Luo Qianhe shrugged and said, "With your father's qualifications and medical skills, you don't have to be afraid even if you retire from Guangtian Hospital, right?

Isn't it difficult to find another hospital to be the director, or to create a hospital yourself?

I know that it is not difficult to open a hospital in Dongchao and the procedures are very easy. With your father and daughter’s connections, can’t you do this? "

Yin Hye Kyo shook her head and said: "It's not that simple!

If you go to another hospital, no matter how famous or powerful you are, it will take a process to become the president.

If you build a hospital by yourself, it will not take more than three to five years to meet the various qualifications required for rating.

So now I can only realize this dream here at Guangtian Hospital. Even if my father retires, there will be many hospitals rushing to be a visiting professor, so he will have no worries about food and clothing.

And with our current strength, we don’t have that much money to build a hospital.

Dad’s savings can’t even fill this hole! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and thought for a while, then asked Yin Huiqiao: "Is there any way to make your father stay in the hospital and continue to be the director?"

"Yes!" Yin Huiqiao nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's very simple, as long as the hole can be filled up!

So when I went back, I also wanted to persuade the two antiques who supported my father to let them persist a little longer.

Fill in the hole first, and if you persist for two years, the instrument will pay for itself!

These instruments purchased by my father can make Guangtian Hospital a first-class hospital in Dongchao!

They are all the most advanced equipment in the world.

Once put into operation, it will definitely cause a nationwide sensation!

By then, the hospital's passenger flow will reach an unprecedented high!

It’s just that now, in order to save costs, I haven’t dared to activate it! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and asked Yin Huiqiao: "Is the hospital's board of directors open?

If I hold funds to invest in shares now, is it possible? "

"No!" Yin Hye Kyo shook her head and said, "The hospital's board of directors has already registered with the state, and withdrawals and shareholdings must be approved.

If you want to invest in shares, you can do it, but you need to wait for time, and it cannot solve the current urgent need.

Mr. Chen, don’t you want to join the board of directors?

Why are you, a Chinese, buying a hospital in Dongchao?

And I advise you not to have this idea, because this hole is huge!

You have some money, but your money is not enough!

At your age, you can't afford to fill this big hole with the little money you earn!

You can't help us with this! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Qianhe, smiled slightly, and stopped talking.

Although it was late at night, the lights were still on in the hospital conference room and it was very lively.

A group of people were quarreling here. They were all in suits and ties, and they looked like they had status and wealth.

But now, all of them are blushing and almost want to step forward and tear them apart!

A middle-aged man with a red face wiped his forehead with his hands, and said with a sneer to Yin Zhihuan next to him:

"Old Yin, you might as well consider my suggestion!

Now that you have voluntarily quit, you can still work at Guangtian Hospital, and I will give you a suitable position.

If you wait to vote, I guarantee you will be disappointed!

At that time, you will be expelled from the board of directors, and Guangtian Hospital will no longer have a place for you! "

Yin Zhihuan's face was ashen and he said in a low voice: "I don't believe that the people on the board of directors are as blind as you!

If my suggestion was wrong, I wouldn't have done it in the first place.

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