Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2709 These injuries were all caused by falling on my own

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Holding the stick, Minhyuk's face looked a little ugly.

Why, each of these people is better than the last.

It is best for everyone to do this kind of work together. Now leave it to him alone. Even if something happens, he will be the one to bear the responsibility.

But now it is impossible not to do it, and everyone will definitely not let him go.

Taking a deep breath, Min Hyuk walked towards Xiao Zhang with the stick in hand.

He dislikes this guy the most!

He is obviously a cripple and a mute who can't speak, but he actually gets a higher salary than him, and he is still a talent. How can this be tolerated?

This kind of trash is not even worthy of carrying my shoes!

You really want to climb on top of me, is that possible?

I won't give you such a chance!

"No! Everyone has something to say! The worst we can do is resign! Don't do anything!" Liu Minyong was frightened and wanted to struggle, but was held down tightly by four people and could not move at all.

In his opinion, even if the mission is important, life and health are not more important!

Now people are breaking their hands, and any tasks can be put aside.

The best thing to do is get out of here and find other ways to find out about Brother Snake.

It's just that Xiao Zhang still looked indifferent, which confused him.

Even if you don't want to reveal your identity as a Chinese, or if others can't understand what you say, then at least give me a look to let me know whether you agree to leave!

Now that Xiao Zhang had no reaction, Liu Minyong had no choice but to follow his own wishes.

But the other party didn't seem to let them go.

Min Hyuk's eyes were red, and he walked to Xiao Zhang's side. He watched the four companions pull out Xiao Zhang's arm, press it to the ground, and said through gritted teeth:

“Don’t talk that nonsense!

I'm not worried if you leave like this!

If you go back and complain to the superiors, it will be me and these brothers who will be punished.

I'll break your arms later, and even if the superiors blame us, they won't punish us severely, because they still expect us to work!

Don't blame me for being ruthless. If you want to blame me, I can only blame you for being ignorant of current affairs and finding the wrong place to work! "

As he spoke, he raised the stick in his hand, pointed it at Xiao Zhang's left hand, and swung it hard!

"Ah!" Liu Minyong shouted in fright.

He knew that when Xiao Zhang's arms were broken, it would be his turn!

If you let go of him at this time and don't have to be chased by these people, he will definitely run away and never come back to this place again in his life!

But there was a loud sound, and the stick hit the concrete floor!

It turned out that at the critical moment, Xiao Zhang's left arm was withdrawn!

The two people holding his arms were stunned. Unexpectedly, this guy was quite strong. He pulled their arms away even though they were holding them down!

"I told you to hide!" The two men looked sullenly and grabbed Xiao Zhang's arm again.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhang looked like a trapped beast, with terrifying strength!

After all, he was the one who was forced over the keel by Chen Xin'an, and his physical strength was unmatched by ordinary people!

This kind of physical strength includes strength and agility.

He had been deliberately suppressing it just now, but now Xiao Zhang is no longer suppressing it and is completely releasing it!

Hearing no sound, Xiao Zhang, who was lying on the ground, pushed his left hand to the ground, raised his body, and overturned the two people sitting on his back!

The other two people wanted to hold down his right arm, but Xiao Zhang took advantage of the situation and turned over, hitting his elbow with his left hand, knocking one person to the ground, and then kicked the person next to him!

This frees his arms from control!

Xiao Zhang turned around and rolled around, grabbed the collar of the person who had previously held his arm, and kicked him hard in the chest with both feet!

The man's body flew two meters high in the air, and he fell heavily to the ground. He couldn't get up for a long time!

Then Xiao Zhang picked up the stick on the ground, pressed it horizontally on the neck of the remaining person, and strangled him hard!

The guy immediately stuck out his tongue, his eyes turned white, and his body was as limp as mud!

As soon as Xiao Zhang let go, he slipped and fell to the ground, motionless!

Min Hyuk was so frightened that he didn't expect that the situation would become like this in the blink of an eye.

He turned around and wanted to leave, but Xiao Zhang caught up with him and kicked him in the butt. He fell to the ground like a dog eating shit!

Fortunately, the stick hadn't been released yet. Seeing Xiao Zhang striding over, Min Hyuk gritted his teeth, picked up the stick and hit Xiao Zhang on the head!

Xiao Zhang swung the stick in his hand, and with a clang, the two sticks collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

Min Hyuk felt like his hand was broken off by the shock, and the stick flew away from his hand!

Then Xiao Zhang strode forward, stepped on Min Hyuk's back, picked up the stick in his hand, and hit him hard!

Amidst the screams of ghosts and wolves, everyone's face turned pale.

The few people who were originally pressing Liu Minyong were so frightened that they subconsciously let go of their hands, but did not rush towards Xiao Zhang.

They are just drivers, not thugs.

They only bully newcomers by relying on their large number of people. When they encounter someone who is more ruthless than them, they are frightened and don't even have the courage to fight against them!

Throwing away the broken stick in his hand, Xiao Zhang ignored Min Hyuk who could only cry bitterly on the ground, and turned towards Cai Zhongji.

Cai Zhongji, who was sitting on the chair, looked pale. Looking at Xiao Zhang who kept walking in, he stretched his neck and swallowed, and shouted in a stern voice:

"What do you want to do?

I advise you not to act recklessly, otherwise the company will not let you go!

Don't forget, I am the monitor of the transportation class!

If you dare to attack me, you are beating up your superior..."


Before he could finish his words, Xiao Zhang rushed over and punched him on the chin!

Cai Zhongji screamed, and even the person and the chair rolled to the ground.

He was also frightened. After getting up, he grabbed the chair and rushed over to fight Xiao Zhang. But at this moment, there was a roar from outside!

"If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing in the transportation team?

Don’t you really want to sleep?

Can I help you find something to do? "

Everyone's expressions changed, and all the company's security personnel arrived.

This group of security guards usually chats and laughs with the people in the transportation class, but in their hearts they are jealous of the leisurely life of the people in the transportation class.

It's not as hard as them doing patrolling and training every day, but the salary they receive is higher than theirs, so they always like to find fault with the transportation team behind their backs.

If they knew that their group was bullying newcomers, they probably wouldn't let them go!

A group of people wearing security uniforms rushed in and were stunned when they saw the scene in the dormitory!

One person sneered, looked at Cai Zhongji and said: "If you don't sleep, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?

What is going on? Why are there so many people lying down? What are you doing with sticks? Are you fighting? "

Cai Zhongji hurried over and said: "Monitor Chi misunderstood, we are...we are cleaning!"

"I got injured while cleaning? Do you think I'm stupid?" Squad Leader Chi snorted coldly, walked over and looked at everyone and said:

"Team Leader Cai, you know how the company handles private conflicts among employees, right?"

He walked up to Xiao Zhang, looked at the blood on his head and the bruises on his face, and said coldly: "What's going on? Don't treat me like a fool, tell the truth!"

These injuries were all caused by covering his head with a quilt and hitting him with sticks.

So now everyone's hearts were raised and they looked at Xiao Zhang nervously.

The company's punishment for employees' private fights is very severe. It's not just as simple as fines. Organizers like Cai Zhongji and Minhyuk may even lose their jobs.

Liu Minyong finally had the confidence to stand up straight and speak. He walked to Xiao Zhang and said to Squad Leader Chi: "Squad Leader Chi, my brother can't speak, so I will speak for him! These injuries are all..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Zhang hit him hard on the shoulder, interrupting his words.

Xiao Zhang also took this opportunity to turn around, patted the bed, and then pointed to the ground.

Liu Minyong was stunned, but he understood what Xiao Zhang meant, so he had no choice but to say to Squad Leader Chi: "He rolled off the bed and was injured!"

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