Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2728 Just mind your mouth and you’ll be fine

., update the latest chapters as soon as possible!

Vehicles can be seen coming and going everywhere, and the dock workers working the night shift are busy with their respective jobs.

No one paid attention to these two people and ignored them.

Liu Minyong shook his head and asked Xiao Zhang with a strange look on his face: "Why did I fall asleep? How long did I sleep? That bottle of water..."

He suddenly remembered that he became sleepy after drinking the water Xiao Zhang handed him, and fell asleep as soon as he set off.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhang turned his head and glanced at him, so scared that Liu Minyong quickly closed his mouth.

Xiao Zhang pulled him and said as he walked: "We need to find a safe place to hide now and don't let the robbers catch us!"

"So we haven't delivered the goods yet?" Liu Minyong's expression changed.

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "The people who robbed goods tonight are quite mixed, and the road ahead has been blocked.

The escort has also withdrawn. It is impossible for the two of us to break through the blockade and deliver the goods to the destination! "

Liu Minyong's expression changed, and he asked Xiao Zhang in horror: "What should we do? If we are caught, our lives will be lost!"

Where did you put your car? If it doesn’t work, let’s just give the goods to them, right?

You can't risk your life just for a new job!

Or let’s ask for support now and ask the company to send people over to assist..."

"Don't be stupid!" Xiao Zhang said coldly: "The company has no way to intervene now, otherwise it will be self-inflicted!

If the goods are lost, we will also die!

The company will not let us go. Do you really think Haichao Company is an ordinary sea trading company? "

Liu Minyong was so frightened that he trembled all over and said with a cry: "Why are you still dead?

What should we do?

You're just looking for a job, why are you risking your life?

I don’t want to die here in a daze, I’m not married yet…”

Xiao Zhang turned around, slapped Liu Minyong on the face, and cursed at him:

"Calm down!

Just mind your mouth and you'll be fine!

Haichao Company will not give up this truck easily and will definitely find a way to save us!

As long as we can survive tonight, we'll be safe!

Don't get confused, don't forget that it was you who asked to accompany me! "

Liu Minyong covered his face and wanted to cry without tears.

It was true that he took the initiative to accompany Xiao Zhang to apply for the job.

On the one hand, it is to allow myself to have a regular job. I can't just come back from Da Ying and just stay as a vagrant, right?

On the other hand, he wanted to show his kindness to Chen Xin'an and the others.

He is a powerful and wealthy boss, so if he does a little favor by the way, he will definitely be rewarded.

Just give him a little, and it can equal his salary for several months!

But I’m helping to gain benefits, not to risk my life!

Of course, he didn't dare to say this openly. He knew that Chen Xin'an and the others were not easy to mess with.

When I'm easy to talk to, I won't talk to you, but when I'm not easy to talk to, I'll kill without mercy!

At this moment, Xiao Zhang suddenly grabbed his arm and whispered: "We are being targeted!

If a fight breaks out later and you find a chance to escape, I'll stop them! "

Liu Minyong looked pale and nodded quickly. He wanted to run away now.

A group of people originally stopped the truck next to them and were questioning them. After seeing the two of them, someone took out their mobile phones and took a look at them, then walked towards them.

Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong quickened their pace and heard someone behind them shouting: "Hey, those two in front, stop!"

Xiao Zhang took a deep breath, and just when he was about to stop, Liu Minyong beside him threw his arm, broke away from him and ran forward quickly!

What a fool!

Xiao Zhang cursed secretly, this would be tantamount to bringing it upon himself!

He had no choice but to run forward quickly!

"It's them! Catch them quickly!"

"Stop them both, don't let them escape!"

"Call the other brothers over, and don't alert people from other clubs!"

There were shouts from a group of people behind him, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps, and a group of people chased after him!

Liu Minyong threw his arms and ran forward as if he was desperate!

He never thought that he could run so fast!

But because his body has not fully recovered, the influence of that bottle of water is still there, so he feels that the physical exertion of running is much greater than usual!

In less than two minutes, he was already panting and out of breath!

"Xiao... Guangxian, I can't survive anymore, please help me!" Liu Minyong gasped and shouted as he ran, but after shouting a few times, he didn't hear a response. When he turned his head and looked, his scalp was numb with fear!

Xiao Zhang did not follow!

This bastard actually left him and ran for his life!

Liu Minyong felt very aggrieved, but at this moment, someone shouted from the side: "This way!"

Turning around and looking over, Xiao Zhang was standing next to the container and waved to him.

This should be the temporary storage area. Tall and large containers are neatly stacked together, but the passage in the middle is wide enough to allow a car to pass freely.

Liu Minyong ran over without saying a word and shouted aggrievedly to Xiao Zhang: "I thought you left me and ran away!"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "I will not abandon my friends and run for my life!

You can't just run forward like a headless fly without knowing the way. Go around here to get to the door. Your route just now leads directly to the seaside. If they block it, it will be a dead end! "

Liu Minyong's face was hot and he felt a little embarrassed.

Just now, he was really panicking and didn't know where he was going!

"Here!" The pursuers behind him arrived, and they quickly pulled out their short knives and rushed towards the two of them.

Xiao Zhang didn't waste any words, waved to Liu Minyong, and ran into the container area.

The terrain here is complicated, with many exits. Hiding in it is like walking in a maze, and it is difficult to be caught.

On the cruise ship at the seaside, Jin Enzai looked embarrassed.

Just now, he boasted to others that his younger brothers were not good-for-nothings, and they would not be thrown away if they kept a close eye on people, but he didn't expect that after so long, he still didn't catch them!

I really didn't expect that the other party would use such a trick to hide the car in the Blue Warehouse Wharf!

Originally thought that it was a turtle in a jar, but it turned out to be a fish in a pond.

There are blue container trucks everywhere, and there are hundreds of them in the entire port. Which one is my target?

If we check one by one, we may not be able to finish the check until dawn!

Fortunately, it is not convenient to find a car, but it is easy to find a person.

Anyway, we have taken photos. As long as we can find those two people, the goods will be in our hands!

So a group of brothers immediately dispersed to find people. As long as they can see if the driver in the car is the guy on the phone, it will be fine.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the car entered the Lancang Wharf, the people and the car disappeared as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth!

Finally, the brothers sent a message again. The two drivers finally appeared, but they ran out on foot, and the car was gone!

But it doesn’t matter. As long as we can catch these two people, we can definitely find out the hiding place of the goods under interrogation. Anyway, it is at the Lancang Wharf and can’t run away!

"Listen to me!" Jin Enzai said with a gloomy face, holding the phone: "Catch those two people at all costs!

I will go to interrogate them personally, understand?"

The younger brother responded on the phone: "Don't worry, boss, they are trapped in the container. Our people are here, and they can't escape!"

"Okay, I'll get ready now, you keep an eye on them, don't let them run away, and do it when it's time, understand?"

Chen Xin'an said to him with a gloomy face: "If you beat them to death, who are you going to ask for the goods?"

Jin Enzai reacted immediately and said to the phone: "Don't kill them! I want them alive!"

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