Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2727 It’s too early to talk about some plans now

Whether they are caught by the Golden Sword Society or other societies, they will be tortured madly to make them admit that they are the masterminds of Haichao Company.

If they don't say it, they will be tortured to death.

But if they get away, no matter whether they say it or not, they are traitors to Haichao Company and will never be reused.

The purpose of Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong entering Haichao Company is not just to find out the news about Snake Brother.

There is another equally important thing, which is to take back the goods that Wen Zaixun has robbed!

In this regard, it is the same as the purpose of the Golden Sword Society.

You must know that those goods are not just sent back from abroad by Snake Brother and his men across the ocean, but also obtained by Red Hood at the risk of his life.

Just like this, Wen Zaixun directly robbed them, and the brothers who sacrificed their lives died in vain!

So after Xiao Zhang said this plan, even if Chen Xinan expected it to be very risky, he couldn't object, and could only remind them to pay more attention.

But I didn't expect that Xinghai Group was so crazy and became a public enemy!

This made Xiao Zhang and his men face more dangers, but Chen Xinan couldn't help directly.

Otherwise, all the previous efforts will be wasted, and all the previous efforts will be invalidated.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xinan said to Jin Enzai: "Boss Jin, if you catch that car, tell your people not to rush to do it, I will go with you!"

Jin Enzai looked at him strangely, not understanding why he would get involved in this matter.

However, this is a good opportunity to win over the other party, and Jin Enzai will not let it go.

He laughed and said to Chen Xinan: "Okay, since Mr. Yanjun is so interested, let's wait for a while.

Don't worry, my people are not drunkards. Since we have been keeping a close eye on them, we will not let those guys escape!

Let's drink some wine and sit here and wait slowly.

It won't be too long, Mr. Yanjun, do you have any objections?"

In the monitoring room of Haichao Company, Minister Cui slammed the table and cursed: "Stupid! It's just stupid!

Where can't you go? Why did you go to Lancang Wharf?

Wait a minute, if they block the entrance and exit, it will be like catching them in a jar. It's a turtle!

Liu Guangxian, this guy, is not just disabled in his mouth, I think he has a brain disease! "

Ding Taiyou, who had originally prepared for the worst, frowned at this moment, stared at the big screen, and said in a deep voice: "I think this kid is very smart, this is a good trick!"

"Good trick?" Minister Cui turned his head and glanced at Ding Taiyou, sneered and said: "Forcing yourself into a dead end, what kind of good trick is this?"

Ding Taiyou pointed to the big screen and said: "Look at the situation at the dock before you talk!"

Minister Cui turned his head and looked at the big screen.

Lancang Wharf is the largest port in Guangtian City, with a daily throughput of more than 10,000 tons.

So even at this time, the dock is very busy, with bright lights, trucks coming and going, and loading and unloading are very tense.

After looking for a long time, Minister Cui still couldn't figure out what was going on. He asked Ding Taiyou in confusion: "Vice Chairman Ding, the wharf is only used for loading and unloading at night, and there are very few transports. If you can't get in and out, isn't this a dead end?" Ding Taiyou scolded him, "Stupid! Think about what kind of car 4458 is! Even if it is blocked inside, it is not easy to find it! If we want to take back the goods, isn't it simple?" Minister Cui widened his eyes and suddenly realized! Yes, Liu Guangxian strongly requested to change the model before leaving. Now 4458 is the same as those transport trucks at Lancang Wharf! Once they get in, how can they find so many cars? How can the company give them the time to check one by one? You have to know that the key to those guys robbing the goods is still to be unexpected and swift. Haichao Company will not just hand over the goods and leave them alone. Once they are robbed, they will immediately send people to protect them. The robbers will take the goods away before Haichao Company has time to react. This is where Haichao Company is cunning.

When shipping, they will not send regular guards to escort, because it is easy to give people a handle.

But once the goods are robbed, it is easy to disguise if someone is sent to rescue them.

Even if they are investigated, it is easy to get away, and it is not Haichao Company's fault.

Minister Cui laughed, nodded and said: "This kid, although he is a mute, he is quick-witted..."

At this point, he was stunned.

Before leaving, the mute strongly requested to change the model.

This shows that he had thought of this step a long time ago.

In other words, sneaking into the Blue Warehouse Wharf was a retreat he had thought of in advance when he was looking at the map.

How can this be called quick-witted?

This is clearly great wisdom, and it was predicted in advance!

Ding Taiyou said with admiration: "With skills, brains, and loyalty, they are the best candidates we have been looking for.

Let them do the A-goods, then it will be foolproof!"

After all, they were the people he recruited himself, and Minister Cui was also proud to be so appreciated by his superiors.

He laughed and said to Ding Taiyou: "I hope they can pass the last level! Now it depends on how they get out! If we can really deliver that batch of A-grade goods, our Xinghai Group will be able to dominate the whole group and become the leader of the Dongchao Group! By then..." Ding Taiyou also smiled, but it was fleeting. He frowned and said to him: "Minister Cui, be careful with your words!

It’s too early to tell about some plans, so don’t speculate!

The most important thing at the moment is to see how Liu Guangxian escapes from the siege!

Are the president's people already in place? "

A subordinate next to him nodded and said, "We've arrived!"

Ding Taiyou nodded and said: "That's good! Inform everyone that they must find Liu Guangxian and Liu Minyong before others find them!"

The identity must be concealed and cannot be revealed!

If anyone gets wind of this, it won't be as simple as getting fired! "

"Yes!" The subordinate responded respectfully with his heart trembling.

Immediately walked aside and made a phone call.

Ding Taiyou looked at Xiao Zhang on the big screen and murmured: "You gave me hope. Don't let me down at this last moment!"

But at this moment, the big screen suddenly started to spin, and then it turned pitch black!

All the monitoring screens have changed to this, and now everyone can no longer see what’s going on inside the car!

You must know that the monitoring equipment in the car is equipped with night vision function. Even if the lights are turned off, you can still see the monitoring range clearly.

Now that the screen is black, there is only one possibility. Liu Guangxian adjusted the surveillance and pointed the camera at the dark corner!

What does he want to do?

Ding Taiyou looked gloomy and ordered his subordinates: "Let our people hurry up and see what this guy is doing when he falls to the ground!"

Bang one

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