Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2711 My brother’s ears don’t work well

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When she was in Da Ying, Yan Chunhua had already told Chen Xin'an personally that she had joined Longya. {What? You don’t know yet|.Read.COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and google them}

Chen Xin'an was really worried about her safety, so after Yamasuke Kazuo's death, he wanted to bring her back to China.

Chen Xin'an now also knows a lot about Longya.

They are doing intelligence work, and their immediate superior is Li Ruoshan.

To put it simply, the people in Dragon Shield are all agents.

And the people in Longya are spies.

Large enterprises like Anhao Group are naturally within the scope of Longya's intelligence collection.

This is why Chen Xin'an took the initiative to ask Yan Chunhua to join Anhao.

Instead of watching in secret, it is better to let your people move in openly.

However, Yan Chunhua refused and told Chen Xin'an that the organization had no plans to target him, Chen Xin'an.

Yan Chunhua did not hide anything from Chen Xin'an and told him directly that her next task was to stay in Dongchao.

The power of Ryuga here is a bit scattered, and due to the influence of the chaebol, work progress is even more difficult than in Da Ying.

Chu Haitao will also come over in a while, so Wei Yuan and He Meijuan will be left in Daying.

Yan Chunhua's idea was to take this opportunity to organize Dongchao's Longya forces.

When Chen Xin'an finds clues about Brother Snake and rescues him, everyone will be able to help.

However, Chen Xin'an has no intention of using these people.

Because once they are exposed, it will bring them a fate more tragic than death.

But he didn't stop Yan Chunhua from leaving.

After all, this is someone else's job and he has no right to interfere.

After giving Sister Hua a few words, the two left the room together.

They had their own contact information and concealment methods. Chen Xin'an did not ask too much, but just gave her some money to facilitate her activities.

Renting a Hyundai car as Liu Zhiyan, he first sent Luo Qianhe to the hospital, and then took Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao to the old city.

But when they saw the old site of the barbecue restaurant, which had been turned into ruins and still smoking, the three of them were still stunned.

I didn’t expect Xinghai Group to be so ruthless, they burned down the entire house when they couldn’t find anyone!

You must know that there are shops nearby and a group of innocent people. The fire affected many shops and the fire trucks saved them all night long!

"What a bastard!" Wang Hao's eyes were red and his face was filled with anger.

I can't imagine what would have happened if the two sisters were not taken away last night!

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Don't get out of the car, there are people from the Xinghai Group around!"

Both Wang Hao and Luo Xiaoman saw some out-of-place men in suits in the crowd.

They did nothing but blend in with the crowd and stare at everyone who came near.

It seems that the contents of that small bottle are very important to Xinghai Group!

Not only did it kill Shen Nanzhu's husband Zheng Qiang, but it has now become a life-saving talisman for the Shen sisters.

But if the bottle is obtained by Xinghai Group, this life-saving talisman will immediately become a life-saving talisman!

This made Chen Xin'an even more interested in the small bottle.

What is in it that the Xinghai Group wants to get it so much that they even resort to any means?

"Let's go!" Chen Xin'an said to Wang Hao who was driving.

Wang Hao took out his mobile phone to take photos of the scene, sighed, and drove away from the old city.

The address given by Shen Youzhen is in Dongcheng High-tech Park.

It was not difficult to find it with navigation, so Wang Hao drove around in the car and based on the translation on his mobile phone, he finally found a store specializing in simultaneous interpretation software.

The three of them parked the car and walked in. Unexpectedly, there were five or six people inside.

Is the business of this kind of store so good?

First come, first served, Chen Xin'an did not rush to consult, and just wandered around the store with Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao.

Seeing the three people, the group of people immediately stopped talking. Someone took out their mobile phones and took a look. When they looked at the three people again, the expressions on their faces were no longer as guarded as before.

Five men in suits stood outside the counter, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses stood inside the counter with two female salespersons.

But the faces of the five people were a bit fierce, and the three people at the counter all looked scared.

A man in a suit came over, stood in front of Chen Xin'an and the others and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and ignored him, just looking at the products on the counter.

The man in the suit frowned and cursed: "Hey, I'm asking you a question! What are you doing here?"

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Can't we eat?"

The man in a suit cursed angrily: "This is not a restaurant, what are you talking about!"

"You also know it's not a restaurant?" Chen Xin'an said to him with a puzzled look:

"Then why are you still talking nonsense here?

What can you do here? "

"Asshole! How dare you talk to me like this!" The man in the suit was angry and yelled at Chen Xin'an, but at this time, he was speaking in Japanese!

Looking at his aggressive look, he clenched his fists as if he was going to attack Chen Xin'an.

The man with glasses behind the counter yelled angrily: “What on earth are you going to do!

Why are you harassing my guests?

If you don't leave, I'm going to call the police! "

One person yelled at the man in a suit in front of Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Bear, don't mess around!"

He turned around and said to the man with glasses: "Boss, I advise you not to get into trouble!

I just want your store’s running accounts for the past few days. After reading them, I will return them to you and leave immediately! "

The man with glasses said angrily: "Why should I show it to you?

Who are you?

You want to check whether any Chinese people have bought my translator recently. I have already said, no!

It's not the tourist season, and my business is not so busy that I can't even remember it.

So I know exactly how many devices have been sold these days.

Why don't you believe it and still want to check our running accounts?

Why should I show it to you?

If you don't leave, I'll call the police now! "

"You can try it!" Someone in the crowd suddenly made a click and pulled out a shining scimitar.

Just across the counter, he put the tip of the knife on the shoulder of the man in the suit!

Two female shop assistants screamed in fright, and a man in a suit shouted at them: "Shut up! Otherwise I will stab your mouth with a knife right now!"

The two female clerks were so frightened that they quickly covered their mouths with their hands and leaned together, their faces pale and trembling.

The man with glasses was also frightened and stammered to everyone, "What do you want to do?"

Xiong Nan turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an and the others coldly, and asked in a deep voice: "I ask again, what are you doing here?"

Chen Xin'an also looked scared and said to Xiong Man: "My brother's ears are not working well. I will buy him a hearing aid!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman, who had no idea what he was talking about, nodded vigorously.

Anyway, what Lao Chen says is whatever it is.

Hearing that Chen Xin'an was speaking Dongchao dialect, Xiong Man's expression softened a little.

He yelled at Chen Xin'an: "Asshole! This is not a place to sell hearing aids! Get out!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, then said innocently: "Isn't it? Are we going to the wrong place? I'm sorry to bother you!"

After speaking, he turned around, winked at Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao, and the three of them walked out of the door together.

"Stop!" Someone suddenly shouted from behind.

Chen Xin'an stopped, but Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao didn't understand and continued walking forward.

"Asshole, I told you to stop!" Xiong Man yelled.

Chen Xin'an quickly grabbed Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao's shoulders, turned to Xiong Man and said, "I told you, their ears don't work well!"

Xiong Man walked over with a sullen face, looked at the three of them, and then said coldly to Chen Xin'an: "After you get out, if you dare to call the police, I will kill you!"

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