Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2710 I've Always Wanted to Call You That

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Squad leader Chi left with the security team, but the dormitory became quiet.

Everyone looked at Xiao Zhang with complicated expressions, wondering why he saved everyone just now.

Xiao Zhang picked up a wooden stick from the ground and walked to Cai Zhongji.

Cai Zhongji, who looked nervous, couldn't help but take a step back, looked at Xiao Zhang and said:

"What happened before was my fault. You saved us just now. If you want revenge, then come to me. It has nothing to do with these brothers!"

Anyway, today's matter has failed. This mute's strength exceeded his expectations.

If the fight continues, including him, there may not even be a single person in the transportation class who can work normally tomorrow!

It's better to save people's hearts and take the opportunity to win over the brothers.

Don't wait until these two newcomers have a firm foothold. I'm afraid the transportation class won't even have a foothold for him!

Xiao Zhang seemed to see through his heart, just staring at him coldly, making him feel hairy all over.

Then there was a click, Xiao Zhang raised his right fist and broke the stick in his left hand!

Cai Zhongji was stunned, stretched his neck and swallowed.

Others also looked frightened. Isn't this mute a bit too fierce?

Who can bear such a fist hitting someone?

If the fight continues, no one will be his opponent!

Xiao Zhang held the half stick in front of him, looked at Cai Zhongji with cold eyes, and then shook the stick.

Do not make me angry!

Licking his dry lips, Cai Zhongji quickly nodded vigorously.

Although this guy is mute, he is so fierce that he really can't be offended!

Xiao Zhang threw away the half stick in his hand, turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

After a while, Liu Minyong also came over, carrying a medical kit in his hand.

Seeing Xiao Zhang cleaning his wound, Liu Minyong hurried over and applied medicine to him while begging in a low voice:

"Brother Xiao, let's go! If we stay here any longer, we will be tricked to death by them!"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said to him: "Don't worry, they won't dare to attack us in the future!

If we can't find any clues, we'll keep investigating! "

Liu Minyong looked helpless. He knew Xiao Zhang's temper and didn't dare to say any more nonsense.

After applying medicine to the bruises on Xiao Zhang's face, Liu Minyong suddenly thought of something and said to him:

"By the way, they just mentioned a place, Lancang Pier!

He also said that he once took the thugs from Haichao Company to Lancang Wharf to deal with a group of Chinese people, and sent their boss to jail!

Is this the person we are looking for? "

Xiao Zhang's expression changed and he asked Liu Minyong: "Are you sure they said this? Who said it?"

Liu Minyong nodded vigorously and said, "Sure! It was the guy named Xiangqing who told Cai Zhongji!"

There was a hint of surprise on Xiao Zhang's face, and he immediately nodded and said to Liu Minyong: "It should be Brother Snake and the others!

Ayong, it’s up to you next!

I'll give you money tomorrow, and you go prepare some food and drinks, and invite Cai Zhongji and Xiang Qing to drink.

Take the opportunity of easing the relationship to elicit their words.

If I want to know the details of that incident, it's best to ask where Brother Snake is being held! "

Liu Minyong nodded and said, "Okay! I'll make arrangements tomorrow to find out as soon as possible. Let's leave this ghost place as soon as possible!"

After tidying up, Liu Minyong returned to the dormitory with the medicine box.

Xiao Zhang thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Xin'an's number.

Early in the morning, someone was already getting up in the apartment.

Although Liu Zhiyan was renting a house, he was still quite qualified. He got up early, prepared breakfast for everyone, and went to work while eating bread.

Everyone got up one after another and sat down to have breakfast together.

Shen Youzhen pouted and said to Yan Chunhua: "Sister Hua, help me persuade my sister to stop running around, it's very dangerous!"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment and asked Shen Nanzhu: "Nanzhu, where do you want to go?"

Shen Nanzhu smiled bitterly and said: "I want to go to the store, but there are still some things that I haven't had time to take out. If nothing happens, I want to take the things out!"

Wang Hao looked at her and asked, "Is it important?"

Shen Nanzhu looked a little sad, nodded and said: "It's very important to me! Because they are all the relics left by Aqiang to me, including some group photos!"

Wang Hao looked at Chen Xin'an and said to Shen Nanzhu: "Give me the key, I will go and get it for you today!

It would be too dangerous for you to go back. I think people from the Xinghai Group are looking for you! "

Yan Chunhua nodded and said: "Brother Hao is right, you and Youzhen should not go out these days, it is very dangerous!"

Chen Xin'an said to Shen Nanzhu: "Let's go explore the situation first and bring it over for you if we have the chance.

It just so happens that we have to go out and do some errands today.

Youzhen, do you know where I can buy translation headsets in Guangtian City?

Preferably simultaneous translation! "

After leaving Da Ying, Xu Qilan's real-time translation was helpless.

Now the headset can only be used as a communication system for everyone to communicate with each other.

Lao Xiao called last night and needed a translation tool, otherwise it would be really inconvenient to track down clues.

Originally it was easy to buy online. Although it was not as advanced as what Chen Xin'an is using now, it was not difficult to achieve simultaneous interpretation.

However, we still have to wait a few days for the goods to be shipped and received. We don’t have enough time, so we can only buy them offline.

Shen Youzhen nodded and said, "I know where it is and I can take you there!"

"Forget it!" Chen Xin'an refused directly: "You tell us the address and I'll call a car.

You guys are waiting here. If you can't go out, don't go out! "

Shen Youzhen pouted.

Elaine held her arm next to her and said, "If you don't come out, you won't come out. Let's play cards with Brother He at home!"

Luo Qianhe said to her: "I'm going to Guangtian Hospital today. After Sister Nanzhu has done the things she gave me, I want to take them for testing!"

"Hmph! You stinky man, you run out every day!" Elaine also cursed angrily.

The two girls were similar in age, had the same lively personalities, and were good-looking, so they became good best friends and sisters overnight.

Yan Chunhua and Shen Nanzhu have also become good friends. The two also chatted for a long time last night and their relationship is very harmonious.

After breakfast, Yan Chunhua said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I'm going out for two days. If there is any news about Brother Snake, please inform me immediately, okay?

I can help then! "

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said in a deep voice: "Come into the house with me!"

The master bedroom was originally prepared for Chen Xin'an, but he said it was too crowded for five girls to live in one room, so he let Yan Chunhua and Shen Nanzhu sleep here.

He and his brothers went to the living room to sleep on the sofa.

After closing the door, Chen Xin'an stood by the window, opened the curtains, and asked Yan Chunhua:

"Sister Hua, tell the truth. Do you have another mission after leaving Da Ying?

Or is it just to monitor me? "

Yan Chunhua nodded quickly and said, "No! No, I'm not monitoring you, but I do have a mission!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "When I asked you to come back with me and join the Anhao Group, you didn't even say yes, so I knew you must still have a mission.

Sister Hua, do you really like to live like this?

In fact, you can stabilize and find a good man like other women..."

"Peace of mind!" Yan Chunhua looked at Chen Xin'an with a smile and said softly: "This is the first time I call you this, and I have wanted to call you this for a long time.

From the first time I saw you and called me Sister Hua, I really regarded you as my younger brother.

I know you are doing it for my own good, but my fate has been destined not to live a mediocre life since my father and brother died tragically.

Don't worry, I will protect myself, and don't worry, Longya will never target you and Anhao Group! "

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