Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2734 You are giving us the face of the transportation squad leader

These words made everyone around them look shocked and in an uproar.

Ding Taiyou and Minister Cui shouted at the same time: "Don't talk nonsense! Do you know what impact your random suspicion will have on the people in the company?"

"Where is the traitor? What do you, a newcomer, know? Do you think us leaders are just freeloaders?"

However, Moon Jae-hun laughed, waved his hand and said, "Don't get excited, Guangxian and Minyong are just guessing.

As for whether there is a traitor, I already know it.

Do you think so, Minister Cui? "

Minister Cui was stunned for a moment, looked at Moon Jae-hun nervously and said, "That's what President Moon said.

President Wen has a sharp eye and knows things like a god.

If there was a traitor, how could it escape Chairman Moon's eyes? "

Moon Jae-hun grinned, and the bodyguard next to him suddenly rushed up and held Minister Cui's arms on the left and right, preventing him from moving.

Minister Cui’s expression changed drastically, he looked at Moon Jae-hun in surprise and said, “President, what are you doing?

You don't suspect that I'm a spy, do you?

I am loyal to Xinghai. If I had not followed your father through life and death, how could the Wen family be where it is today?

Xiaoxun, this must be a misunderstanding, you must not be impulsive..."

With a warm smile on his face, Moon Jae-hoon stretched his left hand to the side, and Brother Jishi immediately put a dagger in his hand.

"Xiaoxun, I'm your Uncle Cui, don't mess around!" Seeing Wen Zaixun's actions, Minister Cui's expression changed, and he glared at Wen Zaixun and said:

"I just took their money and didn't betray our company.

Even if I don't tell them about those routes, it won't be difficult for them to get them.

I lost a lot recently and needed a lot of money. I was so obsessed that I accepted their conditions!

You give Uncle Cui a chance. Considering that Uncle Cui has been loyal to the Wen family for so many years, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Moon Jae-hun took the dagger and suddenly stabbed him hard in the chest!

Minister Cui's body twisted violently, but he was held tightly by the bodyguard next to him.

His eyes widened, he looked at Moon Jae-hun in disbelief and said: "Moon Jae-hun, give me to your dad and let him deal with me!

If we hadn't worked so hard to fight for your Wen family back then, how could your Wen family..."


Moon Jae-hun held the handle of the knife with both hands, used all his strength, and slowly stabbed the dagger into Minister Cui's chest!

The terrible thing is that from beginning to end, Wen Zaixun never gave her a happy ending and killed her with a single knife.

He just held the knife with both hands and inserted the blade into Minister Cui's body bit by bit, letting him meet death bit by bit!

Minister Cui was speechless, and his body's struggle had weakened a lot.

His eyes widened, and black blood clots began to spit out from his mouth. His chest rose and fell rapidly, but it still made him feel out of breath.

Moon Jae-hun stabbed the dagger halfway in, then released the handle, looked at Minister Cui and said: "Golden Knife Society, Four-Star Group, Daxin Group.

Do you know why I never caught you out?

I just want to know who is so unafraid of death that he dares to attack me, Xinghai!

Now that I have caught the fish, your bait is useless!

Don't worry and die. I think you already knew the consequences of betraying the Wen family before entering the Xinghai! "

After speaking, Moon Jae-hun waved his hand and asked his men to drag Minister Cui away.

Minister Cui is not dead yet, but his heart has been severely damaged. Not even gods can save him!

After doing all this, Wen Zaixun turned around, took the wet wipe handed over by his subordinate, wiped the blood on his hands, smiled and said to Xiao Zhang:

"Okay, from now on, no matter what kind of goods you deliver, the route will not be leaked!"

With a look of fear on his face, Xiao Zhang took a step back, lowered his head, and saluted Wen Zaixun.

Liu Minyong was like a kowtowing insect, nodding his head constantly and stammering: "Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen said, you're right!"

Moon Jae-hun smiled slightly, turned his head and asked those around him: "What did you see?"

There was silence all around. Ding Taiyou was the first to react and said loudly:

"Because Minister Cui's identity as a commercial espionage was exposed, he armed himself with a weapon and injured the company's senior executives out of guilt. He fell down while escaping and accidentally stabbed himself to death!

This is his own fault and has nothing to do with anyone else! "

"Yes, he accidentally stabbed himself to death. It had nothing to do with anyone else!" Everyone also reacted and shouted.

Moon Jae-hun laughed loudly, nodded to Ding Taiyou, waved his hand and said, "Vice President Ding, everyone has worked hard tonight, and each person will be given one million in overtime pay and bonuses.

Okay, you go down, and you two should go back and rest quickly. I will arrange a doctor to send you there for treatment tomorrow! "

Ding Taiyou nodded quickly, waved to everyone, and announced the disbandment.

Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong also turned and left, heading towards the dormitory.

Standing in front of the bathroom sink, Xiao Zhang held water in both hands and splashed it on his face.

The cold water washed away the blood on his face, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Xiao Zhang's mouth.

I dare not say that he knew this was a trap from the beginning, but in the end Brother Jishi and his gang showed up, and Xiao Zhang knew that he was safe.

Except for people within himself, it is impossible for outsiders to know that he is mute, let alone his relationship with Liu Minyong.

And although those guys acted very fiercely and beat people hard, they didn't dare to attack his arm.

He is also very measured when he hits people. He doesn't dare to hit hard and kill people!

So now he has all flesh injuries, except for a stick on his head, which may have caused a slight concussion.

This is why he wanted to take revenge on Yuan Gen and Brother Jishi after the mystery was revealed.

It's just acting. If you really do it, then don't blame me for settling the accounts for you!

Moon Jae-hoon prides himself on being smart and arranged such a situation.

Xiao Zhang simply pretended to be confused and used a trick.

He was sure that tonight would not go well. There was no reason for Haichao Company to trust two newcomers so easily.

It’s just that he didn’t expect to fight, but he would meet An Geer!

There's only one chance that this plan of cheating will be defeated and all the efforts will be wasted.

Fortunately, An Geer was originally a very smart person. After receiving his hint, he immediately chose to endure and cooperate, so that the plan was successfully completed.

This is a game within a game, and the only variable is Liu Minyong.

Based on his understanding of this guy, once this kid is in danger, he will sell everyone out immediately!

So from the very beginning, Xiao Zhang directly eliminated this variable and tricked him into drinking the medicine-added water, making him sleep all the way.

It's just that this unlucky guy was obviously telling the truth and didn't know anything, but he was regarded as a tough talker and was cared for all night. This was something Xiao Zhang didn't expect.

Now that the test has been successfully passed, the next step that Haichao Company arranges for him to do is to have Brother Snake robbed.

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