Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2726 I am not someone they can handle

It's no fun to chat like this, young man!

Jin Enzai was completely speechless as he watched Chen Xin'an take out four or five cards from his body and report a series of numbers that stunned him!

He is not an ignorant villager. Those cards are all international gold cards. The cards themselves are not something that ordinary people can have.

Therefore, the amount mentioned cannot be false.

He also wanted to take someone as his younger brother, but he didn't expect that this guy was richer than him, the boss of the Golden Knife Society.

The entire company’s assets are not even half as much as others’, so it’s true that he can’t afford to hire someone!

Jin Enzai coughed twice in embarrassment, looked at Chen Xin'an and his eyes lost the arrogance before, and asked with a frown:

"Who are you? A hospital doctor can't be so rich!

What is the purpose of you touching me and falling to the ground? "

When he looked at Chen Xin'an, his eyes became very wary.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said to him: "Boss Jin, my target is not you.

But I am very interested in this thing you gave me, so I want to know more about this bottle of medicine.

Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you.

To be honest, if I want to kill you, these losers can't stop me. It doesn't matter how many people are around you.

I can’t even count the number of people like you who have died in my hands.

I'm not kidding you! "

Jin Enzai was sweating profusely. He could tell that Chen Xin'an didn't lie and there was no need to lie to him.

Taking a deep breath, Jin Enzai said to Chen Xin'an: "There used to be a lot of private fights in the prison.

As long as I'm in charge, there won't be any large-scale fights, but I find that everyone's tempers are getting more and more grumpy, and they're getting more and more excited. They're full of energy all day long, but there's no place to vent.

Later, I felt that I couldn't hold it in anymore, but I also felt that the situation was abnormal, so I investigated secretly.

Everyone in the prison was my little brother, so soon the brothers from the kitchen came to tell me that the prison had been adding ingredients to the prisoners’ meals for the past six months.

The boy helping the kitchen managed to get a bottle, which is the bottle you took away.

It’s just that there is registration at the prison, and if one bottle is missing, the investigation will begin.

In order to protect my little brother, I admitted that it was in my hands, but I didn't tell them where it was hidden.

In fact, the prison guards have been looking for opportunities to punish me.

I have been to several prisons in Guangtian. To put it bluntly, my words are more effective than the words of the warden in many prisons.

I also led them to fight against the prison guards and get a lot of benefits.

The prison guards hated me so much that they took this opportunity to retaliate against me severely.

Without you, I might have been beaten to death by them this time! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked Jin Enzai: "Why do the prison authorities feed you these things?

Who ordered them to do this? "

Jin Enzai shook his head and said: "I don't know about this! But I guess it has something to do with Xinghai Group.

Because I have seen with my own eyes that people from the Wen family went to the No. 1 Prison and had a long talk with the warden.

Since then, that drug has been added to meals! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, this guess was very reasonable.

Because the first time I saw this medicine, it was the former chef of Xinghai Group who personally stole it!

But the question now is, why does Xinghai Group do this? What exactly are these drugs used for?

The four bodyguards had already helped each other stand up.

Chen Xin'an only taught them a lesson, to scare the monkeys, but did not kill them.

Now the four of them looked at Chen Xin'an with fear and fear.

Only by experiencing it personally can you feel how terrifying this person is!

Once you take action, it will be easy to kill the four of them, without even a chance to resist.

A bodyguard took out his mobile phone and put it to his ear to answer it. After a while, he raised his head and said to Jin Enzai: "Boss, the car has entered the blue warehouse!"

Jin Enzai showed a sinister smile on his face and gritted his teeth and said: "Seek death? Block all exits, go in and search for me! Get the goods from me before other societies!"

"Yes!" the bodyguard responded and immediately picked up his cell phone to give the order.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked, "You did these things when you first came out?"

"That was originally my goods!" Jin Enzai shouted through gritted teeth.

He immediately thought that the opponent's strength was terrifying, and it was best not to offend him in such a unnecessary way, so he quickly sighed and said:

"The Xinghai Group has gone crazy in the past two years. They have turned into bandits and plundered wildly on the sea. They did not hesitate to make enemies of all societies and robbed a lot of goods.

However, they handled the tail of the hand very cleanly, so everyone suspected that they had robbed it, but there was not enough evidence.

We can only snatch the goods back when they sell them.

But even so, they can get away with it, so that others can't prove that the goods left their hands.

Three months ago, a batch of my goods was robbed. Even though I personally escorted the goods, I was still fooled.

They even sent me to jail and the goods were robbed.

Of course I won't tolerate this kind of shame and humiliation. Even in prison, I have always relied on my own connections to keep an eye on the Xinghai Group's movements.

Today, I received a letter from a brother telling me that the No. 3 warehouse of Haichao Company is loading goods and the goods may be shipped out at night.

So I swallowed the bottle of medicine and took advantage of the physical examination to escape.

I want to get the goods back with my own hands, and I also need to get evidence from Haichao Company.

I just want that old bastard Moon Yoo-hwan and that son of a bitch Moon Jae-hun to remember that I, Kim Eun-jae, am not someone they can manipulate at will! "

Chen Xin'an nodded. This boss Jin fell to the ground a little bloody and dared to compete with the Wen family.

You must know that this is the Dongchao, not the Great Ying Dynasty.

The black society is a force that cannot be underestimated in Da Ying. Even the police must give it some face.

But in Dongchao, black societies are simply vulnerable to behemoths like the chaebol.

A better association is the domestic dog raised by the chaebol, grinning at outsiders and solving problems for the chaebol.

If it is an ignorant society and wants to go against the chaebol, it is really overestimating its capabilities.

If the chaebol just throws it out, someone can destroy it, or even be attacked by the police, and its soul will be wiped out in an instant!

This Golden Knife Society dares to confront the Wen family. It is really not the courage that ordinary people can have.

However, he was not interested in this and did not want to get involved.

He is indeed dealing with the Wen family, but he doesn't want to get entangled with the Golden Knife Society yet.

The identity of the Chinese people is relatively sensitive here, and he does not want to cause any further complications, disrupting his previous plans due to some external factors.

Regarding the medicine in the vial, Jin Enzai couldn't provide much information, so Chen Xin'an stood up and prepared to leave.

But just as he was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something, his face changed, his eyes widened and he asked Jin Enzai:

"What did you just say? The vehicle you are tracking now comes from Haichao Company?"

"Yes!" Jin Enzai nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Haichao Company is also a company under Xinghai Group.

It used to be for overseas trade, but now it has become the stolen goods warehouse of Xinghai Group!

They specialize in handling the stolen goods for Xinghai Group, and my people have been keeping an eye on them for a long time..."

Chen Xin'an felt a tremble in his heart. It couldn't be such a coincidence, could it?

Where Lao Xiao is now is Haichao Company!

Could it be that the people who were defeated by the Golden Knife Society tonight were Lao Xiao and Liu Minyong?

It would be too dangerous for the two of them tonight!

As long as you are caught, it will be a dead end!

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