Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2708 I knew you had a lot of clever ideas

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In the dormitory of the Transportation Department of Haichao Company, the lights have been turned off and the whole room seems very quiet.

Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong, who were lying on the bed, did not fall asleep because they felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere since they returned here after dinner.

Two new drivers, one of whom is still mute, received a first-level salary when they first joined the company.

Not to mention those old employees, even Cai Zhongji was dissatisfied.

Of course, no one has the guts to question the company, otherwise there is only one outcome, which is to be fired.

So all this resentment can only be directed at these two new colleagues!

How could you be so virtuous that you actually get a higher salary than me?

I don’t have fewer arms or legs than you, so why should I be one step lower than you and be overshadowed by you?

There are six people in a dormitory. Cai Zhongji is the monitor of the transportation class and the dormitory leader.

When they came back, the four of them played cards. Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong didn't participate. They played on their phones for a while and then went to bed.

The four people just played cards and muttered, as if they were plotting something, and when it was time to turn out the lights, they all went to bed.

You can tell just from everyone's breathing that no one is asleep!

I don't know how long it took, but Liu Minyong in the upper bunk fell asleep, and Xiao Zhang, who was lying in the lower bunk, was also drowsy and his consciousness was a little blurry.

It's been a tiring day, and it's hard to stay awake at this time. I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't spend time with these people.

And there is no deep grudge between us, so it’s impossible to kill the two of them, right?

Maybe it's just because of my nervousness. These guys are just bullies and xenophobes. They only have indifference in their eyes and isolation in their relationships. They don't dare to actually do anything to them.

After comforting themselves, Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong both fell asleep.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhang felt a sudden stuffiness on the top of his head, and his breathing suddenly stagnated!

Then severe pain came from his body, and someone was hitting his body with something!

There was also a cry from above, and then Liu Minyong was pulled directly from the upper bunk to the ground!

The door seemed to have been knocked open, and there was the sound of chaotic footsteps. A group of people rushed over, punching and kicking Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong!

Xiao Zhang, who was already fully awake, gritted his teeth and remained silent. He held his head in his hands and huddled under the quilt, motionless.

I don't know how long it took for the beatings on my body to stop, and then the quilt covering my body was torn away.

The room was lighted and there were people around.

Drivers from other dormitories also came over, holding various sticks in their hands and looking at the two men with ferocious expressions.

Someone rushed over and pushed Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong to the ground, making them lie on the ground with their arms stretched forward.

Liu Minyong exclaimed: "Squad Leader Cai, what are you going to do? We don't seem to have offended you, right? What are you doing?"

Cai Zhongji held a cigarette in his mouth, blew out a puff of tobacco, sat on a chair, stepped on the chair with his right foot under his buttocks, put his right hand on his knee, and looked at him and Xiao Zhang sideways.

"Damn it, I worked at Haichao Company for three years and fought countless times to get to where I am today and get my current salary.

You two bastards got lucky today and made the same shipment, so you can be on an equal footing with me!

If I give you a few more days, won't you be on top of me? "

The people next to them rushed over, picked up their sticks, and hit them all over!

"I've been working for two years, and I'm still getting a second-level salary! I've done a lot of dirty work, and there aren't many rewards. Why do you get more money than us when you come here?"

"You two are so awesome! The boss thinks highly of you, right? You get more than us even though you haven't done anything for the company. Do you think it's fair?"

"You didn't offend us, but I just don't like you two and want to deal with you, can't I?"

"Okay!" Cai Zhongji waved his hand and said to everyone: "Don't beat them to death, the company will not let us go when the time comes!"

Everyone stopped, and one person said to Cai Zhongji: "Squad leader, leaving these two guys here is just disgusting! I get angry when I see them, what should I do?"

The person next to him scolded him: "Minhyuk, just give him a breath.

Aren’t their salaries high in the future? Let them treat everyone to a big dinner every month!

The extra money can be used to improve food for everyone, which is also very good! "

Everyone thought this suggestion was good and laughed.

A man stepped on Liu Minyong's back, tapped his head with a stick, and asked with a smile: "How do you like it? Do you agree?"

Liu Minyong nodded quickly and said: "Okay! I promise! Brothers, I will use all my salary to treat guests in the future, can you let us go?"

Minhyuk frowned and said, "I don't care about their treat. I just can't bear to see them earning more than me!"

He lowered his head, looked at Liu Minyong and Xiao Zhang and said: "You go to the administrative department to resign yourself tomorrow, and don't let me see you here in the future.

Otherwise, I guarantee that you will not be able to sleep well every night. Do you believe it? "

Liu Minyong looked embarrassed. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Zhang. Seeing that he didn't express anything, he didn't dare to agree. He just begged Minhe with a grimace.

Minhyuk gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are so damn reluctant to leave, are you?" He picked up a stick and walked over, swinging it and smashing it at Liu Minyong!

"Minhyuk!" Cai Joong-ki scolded, frowning and said, "Resigning like this will easily arouse suspicion from above. When the time comes to investigate, we will not be able to escape the involvement!"

Minhe snorted coldly and said: "Monitor, are you a little too nervous? There are so many people like this in and out of the company in a day, how can the higher-ups pay attention to these two..."

Before he could finish speaking, Cai Zhongji yelled: "Idiot! Do you think the company is all fools like you?

If you are given the highest salary as soon as you arrive, you will definitely have to do the dirty work!

Of course the higher ups will take them seriously!

If you resign before you even start working, do you think your superiors will just sit back and watch? "

Minhe shrank his neck and said unwillingly: "What should we do? Do you really want to see them earning high wages and disgusting us every day?"

Cai Zhongji seemed unwilling to see that situation. He frowned and said to the man next to him: "Xiang Qing, you have a lot of clever ideas. Can you come up with a solution?"

Xiang Qing rolled his eyes, with a sinister smile on his face, and said to Cai Zhongji:

"Squad leader, do you still remember the last time we took people to Lancang Pier?

What we were dealing with at that time was a group of Chinese people!

The company's method is what we want to do.

Since the other party is disobedient, then we will use our methods to force them to be obedient.

Their boss is in jail. Of course we don’t have the ability, but it’s okay to force them to leave Haichao Company! "

Cai Zhongji's eyes lit up and he asked Xiang Qing: "You mean..."

He raised his arm and made a chopping motion.

Xiang Qing nodded and said with a ferocious smile: "Break their arms!

How can a driver drive if his arm is broken?

Tomorrow they will say that they accidentally fell down while sleeping and broke themselves.

This way the company won't find out about us, and even if they don't resign, the company won't use them!

In the future, companies will still ask us to do the money-making work, killing two birds with one stone! "

Everyone laughed, and Cai Zhongji also laughed and said: "I knew you had a lot of clever ideas!

Come on, some people, let me hold their hands!

Minhyuk, don’t you hate them?

Then I’ll leave the rest of the work to you! "

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