Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2735 You are just a dog of my Wen family

There was a knock on the door, and sleepy Wang Hao walked over to open the door.

The waiter pushed the dining station to the door, smiled at him and said, "Sir, you ordered dinner!"

Wang Hao frowned and looked at the dining car strangely. Are you crazy? Who the hell doesn’t sleep at two or three in the morning to order dinner?

The waiter tilted his head and looked inside, asking strangely: "Didn't you order it?

But the order clearly states...

Sorry sir, it's room 2024, next door!

I made a mistake and disturbed your rest, I apologize to you! "

Wang Hao waved his hands impatiently, yawned, and prepared to close the door.

At this moment, there was a sudden pain in my chest.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest, only to find that there was a needle inserted!

"You..." Wang Hao pointed at the waiter, but before he could finish speaking, an irresistible feeling of dizziness came over him. His head tilted and his body went limp.

The waiter stepped forward, hugged him, and placed him on the dining car.

Luo Xiaoman, who heard the movement, shouted: "Brother Hao?"

no respond.

Luo Xiaoman came from the living room and asked at the door: "Brother Hao, who is it?"

When I looked around, I happened to find the waiter pushing the dining cart. Wang Hao was lying on the dining cart, leaving the door of the room and heading towards the elevator.

"Stop!" Luo Xiaoman shouted and chased after him!

The waiter also quickened his pace and pushed the dining car into the elevator cabin, which opened the door in advance!

The moment the elevator door closed, a hand suddenly stretched out, and then the elevator door was forcibly opened!

Wang Hao was still lying down in the dining car. Luo Xiaoman held his shoulders and asked, "Brother Hao, how are you?"

At this moment, the elevator door behind him closed and the elevator started running.

Overhead, the waiter stood on the skylight, grabbing the cable with his gloved hands and grinning at him: "Bye!"

As the elevator descended, the waiter used the rope buckle on his body to quickly rise on the cable, getting further and further away from him.

"Damn! You run fast, don't let me catch you!" Luo Xiaoman cursed, turned around and pressed the button for the 19th floor.

But what stunned him was that the button on the 19th floor failed!

Not just this floor, all the buttons on the panel are malfunctioning, and the elevator will drop straight to the negative floor!

"It's broken!" Luo Xiaoman's expression changed, remembering that the door to the guest room was not closed yet!

Only then did he realize that he had fallen into the enemy's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

It's just that the unconscious Wang Hao is still in front of him, otherwise he would have to find a way to get out through the skylight!

He helped Wang Hao back to the room. As expected, Wen Chengmin and Xiong Nan were both gone!

Luo Xiaoman looked gloomy and checked Wang Hao's condition.

Seeing that although he was lethargic, his breathing was still normal, I was relieved.

In the darkness, a black commercial vehicle rushed out of the underground parking lot and parked on the side of the road.

Looking at the Hemu Hotel building not far away, Wen Chengmin, who had just escaped, gritted his teeth and said to the people around him:

"Seal this place for me, I'm going to capture those damn bastards alive!

Whatever they did to me, I must repay ten times the price!

Remember, I want to live.

Before I had enough fun, I was reluctant to let them die!

I want these bastard Chinese people to know how terrible my Dongchao Wen family is! "

"Don't move! Do you want to kill us?" The bear man next to him yelled at the guy next to him who was pulling out the needle for him.

The death of Hao Er still makes Xiong Nan feel lingering fear in his heart.

The steel needle stuck in the body can only be pulled out by people with medical skills. If others pull it out randomly, they will end up like Hao Er, and die miserably!

Xiong Man gritted his teeth and said to Wen Chengmin: "Thankfully those Chinese people were stupid enough and Mr. Wen also had careful arrangements, so we were able to escape!

It's a pity that the main guy is not on it, but his two friends are there, which is not enough to relieve the hatred! "

Wen Chengmin squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "He will always come back! Zhitai, has the decoration upstairs been completed?"

A man in a suit next to him lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, Third Young Master, a dragnet has been laid.

Even if that Chinese guy turns into a fly, don't even think about escaping tonight!

The eldest son asked me to tell you, go back as soon as you come out!

Don't get distracted by these trivial matters, that batch of goods is important, and you still need to contact the Holy Master! "

Wen Chengmin cursed angrily: "You don't usually want to see me, but you think of me when you are dealing with the Holy Master, right?

I've been bullied like this, why aren't I allowed to take revenge?

Ignore him, I must say this before I go see the Holy Master again! "

Zhitai said with an embarrassed look on his face: "But the eldest son said that he would take you back immediately after rescuing you!

Those Chinese people are not to be trifled with, otherwise they would not have allowed the Holy Master to chase Dongchao himself!

Third Young Master, it’s too dangerous here, we’d better go back first…”

Wen Chengmin frowned and scolded him: "Remember, you are the dog of my Wen family, not just the master of Wen Zaixun!

I am also a member of the Wen family. You can do whatever you are told. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let you get out of the Wen family!

In front of me, the more loyal you are to Moon Jae-hun, the more annoying I will be, do you understand? "

Ji Tai's face turned blue and white, and the muscles on both sides of his cheeks bulged. He glanced at Wen Chengmin, lowered his head and said:

"Yes, Third Young Master!

Please rest assured, Third Young Master, this place has been decorated.

As soon as that Chinese guy comes back, he can only be captured obediently!

As for the two upstairs, they can be controlled at any time! "

Wen Chengmin waved his hand and said to Zhitai: "Then there's no need to wait, let the people above take action on those two guys first.

After controlling them, the man named Chen did not dare to resist.

Don't be afraid of the hotel, I'll just compensate them for any loss! "

Zhitai nodded, took out the walkie-talkie, and said in a deep voice: "Guangxian, it's time to take action!"

Luo Xiaoman helped Wang Hao lie down on the bed, brought a bottle of mineral water, took a big sip, then pointed it at Wang Hao's face and sprayed it out with a pop.

Wang Hao's eyelids moved, as if he wanted to wake up but could not open his eyes.

"They all use this trick on TV!" Luo Xiaoman looked strange. He was not a doctor and did not understand medical skills. Lao Chen was not here. Now, if he wanted to wake up Wang Hao, he could only use this trick.

I didn't expect it to work at all.

Just as he was about to pour the entire bottle of mineral water on Wang Hao's head, his arm suddenly froze and became motionless.

His right ear moved twice, and there was faint movement at the door.

It was definitely not the sound of Lao Chen coming back, but the sound of someone walking quietly outside the door, and the sound of the door lock demagnetizing.

Luo Xiaoman stood up, rolled up Wang Hao with the quilt, and pushed him inside.

He quietly came to the door and watched as the handle in front of him pressed down slightly. The door opened quietly, and a head poked its head in.

Looked around

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