Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2739 You are all dogs of the Holy Master

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Chen Xin'an, who was squatting on the hood, gently twisted the steel needle, shook his head, and motioned for him to get out of the car.

Zhitai didn't dare to hesitate at all, opened the car door and got out obediently.

The next second, there was a loud crash and the windshield was kicked open.

Chen Xin'an grabbed it with one hand, lifted up the entire glass that had turned into a spider web, and threw it aside.

Looking at Wen Chengmin who was shrinking into a ball with fear, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly: "Did I let you go?"

There was no color on Wen Chengmin's face. He opened his eyes wide and shouted to Chen Xin'an in horror:

"Don't come here!

Go away, get me out of here, I want to go home! "

He had never been so afraid of someone.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an was more terrifying than a devil in his eyes!

Zhitai glanced around and shouted loudly: "Protect the Third Young Master and fight with this man!"

"Fight him!" Everyone shouted in unison, looking like they were rushing to come over.

But it was just a show, and he didn't really come over.

Chen Xin'an did not reveal it, but instead leaned into the car and pulled Wen Chengmin out!

"Stop messing around, get out of here!" Wen Chengmin screamed in fear. It's not like he died in the hands of this guy in a daze!

He had seen this guy kill someone with his own eyes, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to think that the other party really didn't dare to attack him!

Everyone looked unwilling, but they scrambled to take a few steps back.

Wen Chengmin turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said tremblingly: "What on earth do you want to do?

How can I be willing to let you go?

At worst, I promise you, all the previous matters will be wiped out and I won’t argue with you, okay? "

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at Wen Chengmin with contempt and said, "What if I argue with you?"

Wen Chengmin was stunned for a moment, frowned at Chen Xin'an and said, "Okay, I'll compensate you. Tell me, how much do you want?"

"Are you an idiot?" Chen Xin'an looked at Wen Chengmin mockingly and asked.

Wen Chengmin was furious. Just when he was about to say something to him, Chen Xin'an snorted and said:

"Even if you want to write it off, will the so-called Holy Master allow you, the Wen family, to stay out of the matter?"

Wen Chengmin was stunned and speechless.

Yes, as long as it is known that Chen Xin'an is in Guangtian City, the Holy Master will definitely use the Wen family's power in Guangtian City to capture this person.

Even if he didn't participate, the rest of the Wen family would not dare to go against the Holy Master's wishes.

There is no way, the Holy Master's power in Dongchao is too strong, and he has a large number of contacts in his hands.

If the Wen family dares to offend the Holy Master, all business will be affected.

Those big financial groups that are closely related to the Holy Master are eager to take advantage of this opportunity to squeeze out the Wen family!

Wen Chengmin said with some guilt: "I will advise my family not to let them interfere..."

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Wen Chengmin suddenly raised his head and said, "As long as the news that you are in Guangtian City does not spread, the Holy Master will not come to find you!"

He looked around and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, everyone here is from our Wen family, they will listen to whatever I say!

With a straight face, Wen Chengmin said to everyone in Zhitai: "Everyone can get a reward of five million yuan today, but I want you to keep your mouth shut about what happened today. Do you understand?"

Zhitai and a group of thugs looked at each other and nodded.

Today's action was arranged by the old man's instructions to the eldest son.

Therefore, these things cannot be hidden if they don't tell them.

The third young master is just a dandy who doesn't understand anything. He thinks he can hide the truth in this way. He is so naive!

But everyone knows his character and temper clearly, and now that he says this, everyone pretends to agree.

When the old man or the eldest son asks you later, just tell the truth.

Rather than offending the third young master, everyone is more afraid of making the old man or the eldest young master angry!

"Are you relieved now?" Wen Chengmin asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, glanced at the ground, and asked him, "Did the Third Young Master forget that there is someone else here?"

Wen Chengmin then remembered that Xiong Man was still lying on the ground. He snorted coldly and said to Chen Xin'an:

“Those people in the gym alliance also rely on the support of our Wen family to survive.

Now that I have said this, they dare not refuse! "

The bear man was lying on the ground, his nose was bleeding, and he looked a little miserable.

Just now he was forced out of the car by Ji Tai, and even if he didn't touch the needle, he still tasted the consequences of some strenuous activities.

The uncomfortable feeling forced the bear man to lie motionless on the ground, adjust his breathing, and make his body adapt to the influence of the needle as much as possible.

Now I finally feel better, but the lingering fear in my heart has not disappeared. I hate Zhitai in my heart, even more than I hate Chen Xin'an.

I also hate Moon Chengmin!

This bastard didn't even have the intention to say a word to him just now, let alone take him away!

When Wen Chengmin asked him, Xiong Nan snorted coldly, lay on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, Third Young Master, our gym alliance is not under the control of the Wen family.

It was the Holy Master who founded the alliance back then, and we only followed the orders of the Holy Master.

Since the Holy Master has given us an order, and I have also met this person, as long as I don't die, I will definitely report the news to Chao Jing! "

"You..." Wen Chengmin's face turned blue with anger.

How dare this slave-like guy disobey his orders!

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, then pulled Wen Chengmin to the side.

Before Zhitai could react, Chen Xin'an turned around, raised his hand, and pulled out a short knife from his waist!

Only then did Zhitai react, but his whole body was already stiff and he didn't dare to move.

If the other party had not pulled out his knife just now, but had given him a knife, he would have been lying on the ground and turned into a corpse by now!

The key is that he didn't react until he died!

Looking at the knife in Chen Xin'an's hand, Wen Chengmin was so frightened that his legs weakened. He stammered and asked: "What do you want to do? Don't mess around!"

But Chen Xin'an put the knife into his hand, then twisted the steel needle on his head, and then gave him the needle!

The feeling of burden that seemed to be chained all over my body disappeared.

Wen Chengmin felt that his body was very relaxed at this moment, like the state when he was recovering from a serious illness.

He lowered his head and looked at the knife in his hand, and then at Chen Xin'an, with confusion on his face.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the bear man on the ground and said to him: "If you want me to let you go, it's not impossible.

Since you want to hide it from the Holy Master, then this person is your biggest obstacle.

If you can't hide it from the Holy Master, I won't let you go, so one of you must die today! "

Wen Chengmin was stunned, lowering his head and looking at the bear man lying on the ground unable to move.

Xiong Nan also heard Chen Xin'an's words, his expression changed, he looked at Wen Chengmin in horror and said:

"Third, Third Young Master, don't be rude or impulsive.

If you really dare to do this, the Tao and Gym Alliance will not let you go! "

Wen Chengmin cursed with a ferocious expression: "Go to your gym alliance!

You are a group of charlatans who only know how to deceive others. Will our Wen family be afraid of you? "

Xiong Nan said in a trembling voice: "The Holy Master will not let you go!"

This sentence touched Wen Chengmin's heart. What he fears most is the Holy Master!

Chen Xin'an said at the side: "If you don't kill him, I will kill you!

I don't even pay attention to your so-called holy master. Is it difficult to kill the third son of the Wen family?

Why, you can't do it, can you?

In this way, the Wen family sounds very prosperous in Guangtian City, but it is just a dog of the Holy Master!

There may be more than one Saint Master for dogs like you, right?

These people are also dogs of the Holy Master, you are considered the same kind! "

"Shut up!" Wen Chengmin shouted angrily, widened his eyes and shouted at Chen Xin'an:

"Don't insult the Wen family!

How can these trash be compared to the Wen family?

How could their fate be the same as mine!

I'll kill him now! "

As he spoke, he tightened his grip on the knife and stabbed the bear man hard!

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