Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2701 Your Thoughts Are Outdated

Now the people in the conference room, whether they are shareholders or the backbone of the hospital, are divided into two groups.

While supporting Yin Zhihuan to continue to be re-elected as president, he will debug the new equipment as soon as possible and put it into medical treatment.

The other side advocates a major shake-up of hospital leadership.

Whoever takes the blame should bear the blame, and don’t involve the entire hospital.

Sell ​​the equipment as soon as possible while it is still unopened, and the funds will be recovered to support the normal operation of the hospital.

Just let the person in charge of the project make up the remaining shortfall.

However, it is obvious that the number of people who support the leadership change is much larger than that of the other side.

Chu Nanji looked at Yin Zhihuan with a proud face and said: "Old Yin, times have changed!

Your approach is no longer suitable for the development of the hospital!

The two deans, Lao Pu, have resigned on their own, why are you still so stubborn?

Do you think you still have a chance to make a comeback?

You will never be able to repair the huge hole worth hundreds of billions of yuan in your lifetime. It’s only a mercy of the board of directors that they didn’t send you to jail! "

Yin Zhihuan gritted his teeth and looked at him and cursed: "I am devoted to the hospital and loyal, and I have done nothing wrong. Why should I be sent to jail?

You are also in the medical field and you know the importance of these devices!

And I don’t believe that once these devices are put into clinical use, you can’t guess what consequences they will bring!

It's just that you don't want to wait for this time, and you all want to make cash as soon as possible. This is not beneficial to the long-term development of the hospital! "

Chu Nanji looked at Yin Zhihuan with disdain and said: "Old Yin, I said you are stupid, why don't you admit it?

Who is willing to spend 11,000 yuan to see a doctor when he can spend 100 yuan to see a doctor?

Do you think that everyone’s money grows from the ground and there is no need to earn it?

The cost of this kind of equipment is high, and when it is put into clinical use, it will not be affordable for ordinary people. How long do you think it will take to pay back the cost? "

Yin Zhihuan angrily defended: "That's because they don't know the benefits of the instrument! When they find out..."

Chu Nanji interrupted him impatiently: "How long do you need before people know their benefits?

Three years or five years?

How can you guarantee that even if you know it, people will be willing to spend a lot of money to use it?

Lao Yin, you are really out of date!

You still don’t know the real purpose of the board of directors in electing you as dean.

Do you really think that they value your character and medical skills and want you to lead the hospital to win more reputation?

you are wrong!

The board of directors does not need you to make our hospital one of the best in the country, but to make money!

As long as you can make money, it doesn't matter whether you are first-rate, second-rate or third-rate!

If you don't let the hospital make money and keep losing money, do you think the board of directors can tolerate you? "

Yin Zhihuan was stunned when he heard this.

He wanted to refute Chu Nanji, but found that he was at a loss for words.

At this time, he remembered, no wonder he had earned so many honors for the hospital. Those certificates and trophies were locked in the showroom as soon as they were taken back.

The people on the board of directors were laughing and joking on the surface, but no one could hide the indifference in their eyes!

In fact, it's not that Yin Zhihuan doesn't understand the thoughts of the big guys on the board of directors, nor does he have a grudge against making money, but he also has a mind for making money.

But when it comes to fame and money, he prefers the former.

Therefore, he only wanted to improve the overall level of the hospital, but ignored financial investment.

So much so that in today's situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the culprit.

Seeing Yin Zhihuan's silence, Chu Nanji's face became even more satisfied.

He crossed his legs and said to Yin Zhihuan: "Old Yin, we have been old friends for many years, and I won't hide some things from you.

The hospital will have big changes soon, and you are not suitable to be the director at all!

But you don’t have to worry about your job. Zhiyin and Hye Kyo are a good match anyway, and I won’t dislike this daughter-in-law when I become the dean.

We will still be a family from now on, and Guangtian Hospital will still be ours.

I am the master and will establish you as a famous doctor in Guangtian City.

Even if you are not the chief professor, you can be famous all over the world.

Isn’t this the best of both worlds? "

Yin Zhihuan shook his head, looked at Chu Nanji and said: "You can't be the dean!

You are too ambitious, but do you have the ability to control the overall situation?

If you are made the director, Guangtian Hospital will become notorious because of you, and it will never have the reputation it has now!

Also, although I don't care about the children's affairs, I still look down upon your empty-handed son!

Keep him away from my daughter! "

Chu Nanji's face darkened, he glared at Yin Zhihuan and cursed: "You Yin Zhihuan, I really gave you face, didn't I?

Who do you think has no ability?

Let me tell you, I have already been confirmed as the dean!

Unless you can fill this hole tonight, you can continue to sit in this position.

Otherwise, go as far as you can!

Guangtian Hospital won't let you waste!

By the way, you still have to pay back the money you owe, and the judge will issue an injunction against you!

Also, you don’t like my son, but I don’t like your daughter!

A beautician who was fired. If you, the dean, hadn't taken her in under the guise of charity, now she wouldn't even be qualified to touch a scalpel!

He kept a straight face all day long, pretending to be aloof, and didn't know how to say hello when he saw me. He was really uneducated!

If she hadn't been pestering my son, do you think Zhiyin would have fallen in love with her?

There are so many women my son has played with, who is she?

From now on, if she is not in the right family, my son will just dump her!

I don’t even care about the virtues of you two. If you are given the opportunity to climb a high tree, you won’t be able to seize it!

waste! "

Hearing Chu Nanji's insults, Yin Zhihuan stood up angrily. Just as he was about to punch this bastard, he heard someone raising his voice and shouting:

"Everyone be quiet, we will now announce the results of the discussion just now!"

Everyone is quiet, the exciting moment has arrived!

This is a decision related to the future of Guangtian Hospital, and no one will ignore it.

Seeing that the scene had calmed down, the old man who spoke just now nodded and said to everyone in a deep voice:

“After the board of directors studied and decided, directors Ding Xianzhen and Park So-ri will now withdraw from the board of directors and will no longer be members of the board of directors of Guangtian Jingbo Medical Co., Ltd.

Removing Yoon Ji-hwan, the former director of Gwangjeon Hospital, from all positions.

For the heavy losses caused by Yin Zhihuan, the board of directors will legally recover and hold accountable according to legal procedures.

Kim Young-ah and Chu Nam-ki temporarily act as the president of Gwangjeon Hospital.

The official announcement will be published in the newspaper tomorrow and posted on the hospital bulletin board! "

Yin Zhihuan looked pale and looked at the two middle-aged women who stood up and said: "Director Ding, Director Park, you can't withdraw!

You have investigated the prospects of this project. If you give up now, all our efforts will be wasted! "

The two women turned to look at Yin Zhihuan and sighed.

"Old Yin, we can't help you anymore!

This matter is far from as simple as you think. No matter how hard we persist, it will be useless! "

"That's right. Instead of people bowing their heads and begging for survival under the eaves, it's better to quit now and save some face!"

Yin Zhihuan was stunned, as if he had guessed something, and looked at the other directors in disbelief and shouted:

"Did you really agree to Xinghai Group?

We can become a top national hospital, but now we have succumbed to capital. What is the difference between you and traitors? "

Several directors looked at Yin Zhihuan with a sullen face, and they all snorted with disdain.

One director said to him coldly: "It's not your turn to teach us a lesson!

Only after you pay off your debt will you be eligible to talk to us!

There is no need to be unconvinced. If you have the ability to fill this hole, the position of dean is still yours, and we will listen to your opinions.

But now, can you plug the hole? "

At this moment, a voice came from the door of the conference room: "It's more than 100 billion, he can block it!"

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