Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2733 There must be a traitor in the company

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When he woke up again, it was pitch black all around.

He shook his body to make sure he was still alive.

Although his body was soft and tired, Xiao Zhang was sure that he was still intact and alive.

There were footsteps next to him, and someone came over and shone a flashlight on his face.

Then a hand stretched out in front of him, opened his eyes without saying anything, and looked at him carefully.

Then a few people came over, loosened his belt, and the fixation on his hands and feet.

Before he could react, his arms were held by two people and his body was lifted up.

His arms were placed on the shoulders of the people next to him and dragged forward.

Before Xiao Zhang could figure out what these people wanted to do and what methods they used to torture him, he saw that the people in front had opened the door and a bright light shone in, which was very dazzling!

He subconsciously turned his head and closed his eyes, but there was a cheer and harsh applause in his ears!

When his eyes adapted to the light, he could see the surrounding environment clearly.

This is actually... the warehouse area of ​​Haichao Company!

Behind him is Warehouse No. 3, which is where he is leaving tonight.

There are many people standing in front of him, including Ding Taiyou and Minister Cui, as well as all the colleagues from the transportation team.

There are also some company leaders and office people, and even people from the security department.

Having recovered some strength, he shook his arms and signaled the people next to him to let him go.

Looking at these people in front of him, Xiao Zhang's face showed a puzzled expression.

The screams next to him seemed to ask his inner voice: "This... what is going on? Aren't we caught by the robbers? How come we are in the company?"

It turned out that Liu Minyong was not dead, and he walked out without anyone's help!

Xiao Zhang understood in an instant that all this was a trap!

One person came out with a smile on his face, clapped his hands and said: "Congratulations to the two of you, you have successfully passed our test!

Welcome, you have officially become the exclusive driver of Haichao Company!"

This person is the man with glasses who sat at the same table with them at dinner tonight.

"Test?" Liu Minyong looked at him in confusion and said with a crying voice: "Everything before was just a test?"

Ding Taiyou smiled and said to him: "It was almost not! You were really caught by the Golden Sword Society.

Fortunately, our people took the lead and took you back before you were taken away by them!"

Liu Minyong opened his mouth wide, looked at everyone, and murmured: "So it was your people who beat me later?"

The man with glasses smiled and said: "Our exclusive driver must be loyal enough to the company, so I prepared this little test.

I will compensate you for your suffering!

This is a compensation for you, and there will be more in the future!

Take a rest for two days and take good care of your body!"

He waved his hand, and the person next to him brought two trays.

There were two black bank cards on them.

The man with glasses said to Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong: "There are 10 million Chaoyuan on each card. You can use it to buy some nutritional supplements to replenish your body. From now on, you are the company's exclusive drivers, with an annual salary of 50 million!" The people around exclaimed, especially the people in the transportation team and the security department, who were full of envy. This is no longer a salary, but a special salary! But no matter how envious they are, no one thinks they deserve this money. The mute and his cousin are awesome! Everyone watched this game from beginning to end, and no one thought they could pass such a test smoothly! Xiao Zhang did not take the card, but just walked over, pushed the man with glasses away, clenched his fist, and hit the two people holding the tray hard! The people around exclaimed. Ding Taiyou and Minister Cui were also shocked and shouted at Xiao Zhang: "What are you doing, mute?

Are you crazy?

They are Chairman Wen's people!"

"It's okay!" The man with glasses was calm, even with an appreciative smile, and nodded to Xiao Zhang and said: "I like this kind of temper!"

The people holding the tray were Brother Jishi and Yuangen.

At this moment, Yuangen's left ear was only simply bandaged. After being punched twice by Xiao Zhang, the blood stained the gauze red again.

But he didn't dare to dodge, so he could only lower his head and let Xiao Zhang vent.

Even in his eyes, he had a little fear of the guy in front of him.

He had never seen such a desperate person!

Brother Jishi also stood still and let Xiao Zhang punch and kick him.

He was the president's personal bodyguard. On weekdays, others were respectful to him. Even those arrogant guys in the security department had to bow and kowtow when they saw him.

Except for the president, no one dared to do this to him.

But now, he didn't even have the courage to fight back, because if he dared to do that, the president would fire him without hesitation in the next second!

For someone who was favored by the president, let alone beating him up, he would have to endure even if he was ridden on his head and shit.

Xiao Zhang had vented enough, so he stopped, panting.

He walked two steps to the side, bent down to pick up the black card on the ground, and then threw one to Liu Minyong.

Liu Minyong, who was pale, took it tremblingly and looked at everyone. He felt that this card was hotter than a red-hot iron, so he couldn't take it or not.

Xiao Zhang generously put it in his pocket, turned around and wanted to leave, but the man with glasses stopped him and said with a smile: "When the task is completed, you can come out and be my full-time driver!"

Xiao Zhang looked at him with a disdainful expression, as if asking: "Who are you?"

Ding Taiyou quickly explained to him from the side: "Thank you, president! This is the president of our Haichao Company, Mr. Wen Zaixunwen!"

Is he Moon Jae-hoon?

Xiao Zhang glanced at the man in front of him and saw that he was staring at him with a smile. He hesitated and bowed to Moon Jae-hun.

Moon Jae-hun laughed loudly, patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and said, "Not bad! Work hard, the company will not treat you badly!"

Liu Minyong bowed to Moon Jae-hun excitedly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chairman! By the way, Mr. Chairman, don't you want to know where my brother hid the goods in the truck?

In fact, I also knew it, but I just gritted my teeth and didn't tell anyone, and I withstood the president's test!

So let my brother tell everyone..."

Moon Jae-hoon smiled and said: "The goods have been shipped back, and there is a positioning system on the car. No matter where you are hiding, I can find it.

However, putting the car in the dock repair shop and mixing it with the vehicles that need to be repaired is indeed an unexpected hiding place!

You are doing a good job, you are smart, and you are resourceful. This is why I think highly of you! "

Liu Minyong was stunned, smiled awkwardly, and glanced at Xiao Zhang.

Moon Jae-hoon put away his smile, looked at Xiao Zhang and asked, "I have only one question for you, why did you turn off the surveillance camera?"

Xiao Zhang raised his head, looked at Wen Zaixun, then turned around and walked to Liu Minyong, gesturing at him constantly.

In fact, he was talking to Liu Minyong in Chinese, in a voice that only two people could hear.

After a while, Liu Minyong walked up to Moon Jae-hun and said to him: "My brother said that he suspected that there was a traitor in the company!

Because of the two deliveries, the enemy knew our route very clearly, and it was obvious that someone on the inside had revealed it!

He was afraid that the traitor would find out where the goods were hidden, so he deliberately turned the camera around. "

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